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Members of the EUS

There are two distinct types of members of the EUS, as outlined in the Article 4 of the Constitution. There are the regular members of the society, who are undergraduates enrolled in the faculty of engineering, and there there are associated members who are invited into the EUS in order to fulfill a role.
All Members shall uphold the EUS’ constitution, bylaws, and policies.

Regular Members

The Regular Members of the EUS shall be all students currently registered at McGill University in an undergraduate program of the Faculty of Engineering.
Regular members of the EUS are obligated to pay the Society Fee.


Regular Members shall have the right to:

  • Engage in written or spoken communication and debate in English and French throughout the EUS;
  • Attend General Assemblies;
  • Speak for or against any motion at any General Assembly;
  • Initiate referenda or General Assemblies;
  • Submit questions to referenda;
  • Move or second motions at General Assemblies;
  • Nominate candidates for EUS Elections;
  • Vote in EUS Elections, Referenda, and General Assemblies;
  • Run for office within the EUS.

Associated Members

The title of Associate Member of the EUS shall be granted to a non-Regular Member of the EUS selected for an EUS position, subject to ratification by the EUS Council.

  • An Associate Membership shall last for the duration of the position(s) held by the Associate Member.
  • An Associate Member shall lose their title if they resign or are removed from their position.


Both regular and associate members have privileges. Privileges are subject to removal by vote of the Board of Governors or Involvement Restriction.
Privileges include: