VP Academic

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EUS VP Academic 2020-2021
VP Academic.jpg
Current: Currently Vacant
Office Hours

The EUS VP Academic can roughly be summed up as having three major roles: oversight and assistance in the operation of student run academic activities, management of academic funds, and student representation to the Faculty. The first role denotes the job the VP Academic has in overseeing certain Faculty wide events such as TechFair and TechWeek, overseeing certain Faculty wide services such as the Engineering Peer Tutoring Service, and being a general point of contact for all things academics-related for any club, committee, or departmental society within the EUS.
The second role of the VP Academic in ensuring that the primary academic funds managed by the EUS, namely the Engineering Undergraduate Support Fund and the Engineering Undergraduate Equipment Fund, function as per intended and are used effectively and responsibly across the Faculty. Lastly, the third role of the VP Academic is to sit on any and all academically related Faculty-wide committees and to act as the representative for all ~3200 undergraduate students enrolled in the Faculty of Engineering.


According to Title II of the Constitution
The VP Academic shall:

  1. Be responsible for all academic and curricular concerns of the EUS;
  2. Represent the EUS at any academic committees of the Faculty of Engineering and the broader McGill Community;
  3. Oversee the academic funds and support services of the EUS;
  4. Serve as the official spokesperson for the EUS in the absence of the President and VP External.


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<==  Midterm Reports==

Year Name Link
2022-2023 Luis Sanchez To be submitted
2021-2022 Sepehr Moalemi To be submitted
2020-2021 Jeremy Garneau Midterm Report
2019-2020 Abtin Ameri To be submitted
2018-2019 Niloufar Siraj To be submitted
2017-2018 Raphi Zonis To be submitted
2016-2017 Katherine Duff Midterm Report
2015-2016 Marc Chelala Midterm Report
2014-2015 Alex Grant Midterm Report
2013-2014 Andrea Gideon Midterm Report
2012-2013 James Austin Midterm Report
2011-2012 Harold Day Midterm Report
2010-2011 Jonathan Lipsitz Not Found
2009-2010 Jonathan Lipsitz Not Found
2008-2009 Ahmad Rashid Midterm Report
