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Bylaws are defined as "a set of legal rules adopted by the Board of Governors and ratified by a General Assembly or adopted by a General Assembly and ratified by the EUS Board of Governors for the governance of EUS legal affairs."
These are not to be mistaken with policies, which are documents that are guiding principles and best practices. Bylaws are legally binding, and therefore tend to be of more solidified and pertinent matters. Changing a bylaws requires a significant amount of work, including a General Assembly; if you're creating a document and wondering what it should be classified as, consider whether or not it's rules are settled for now and the distant future.

List of Bylaws

The current EUS bylaws are linked below. If you'd like to see the repository of older edits and outdated bylaws you can navigate to the top-right link icon.

Type Name Last Amended First Adopted
List of all Bylaws
Clubs and DTs Engaged Learning in Engineering (ELINE) Committee 2020-10 2020-10
Clubs Fund Clubs Fund Bylaws 2017-08 2008-02
Design Teams Fund Design Teams Fund Bylaws 2018-08 2011-10