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Folder Minutes Reports

# Type Item Notes Decision
5.01 Presentation Departmental Budgets Each department presents it's budget to council, questioned with scrutiny. N/A
6.01 Notice CEUS Capital Fund Allocation Civil looking to increase lounge security with card reader, council votes to recommend executive committee to approve the funding (as capital expenses require notice and this is the final council) Passed
6.02 Motion Creation of IT Committee Policy Confluence of TeN, website, and the wiki into one joint committee. Question split to approve of the overall structure, specific sections sent for further review by BoG Passed in part
6.03 Motion Ratification of Associate Member Revisiting of Jasmin de Campos, approved. Passed
6.04 Motion Mental Health Committee Policy Mental health committee created in an official capacity to reflect it's inception at he beginning of the academic year Passed
6.05 Motion O-Week Committee Bylaws Cleaned up unecessarily complex bylaws. Passed
6.06 Motion E-Week Bylaws Cleaned up in a nearly identical way to O-Week Passed
6.07 Motion Inclusion of BUSS in PBRC Bylaws Acknowledging the newly created departmental society, BUSS Passed
6.08 Motion Inclusion of BUSS in EUSF Bylaws Acknowledging the newly created departmental society, BUSS Passed
6.09 Motion Inclusion of BUSS in EFC Bylaws Acknowledging the newly created departmental society, BUSS Passed
6.10 Motion Space Director Bylaws Official creation of the Space Director position, which had been held for the academic year to date Passed
6.11 Motion EUS Endorsement of the SSMU Open letter for MCMHS EUS endorsement to SSMU's letter to McGill Counseling & Mental Health Services Passed
6.12 Motion Capital Allocation MEDN Computers See notice of motion from previous council Passed
6.13 Motion Ratification of the BoG Members at Large 4 members selected by selection committee created in previous council (as referendum question passed). Names not listed. Passed
6.14 Motion Finance Director Bylaws Budget director renamed, few minor changes added to the portfolio. Passed