Curator's Dashboard

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Revision as of 01:37, 24 April 2018 by Malcolmmcc (talk | contribs)
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This is a page dedicated to the EUSwiki curator for tracking purposes.
Please do not edit this page.

If this page is found, it may provide some semblance of order to the scattered project that is (or was) the EUSwiki.

Big ol ToDos

  • "HEY YOU. Pick a day, sit down, write a shit ton of articles. You have the resources from archives. We're at a measly ~300 pages, most of which are empty/incomplete, redirects, or not great. You can do this.
  • This is really annoying. Special:Random seems to have a proclivity for navigating to our Chants section, such as Froshimien Rhapsody, 12 days, and so on. There are loads of other pages, yet it goes back. out of probably 20 redirects, 3 were froshimien. Maybe I'm just in one of those weird instances where extremely uncommon chance based things occur, implying pattern. I hate this, of all pages to be consistently redirected to, this is not what I want. It also goes to Queer Engineer, VP Finance, and IT Committee a whole lot. Apparently the /includes/specials/Specialpagerandom.php generates a random integer that loops if it surpasses the total number of articles, which, while there's a comment claiming it does not effect probability, I think may...?
  • Update:I may have fixed it?
  • Is Joey's Rules of Order a Policy?? Not really
  • Why is SelComm Old in the Policy folder?
  • Add facebook icons to EUS Groups Pages using Template:FacebookIcon
  • Where's Ski Trip Policy?
  • Update:It's being worked on, nothing passed yet
  • Meet up with incoming execs to show them the lay of the land
  • Look into adding different default fonts
  • Infrastructure:
  • Update wiki to the newest format
  • Create new virtual machine on AWS to migrate to
  • Install Mobile view, visual editor, (must be after MediaWiki Update)
  • Update Modules
  • Holy moly update that room bookings area. I'd love for there to be unique pages for every bookable space (or in the case of trottier, different headers in the same article for the different rooms). This should be straightforward?
  • Add extension/ look into addition of "last updated" super module that will display last edit date on the top right and some kind of dashboard to see most outdated pages
  • Create Master Category That should in one way or another start categorizing everything into articles


Tracking is a new form of, well, tracking the different pages across the wiki. It's built on the addition of hidden categories to pages that are the responsibility of explicit entities such as execs, departments, etc. It has not become so minute as individual groups yet as that would be unnecessarily trivial. The breakdown can be found in the Category:Tracking page, or in the below category tree.

Major Pages

These pages are jump points to major resources on the wiki. If these pages are not constantly up to date the wiki loses it's credibility.

Empty, Stubs, In Progress

Another way to checkout what's going is by checking out the "What links here" for Template:Empty, Template:Stub, and Template:In Progress.

VIKI Wiki Mapping

This is a fun extension that needs some taming, but in short you can use it to map connections between different pages. Good for visualization for something, I'm just not sure what yet...