Clubs Hub

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The Clubs Hub is a storage and working space located in the basement of McConnell. Its primary purpose is to provide storage space to clubs, specifically through independent lockers. Clubs can contact the Administrative Manager for locker allocation.

Clubs Hub is available for storage from other groups upon request. Space in Clubs Hub is limited, but reach out to the VP Student Life if you think it’s the best storage option for your group.


It's unknown when Clubs Hub was acquired by the EUS as a space (to this editor at least).

EUS 2020

In W15, as a part of EUS 2020, the EUS raised funding from Alumni, Faculty, and more to upgrade the MEDN and Clubs Hub furniture, tools, and amenities

The Elevator Incident

Pre-2017 Redesign

January 24, 2017, Jay Han proposed a capital request to the EUS Council that essentially reorganized the entire Clubs Hub. The space was previously cluttered, inefficient use of space, without enough storage, and more. The proposed redesign included the creation of central work/conference space, lockers for each group's storage (secured) and for shared supplies (unsecured), a wall mounted TV, and all around new furniture.

Unfortunately once all the purchases were made, it came to light in March of the same year that McGill was going to be installing an elevator in the McConnell Lobby to make the EngCaf accessible. This drastically shifted the space made available in Clubs Hub, and the project was therefore never fully realized.


In the 2018 MoA Negotiation, the EUS was able to secure the Clubs Hub and MEDN in its name. This included the addition of a clause (Appendix F-D) such that any maintenance that affects our space will be broadcasted to us well in advance.