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Folder Minutes Reports

# Type Item Notes Decision
6.00 Notice MEDN Computers SSF Capital Expense Approximately $5200 to be spent on 4 computers for MEDN, two new two replacements. N/A
6.01 Motion Inclusion of BUSS in the bylaws of the EUS BUSS hasn't been officially recognized by referendum yet, postponed Postponed
6.02 Motion Space Management Bylaws Space manager position reevaluated, now includes pay and more duties (such as barbecues, approving room bookings, and more). Reduced from potential of 2 people to 1. Passed
6.03 Motion ECSESS Factory Capital Fund Application See notice of motion from previous council Passed
6.04 Motion Blacklisting Policy Amendment A variety of errors were found since the policies inception; updates were created by joint effort of McGill legal clinic, equity committee, & exec team Passed
6.05 Motion Creation of Selection Committee for Board of Governors Members at Large Maana Javaadi, Alexander Dow, Hillary Williams, Dimitri Calomiris selected. Committee created to select first four members off BoG if the referendum question passes Passed
6.06 Motion OAP Bylaws Updates bylaws to reflect current practices, VP Finance amended to be in a position more geared towards oversight Passed
6.07 Motion Create an Associate Member of the EUS To make Jasmin de Campos an associate member of the EUS so that she may hold the position of chair of the O-Week Committee Failed
6.08 Motion Councillor of the Year Secret ballot for councillor of the year, to be awarded at Volunteer Banquet N/A