Executive Committee

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Distinguishing Features

What is the EUS Executive Committee?

According to the EUS Constitution, the Executive Committee assumes the following duties:

  1. coordinate and administer the policies, activities and other day-to-day affairs of the E.U.S.;
  2. study and prepare any matter to be debated upon at meetings of the E.U.S. Council;
  3. call meetings of the E.U.S. Council;
  4. ensure the execution of Council and General Assembly decisions;
  5. report its activities and decisions to the E.U.S. Council;
  6. report its activities and expenditures during the summer at the first Regular Meeting in the fall semester;
  7. present the List of Organizing Committees at the first meeting of the E.U.S. Council of each semester;
  8. uphold the constitution, Bylaws, policies, and regulations of the E.U.S.; promote the E.U.S. to the McGill Community and to groups outside that community;
  9. prepare and present to the E.U.S. Council an election schedule for E.U.S. elections and referenda;
  10. be present and available for office hours at the discretion of the VP Clubs and Administration.

How is the EUS Executive Committee held accountable?

The EUS Executive Committee is accountable to the McGill Engineering Undergraduate student body through the EUS Council and the EUS General Assembly.
Additionally, the Executive Committee has a duty to report its activities twice during its members' mandate:

The members of the Executive Committee shall prepare and submit to E.U.S. Council a midterm report no later than January 30
The members of the Executive Committee shall each prepare and submit a year-end report no later than May 15.


The member of the Executive Committee shall cease to remain in office upon acceptance of their letter of resignation, or upon their impeachment. Any member of the Executive Committee may be required by the E.U.S. Council, from time to time, to fulfill any mandate outside of the official duties as prescribed by Articles 10 to 17.

Summer Responsibilities

For the period from the last council of the school year to the 1st E.U.S. Council meeting of the following school year, the powers of the E.U.S. Council may be exercised by the Executive Committee


The Following is a document outlining all the powers and duties of the EUS Executive Committee as outlined in the EUS Constitution, EUS Bylaws and EUS Policies, as amended in September of 2015.
