Bookable Rooms

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Revision as of 10:27, 14 March 2018 by Malcolmmcc (talk | contribs) (Sherbrooke 688)
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EUS Rooms

The EUS controls a number of spaces on campus; all of them can be reserved through the bookings website. On occasion, departments will offer their lounge as a meeting space, contact your council to find our more.


ECSESS controls access to 5 rooms on 5th floor of the Lorne-Trottier Building. These spaces are only bookable on weekdays; with special permission they can be used during the weekend. For any questions, please contact ECSESS VP Administrator, who manages those spaces.

Engineering Common Room

The Common Room is divided into three spaces; the main lobby, the social room (which has the projector screen/ bar at blues pub), and the games room. More info can be found here.



Committee Room





The SSMU building will effectively be closed until 2019.



The Educational COmmunity Living Environment offers three spaces free of charge, seating anywhere from 10 - 40 people. ECOLE spaces feature non-gendered washrooms, but are not wheelchair accessible. More information found here.


The McGill Engineering Student Center controls multiple spaces related to engineering, including a few computer labs. More information needs to be centralized on what they offer.

Sherbrooke 688

The 4th floor is full of classrooms that are unused and available weekdays after 5:30pm. There is no booking service to access these spaces, so first come first serve! They offer everything you expect classrooms to offer.