EUS Conference

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EUS conference 1617.jpg

The EUS Conference occurs at the beginning of every fall semester with the purpose of educating, advising, and encouraging personal growth within EUS Groups and departmental executives. The idea is to bring together students to share their knowledge, introduce EUS resources, and get into that EUS involvement spirit. The day is generally mandatory for all committee chairs, club presidents, departmental execs, design team representatives, & service managers. Food provided of course!


There tends to be concurrent events allowing people to pick and choose what content they'd most like to learn about; there's just too much programming to have everything available.

Session Description Presenter
EUS 101 We kick off the day with a quick overview of what the EUS is, what we do, and what organizations, both internal and external to McGill, we work with. President & VP External
Outreach & Involvement Why people get involved, how we can make it more meaningful, and what we can do to grow the volunteer base of the EUS. VP Student Life
Online Payments This session will discuss how to use the online ticketing service Yapsody, and all the extended functionalities. VP Services
Techsavvy The technical services and resources that are available to you and your organization, and tips and tricks for getting the most out of the Google Suite. IT Director
Event Planning Gain useful knowledge in conflict resolution, risk management and logistics for EUS events. VP Internal
Mental Health Prioritizing mental health while also balancing your position in the EUS, your academics, and any other commitments you may have. Mental Health Commissioner
EUS Finance EUS financial procedures and resources. VP Finance
Branding & Marketing GIFs, Dank Memes, and some other stuff VP Communications
EUS Academics Academic committees, funds, and resources available to all EUS organizations. VP Academic
Closing Remarks Why Volunteer? What is the point of it all? An alumnus (2017 Marc Chelala)

Previous Presentations