Engineering Undergraduate Support Fund

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This article is no longer being maintained, and only exists for archival purposes. Reason for archival: The EUSF was depreciated in 2022 after a student referendum.

Engineering Undergraduate Support Fund
Approximate per department
Bioengineering 3000$
Chemical Engineering 6000$
Civil Engineering 7000$
ECSESS 16000$
Mechanical Engineering 11000$
Mining Engineering 3500$
Materials Engineering 5000$
School of Architecture 4000$

The Engineering Undergraduate Support Fund (EUSF) is a student fee based fund dedicated to providing additional human resources relating to academics for engineering undergraduates. This includes positions that would otherwise be covered by the university, includeing but not limited to TA hours, lab technician hours, funding staff members of MESC and Departmental Offices, and more. The EUSF is to fund academic or professional development activities organized by the faculty, the departments, or departmental societies. It is composed of fees paid by engineering undergraduate students.


Fifty percent of the fund is allocated to McGill Engineering Student Centre (MESC) proposals only and the remaining portion is for departmental proposals.

Departments will each receive a fixed allotment of 20% and a variable allotment that is proportional to the fraction of the number of engineering students enrolled in the respective department. Money for a proposal can only be collected upon which proof that the proposal has been fulfilled is provided to the faculty finance manager.


EUSF is allocated at the beginning of each semester, once the semester starts and applications are released, proposals can be submitted to VP Academics of each department.

The Engineering Undergraduate Support Fund is allocated on a semesterly basis. Below you can find a general distribution of funds per semester per department. Hyperlinks in the table header will link to the specific semesterly allocation.

Department Winter 2016 Fall 2016 Winter 2017 Fall 2017
Architecture 4400 3897.51 3877.6 1020
Chemical 11400 16085.44 13857.03 13850
Civil 7500 11846.37 6588.09 8405.4
Electrical, Computer, & Software 19700 19081.76 17161.99 17856.5
Materials 7600 5628.47 7570.59 7307.3
Mechanical 14700 14425.02 15867.85 9053.26
Mining 3800 3977.9 2797.26 2785.2
MESC 64600 63107.17 53220 58550
Total 133700 138049.64 120940.41 118827.66