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As amended to February 1990, March 1992, November 1993, March 1994, March
As amended to February 1990, March 1992, November 1993, March 1994, March
1995, November 1995, March 1996, February 2001, March 2002, March 2004,
1995, November 1995, March 1996, February 2001, March 2002, March 2004,
November 2004, November 2007, [[EUS Constitution 2013|March 2013]], [[EUS Constitution 2017|March 2017]], '''April 2018'''
November 2004, November 2007, [[EUS Constitution 2013|March 2013]], [[EUS Constitution 2017|March 2017]], [[EUS Constitution Winter 2018|April 2018]]'''November 2018'''
=TITLE I: The Engineering Undergraduate Society=
===Article 1: Names===
===Article 1: Names===
{{Hanging indent|text=1.1 The official name of the Society shall be, in English, the “Engineering Undergraduate Society of McGill University” and, in French, “Association des Étudiants et Étudiantes en Génie de l’Université McGill”, Herein referred to as EUS and A.E.E.G., respectively.}}
:1.1 The official name of the corporation shall be, in English, the “Engineering Undergraduate Society of McGill University,” and in French, “Association des étudiants et étudiantes en génie de l’Université McGill,” hereafter referred to as EUS.
{{Hanging indent|text=1.2 Notwithstanding the foregoing, the EUS may be designated by a name other than the official name for non-commercial activities, as approved by the [[Bog|Board of Governors]].}}
===Article 2: Members===
===Article 2: Purpose===
{{Hanging indent|text=2.1 The [[EUS Constitution#Article 6: Rights, Privileges and Obligations of Members|Regular Members]] of the EUS shall be all students currently registered at McGill University in an undergraduate program of the Faculty of Engineering, subject to payment of fees as prescribed in Article 4.}}
:2.1 The purpose of the EUS shall be to:
{{Hanging indent|text=2.2 Honourary Members of the EUS may be appointed at the discretion of the EUS Council, but may not be considered [[EUS Constitution#Article 6: Rights, Privileges and Obligations of Members|Regular Members]].}}
::2.1.1 Unite the Regular Members of the EUS;
{{Hanging indent|text=2.3 Any former Regular Member of the EUS or current member of the McGill Community may become an Associated Member of the EUS, subject to ratification by the EUS Council}}
::2.1.2 Represent and promote the views of its Regular Members;
::2.1.3 Implement programs and services of interest to its members, including but not limited to: academic, cultural, educational, physical, professional, and social initiatives.
:2.2 The EUS shall uphold the principles of equity, diversity, community, and sustainability.
:2.3 The EUS shall strive to facilitate the success and development of itself and its members.
===Article 3: Purpose===
===Article 3: Membership===
{{Hanging indent|text=3.1 The purpose of the EUS shall be:}}
:3.1 The Regular Members of the EUS shall be all students currently registered at McGill University in an undergraduate program of the Faculty of Engineering.
*{{Hanging indent|text=3.1.1 To regroup in association, the [[EUS Constitution#Article 6: Rights, Privileges and Obligations of Members|Regular Members]] of the EUS}}
:3.2 The title of Associate Member of the EUS shall be granted to a non-Regular Member of the EUS selected for an EUS position, subject to ratification by the EUS Council.
*{{Hanging indent|text=3.1.2 To represent and promote the views of its members, and to implement academic, cultural, educational, physical, professional, social, and other programs of interest to its members.}}
::3.2.1 An Associate Membership shall last for the duration of the position(s) held by the Associate Member.  
*{{Hanging indent|text=3.1.3 To engage in other such activities and undertakings as may seem appropriate to the Society.}}
::3.2.2 An Associate Member shall lose their title if they resign or are removed from their position.
===Article 4: Fees===
===Article 4: Rights, Privileges, and Obligations of Members===
{{Hanging indent|text=4.1 The Society Fee shall be collected from each Regular Member by the Cashier of the University or the Vice-President of Finance of the EUS}}
:4.1 All Members shall uphold the EUS’ constitution, bylaws, and policies.
{{Hanging indent|text=4.2 The EUS Council may from time to time, as it sees fit, propose a change in the Society Fee.}}
:4.2 Regular Members shall have the right to:
{{Hanging indent|text=4.3 Any change in the Society Fee shall be subject to ratification by referendum.}}
::4.2.1 Engage in written or spoken communication and debate in English and French throughout the EUS;
::4.2.2 Attend General Assemblies;
::4.2.3 Speak for or against any motion at any General Assembly;
::4.2.4 Initiate referenda or General Assemblies;
::4.2.5 Submit questions to referenda;
::4.2.6 Move or second motions at General Assemblies;
::4.2.7 Nominate candidates for EUS Elections;
::4.2.8 Vote in EUS Elections, Referenda, and General Assemblies;
::4.2.9 Run for office within the EUS.
:4.3 All Members shall have the privilege to:
::4.3.1 Hold a Chief Position;
::4.3.2 Be a member of any EUS Group;
::4.3.3 Attend EUS Council meetings and meetings of the Board of Governors;
::4.3.4 Speak for or against any motion at any EUS Council meeting.
:4.4 Regular Members of the EUS shall pay the Society Fee.
===Article 5: Finances===
===Article 5: Finances===
{{Hanging indent|text=5.1 There shall be a set of Financial [[Bylaws]] governing the Finances of the EUS}}
:5.1 There shall be a set of Financial Bylaws governing the finances of the EUS.
{{Hanging indent|text=5.2 The accounts of the EUS shall be maintained according to standard accounting practice and shall be made available to the University auditors upon demand.}}
:5.2 The accounts of the EUS shall be maintained according to standard accounting practice and shall be made available to the University auditors upon demand.  
{{Hanging indent|text=5.3 The finances of the EUS shall be subject to an annual independent audit by a Chartered Accountant}}
:5.3 The EUS shall not run an operational budget deficit for more than two consecutive fiscal years.  
{{Hanging indent|text=5.4 The EUS shall not run at a deficit for more than two consecutive fiscal years.}}
:5.4 The finances of the EUS shall be subject to an annual independent audit.  
===Article 6: Rights, Privileges and Obligations of Members===
{{Hanging indent|text=6.1 The rights of [[EUS Constitution#Article 6: Rights, Privileges and Obligations of Members|Regular Members]] shall include the following:}}
*{{Hanging indent|text=6.1.1 The right to vote in the EUS general elections, referenda and General Assemblies;}}
*{{Hanging indent|text=6.1.2 The right to attend General Assemblies and Regular Meetings and Board Meetings of the EUS;}}
*{{Hanging indent|text=6.1.3 The right to move or second Motions at General Assemblies;}}
*{{Hanging indent|text=6.1.4 The right to speak for or against any Motion at any General Assembly or Council meeting;}}
*{{Hanging indent|text=6.1.5 The right to nominate candidates for EUS Elections; and}}
*{{Hanging indent|text=6.1.6 The right to initiate referenda or General Assemblies as per 6.5}}
{{Hanging indent|text=6.2 The privileges of [[EUS Constitution#Article 6: Rights, Privileges and Obligations of Members|Regular Members]] shall include the following:}}
*{{Hanging indent|text=6.2.1 Holding office within the EUS subject to the qualifications as specified by Title III;}}
*{{Hanging indent|text=6.2.2 Making use of EUS facilities and services;}}
*{{Hanging indent|text=6.2.3 Holding a Chief Organizing Position on an EUS Organizing Committee;}}
*{{Hanging indent|text=6.2.4 Holding a Managerial Position on an E.U.S Service Committee; }}
*{{Hanging indent|text=6.2.5 Being a member of a Standing, Select or Standing Selection Committee of the EUS; and}}
*{{Hanging indent|text=6.2.6 Starting an [[Clubs|EUS Club]], holding an executive position on an [[Clubs|EUS Club]], and being a member of an [[Clubs|EUS Club]]. }}
{{Hanging indent|text=6.3 The privileges of Associated Members shall include the following:}}
*{{Hanging indent|text=6.3.1 Making use of EUS facilities and services;}}
*{{Hanging indent|text=6.3.2 Being a member of a Standing, Select or Standing Selection Committee of the EUS; and being a member of an EUS Organizing Committee as deemed appropriate by a Two-Thirds (2/3) Majority vote of EUS Council}}
*{{Hanging indent|text=6.3.3 Holding a chief organizing position, subject to ratification by a Two- Thirds (2/3) Majority vote of EUS Council; and}}
*{{Hanging indent|text=6.3.4 Holding an executive position on an [[Clubs|EUS Club]] or EUS Design Team and being a member of an [[Clubs|EUS Club]] or EUS Design Team}}
{{Hanging indent|text=6.4 All members of the EUS shall be obliged to conform to the EUS Constitution, [[Bylaws]] and [[Policies]].}}
{{Hanging indent|text=6.5 Every Regular Member has the right to request of [[VP Student Life|the Vice-President Student Life]] that a question be asked through a General Assembly or referendum of the EUS by submitting a petition bearing the signatures of the lesser of one hundred (100) or ten percent (10%) of the [[EUS Constitution#Article 6: Rights, Privileges and Obligations of Members|Regular Members]] of the EUS}}
{{Hanging indent|text=6.6 No member is empowered to make purchases in the name of the EUS or to financially obligate the EUS in any way, until such permission has been granted to so purchase or obligate the EUS by the Executive Committee or by the [[Bog|Board of Governors]]}}
{{Hanging indent|text=6.7 No member is empowered to act as an agent of the EUS unless permission to act so has been granted at a Regular Meeting or Board Meeting.}}
{{Hanging indent|text=6.8 Subject to ratification by a [[EUS_Constitution#Article_73:_Definitions|Simple Majority]] of the [[Bog|Board of Governors]], any Regular Member of the EUS may from time to time be indemnified and saved harmless from and against any liability and costs, charges, and expenses that they sustain or incur in respect of the execution of a mandate of the Society, except for cases of negligence.}}
===Article 7: Dissolution of the Society===
{{Hanging indent|text=7.1 In the event of dissolution, trusteeship, or cessation of the Society, all fees and assets shall be transferred to a similar association with the same membership and purpose as defined in Articles 2 and 3. }}
===Article 8: Membership of the Executive Committee===
{{Hanging indent|text=8.1 The Executive Committee shall consist of:}}
*{{Hanging indent|text=8.1.1 The [[President]];}}
*{{Hanging indent|text=8.1.2 [[VP Internal|The Vice-President Internal]]; }}
*{{Hanging indent|text=8.1.3 [[VP External|The Vice-President External]]; }}
*{{Hanging indent|text=8.1.4 [[VP Finance|The Vice-President Finance]]; }}
*{{Hanging indent|text=8.1.5 [[VP Academic|The Vice-President Academic]];}}
*{{Hanging indent|text=8.1.6 [[VP Student Life|The Vice-President Student Life]];}}
*{{Hanging indent|text=8.1.7 [[VP Services|The Vice-President Services]]; }}
*{{Hanging indent|text=8.1.8 [[VP Communications|The Vice-President Communications]];}}
{{Hanging indent|text=8.2 The candidates for positions of the Executive Committee must be [[EUS Constitution#Article 6: Rights, Privileges and Obligations of Members|Regular Members]] of the EUS and remain [[EUS Constitution#Article 6: Rights, Privileges and Obligations of Members|Regular Members]] for the whole duration of their mandate.}}
{{Hanging indent|text=8.3 No member of the Executive Committee shall receive financial remuneration for action as such.}}
===Article 9: Powers and Duties===
{{Hanging indent|text=9.1 The Executive Committee shall:}}
*{{Hanging indent|text=9.1.1 Coordinate and administer the [[policies]], activities and other day-to-day affairs of the EUS;}}
*{{Hanging indent|text=9.1.2 Study and prepare any matter to be debated upon at meetings of the EUS Council;}}
*{{Hanging indent|text=9.1.3 Call meetings of the EUS Council;}}
*{{Hanging indent|text=9.1.4 Ensure the execution of [[Bog|Board of Governors]], Council, and General Assembly decisions;}}
*{{Hanging indent|text=9.1.5 Report its activities and decisions to the EUS Council and the [[Bog|Board of Governors]];}}
*{{Hanging indent|text=9.1.6 Report its activities and expenditures during the summer at the first Regular Meeting in the fall semester;}}
*{{Hanging indent|text=9.1.7 Uphold the Constitution, [[Bylaws]] and [[Policies]] of the EUS}}
*{{Hanging indent|text=9.1.8 Act upon Resolutions adopted by EUS Council or General Assembly and defined by the E.U.S [[Bog|Board of Governors]]}}
*{{Hanging indent|text=9.1.9 Promote the EUS to the McGill Community and to groups outside that community;}}
*{{Hanging indent|text=9.1.10 Prepare and present to the EUS Council an election schedule for EUS elections and referenda;  }}
*{{Hanging indent|text=9.1.11 Be present and available for office hours at the discretion of [[VP Student Life|the Vice-President Student Life]]; and }}
*{{Hanging indent|text=9.1.12 Be responsible for maintaining the EUS Office.}}
{{Hanging indent|text=9.2 The members of the Executive Committee shall prepare and submit to EUS Council a midterm report no later than January 30.}}
{{Hanging indent|text=9.3 The members of the Executive Committee shall each prepare and submit a year-end report no later than May 15.}}
{{Hanging indent|text=9.4 A member of the Executive Committee shall cease to remain in office upon acceptance of their letter of resignation, or upon their impeachment.}}
{{Hanging indent|text=9.5 Any member of the Executive Committee may be required by the [[Bog|Board of Governors]], EUS Council and General Assembly, from time to time, to fulfill any mandate outside of the official duties as prescribed by Articles 10 to 17.}}
===Article 10: [[President]]===
{{Hanging indent|text=10.1 The [[President]] shall:}}
*{{Hanging indent|text=10.1.1  Be charged with the general management and supervision of the affairs of the EUS;}}
*{{Hanging indent|text=10.1.2  Call and preside at Executive Committee meetings;}}
*{{Hanging indent|text=10.1.3  Serve as an ex-officio member of all constituted and affiliated committees of the EUS;}}
*{{Hanging indent|text=10.1.4  Be the official spokesperson for the EUS on all occasions;}}
*{{Hanging indent|text=10.1.5  Represent the EUS at meetings of the Faculty of Engineering;}}
*{{Hanging indent|text=10.1.6 Be the Co-Chair of the Engineering Undergraduate Support Fund Committee, (EUSF.C.);}}
*{{Hanging indent|text=10.1.7 Shall be responsible for meeting with [[Departments|Departmental Society]] [[President]]s no less than once per month during the fall and winter semesters;}}
*{{Hanging indent|text=10.1.8 Be responsible for the EUS Equity Commissioner; }}
*{{Hanging indent|text=10.1.9 Be responsible for the orientation of the Executive Committee and Council members}}
===Article 11: Vice-President Internal===
{{Hanging indent|text=11.1 [[VP Internal|The Vice-President Internal]] shall:}}
*{{Hanging indent|text=11.1.1  Be responsible for the organization of social, cultural, and other activities for the members of the EUS;}}
*{{Hanging indent|text=11.1.2  Be responsible for relations between the EUS and other faculty associations of McGill University;}}
*{{Hanging indent|text=11.1.3  Serve as the official spokes person for the EUS in the absence of [[VP External|the Vice-President External]] and the [[President]]; and}}
*{{Hanging indent|text=11.1.4  Be responsible for gathering report files of all committees at year’s end.}}
===Article 12: Vice-President External===
{{Hanging indent|text=12.1  [[VP External|The Vice-President External]] shall:}}
*{{Hanging indent|text=12.1.1 In conjunction with the [[President]], represent the EUS to outside bodies and individuals;}}
*{{Hanging indent|text=12.1.2 Have responsibility for matters relating to the interaction of the EUS with outside groups;}}
*{{Hanging indent|text=12.1.3  Be responsible for maintaining links with student organizations at the provincial, federal, and international levels and with other engineering student societies of other universities;}}
*{{Hanging indent|text=12.1.4  Be responsible for relations with industry, with government, and all other external relations of the EUS outside the University;}}
*{{Hanging indent|text=12.1.5  Be responsible for assuring the representation of the EUS at Canadian Federation of Engineering Students (C.F.E.S.) meetings and at Quebec Confederation of Engineering Student Outreach (Q.C.E.S.O.) meetings;}}
*{{Hanging indent|text=12.1.6  Serve as the official spokesperson of the EUS in the absence of the [[President]].
===Article 13: Vice-President Finance===
{{Hanging indent|text=13.1 [[VP Finance|The Vice-President Finance]] shall:}}
*{{Hanging indent|text=13.1.1  In cooperation with the Executive Committee, prepare the annual budget of the EUS, which shall include the actual expenditures from the previous year, and submit it to the [[Bog|Board of Governors]] before October 15th;}}
*{{Hanging indent|text=13.1.2  In cooperation with the Executive Committee, manage the funds of the EUS;}}
*{{Hanging indent|text=13.1.3  Keep proper financial accounts and records according to the Financial [[Bylaws]] of the EUS;}}
*{{Hanging indent|text=13.1.4  Prepare a year-end financial report by May 15th; and obtain and update the previous year’s financial report }}
===Article 14: Vice-President Academic===
{{Hanging indent|text=14.1 [[VP Academic|The Vice-President Academic]] shall:}}
*{{Hanging indent|text=14.1.1  Be responsible for all educational and curricular concerns of the EUS;}}
*{{Hanging indent|text=14.1.2  Be the Chair of Engineering Student Academic Committee (E.S.A.C.)}}
*{{Hanging indent|text=14.1.3  Be the Chair of the Engineering Equipment Fund Committee, (E.F.C.); }}
*{{Hanging indent|text=14.1.4 Chair the Student Faculty Liaison Committee (S.F.L.C);}}
*{{Hanging indent|text=14.1.5  Represent the EUS at any academic committees of the Faculty of Engineering and the broader McGill community; and}}
*{{Hanging indent|text=14.1.6  Oversee Engineering Peer Tutoring Services (E.P.T.S).}}
===Article 15: Vice-President Student Life===
{{Hanging indent|text=15.1 [[VP Student Life|The Vice-President Student Life]] shall:}}
*{{Hanging indent|text=15.1.1 Be responsible for implementing initiatives relevant to the well-being, first-year involvement and graduation logistics of EUS [[EUS Constitution#Article 6: Rights, Privileges and Obligations of Members|Regular Members]]}}
*{{Hanging indent|text=15.1.2  Be responsible for encouraging active participation and continuous feedback within the Society}}
*{{Hanging indent|text=15.1.3  Be responsible for the Secretary of the EUS Council and General Assembly;}}
*{{Hanging indent|text= Be responsible for ensuring that members of the EUS Council attend Regular Meetings;}}
*{{Hanging indent|text= Be responsible for updating the EUS Policy Manual;}}
*{{Hanging indent|text= Be responsible for issuing agendas and minutes of the EUS Council meetings and General Assemblies, prior to any EUS Council meeting or General Assembly;}}
*{{Hanging indent|text=15.1.4 Be responsible for the formation, end of year reports, and operations of [[Clubs|EUS Club]]s and Design Teams}}
*{{Hanging indent|text=15.1.5 Be responsible for scheduling the use of and maintenance of the [[Clubs|EUS Club]]s Space and the McGill Engineering Design Network (MEDN)}}
===Article 16: Vice-President Services===
{{Hanging indent|text=16.1 [[VP Services|The Vice-President Services]] shall:}}
*{{Hanging indent|text=16.1.1  Be responsible for all student facilities of the EUS, except as otherwise stated herein;}}
*{{Hanging indent|text=16.1.2  Be responsible for all photocopying facilities, retail services, locker facilities, and publication facilities of the EUS;}}
*{{Hanging indent|text=16.1.3  Be responsible for new services undertaken by the Society;}}
*{{Hanging indent|text=16.1.4  Be responsible for all staff remuneration and records of payroll including PST and GST records;}}
*{{Hanging indent|text=16.1.5  Be responsible for providing adequate building services in EUS space in conjunction with the Faculty Building Director;}}
===Article 17: Vice-President Communications===
{{Hanging indent|text=17.1 [[VP Communications|The Vice-President Communications]] shall:}}
*{{Hanging indent|text=17.1.1  Be responsible for Telecommunications services of the EUS;}}
*{{Hanging indent|text=17.1.2  Be responsible for submitting EUS information to the EUS publications;}}
*{{Hanging indent|text=17.1.3  Be responsible of all internal communications inside of the EUS}}
*{{Hanging indent|text=17.1.4  Be responsible for all internal communications relating to the EUS within the McGill Community}}
*{{Hanging indent|text=17.1.5  Be responsible for all Publications Committees of the EUS; and}}
*{{Hanging indent|text=17.1.6  Be responsible for all Information Technology committees of the EUS}}
===Article 18: of the Executive Committee===
{{Hanging indent|text=18.1 The Executive Committee shall meet at least once every two (2) weeks while classes are in session during the Academic Year.}}
{{Hanging indent|text=18.2 Quorum shall be the greater of five (5) or two-thirds (2/3) of the members of the Executive Committee.}}
{{Hanging indent|text=18.3 The [[President]] of the EUS must participate in all meetings of the Executive Committee.}}
===Article 19: Terms of Office===
{{Hanging indent|text=19.1 The terms of office of the [[President]], Vice-President Internal, Vice-President External, Vice-President Finance, Vice-President Academic, Vice-President Student Life, Vice-President Services and Vice-President Communications shall begin May 1 and last one year.}}
===Article 20: Vacancies===
{{Hanging indent|text=20.1 Vacancies shall be filled as they occur during the year by the Standing Selection Committee, subject to ratification by the EUS Council.}}
{{Hanging indent|text=20.2 In the case of a vacancy in the position of [[President]], [[VP Internal|The Vice-President Internal]] shall assume the responsibilities of [[President]] until the [[Bog|Board of Governors]] has ratified the nomination of a new [[President]].}}
===Article 21: Members of the [[Council|EUS Council]]===
{{Hanging indent|text=21.1 The members of the [[Council|EUS Council]] must be [[EUS Constitution#Article 6: Rights, Privileges and Obligations of Members|Regular Members]] of the [[Council|EUS Council]] and shall consist of:}}
*{{Hanging indent|text=21.1.1  The members of the Executive Committee, as defined in Article 8;}}
*{{Hanging indent|text=21.1.2  One (1) representative from each of the four (4) Classes in each of the following programs:}}
**{{Hanging indent|text=  [[ASA|Architecture]] }}
**{{Hanging indent|text=  [[BUSS|Bioengineering]] }}
**{{Hanging indent|text=  [[ChESS|Chemical]]}}
**{{Hanging indent|text=  [[CEUS|Civil]]}}
**{{Hanging indent|text=  [[ECSESS|Computer]]}}
**{{Hanging indent|text=  [[ECSESS|Electrical]]}}
**{{Hanging indent|text=  [[MAME|Mechanical]]}}
**{{Hanging indent|text=  [[MEUS|Materials]]}}
**{{Hanging indent|text=  [[CMEUS|Mining]]}}
**{{Hanging indent|text= [[ECSESS|Software]]}}
*{{Hanging indent|text=21.1.3  The [[President]] of each [[Departments|Departmental Society]] as per Title II, Section IV.}}
*{{Hanging indent|text=21.1.4  One (1) elected representative from the E.U.S [[Junior Council]].}}
*{{Hanging indent|text=21.1.5  The Engineering Representatives to S.S.M.U. Council.}}
*{{Hanging indent|text=21.1.6  In the event that there is more than one Regular Member of the EUS holding the position of Engineering Senator and/or Delegate to Senate, they shall all be members of the [[Council|EUS Council]].}}
*{{Hanging indent|text=21.1.7  Two (2) elected representatives from EUS [[Clubs]] Council:}}
{{Hanging indent|text=21.2 Each member of the [[Council|EUS Council]] shall have a single vote.}}
{{Hanging indent|text=21.3 No Regular Member may hold more than one voting position on the [[Council|EUS Council]].}}
===Article 22: Powers and Duties===
{{Hanging indent|text=22.1  The [[Council|EUS Council]] shall:}}
*{{Hanging indent|text=22.1.1  Act as the governing body of the EUS, empowered to make decisions and take actions on behalf of the EUS;}}
*{{Hanging indent|text=22.1.2 Enact initiatives providing tangible improvements to the student experience of [[EUS Constitution#Article 6: Rights, Privileges and Obligations of Members|Regular Members]], in accordance with the purpose of the Society;}}
*{{Hanging indent|text=22.1.3 Maintain financial authority over matters outlined in the Financial [[Bylaws]], Financial [[Policies]] or other [[Bylaws]];}}
*{{Hanging indent|text=22.1.4 Hold the Executive Committee accountable to its duties to [[EUS Constitution#Article 6: Rights, Privileges and Obligations of Members|Regular Members]], as outlined in the Constitution and [[Policies]] as well as any additional mandates. E.U.S Council may adopt by [[EUS_Constitution#Article_73:_Definitions|Simple Majority]];}}
*{{Hanging indent|text=22.1.5 Hold the Engineering Representatives to S.S.M.U. Council and the Engineering Senator accountable to their duties to [[EUS Constitution#Article 6: Rights, Privileges and Obligations of Members|Regular Members]];}}
*{{Hanging indent|text=22.1.6  Define and uphold all [[Policies]] and Resolutions of the EUS;}}
*{{Hanging indent|text=22.1.7 Ratify a [[CRO|Chief Returning Officer]] and the Deputy Returning Officers;}}
*{{Hanging indent|text=22.1.8  Have the right to reverse any decision taken by the Executive Committee;}}
*{{Hanging indent|text=22.1.9  Establish Organizing, Standing, Select and Standing Selection Committees of the EUS; and }}
{{Hanging indent|text=22.1.10 Be held accountable to General Assembly.}}
{{Hanging indent|text=22.2 For the period from the last Regular Meeting of the academic year to the first Regular Meeting of the following academic year, the powers of the [[Council|EUS Council]] may be exercised by the Executive Committee.}}
===Article 23: Speaker===
{{Hanging indent|text=23.1 The Speaker of the [[Council|EUS Council]] shall be chosen from amongst the Members of the EUS, with preference given to [[EUS Constitution#Article 6: Rights, Privileges and Obligations of Members|Regular Members]]}}
{{Hanging indent|text=23.2 The Speaker may not be a member of the [[Council|EUS Council]] or the [[Bog|Board of Governors]]. }}
*{{Hanging indent|text=23.2.1 As such, the Speaker does not have the right to vote, even in the case of a tie.}}
{{Hanging indent|text=23.3 The Speaker shall:}}
*{{Hanging indent|text=23.3.1  Chair all meetings of the [[Bog|Board of Governors]], [[Council|EUS Council]] and General Assembly; and enforce Robert’s rules of order }}
{{Hanging indent|text=23.4 In the event that the Speaker is absent or where the Speaker’s possible impeachment is on the agenda, a member of the Executive Committee shall assume the duties of the Speaker.}}
===Article 24: Class Representatives===
{{Hanging indent|text=24.1 Class Representatives shall:}}
*{{Hanging indent|text=24.1.1  Attend [[Council|EUS Council]] Meetings. In case of absence, Class representatives are responsible for arranging a proxy from among their Class, and notifying [[VP Student Life|the Vice-President Student Life]] of their replacement in writing before the meeting;}}
*{{Hanging indent|text=24.1.2  Inform their Class on matters of the [[Council|EUS Council]];}}
*{{Hanging indent|text=24.1.3  Represent the interests and concerns of their Class at the [[Council|EUS Council]];}}
*{{Hanging indent|text=24.1.4  Prepare a year-end report by May 15 intended for their successor, which shall include suggestions on how to improve communications with their Class.}}
{{Hanging indent|text=24.2 No Class Representative to the [[Council|EUS Council]] may also be a member of the Executive Committee or represent a [[Departments|Departmental Society]] at a meeting of the [[Council|EUS Council]].}}
{{Hanging indent|text=24.3 A Class Representative who misses three (3) Regular Meetings without providing for a proxy may be impeached as per Article 45.}}
{{Hanging indent|text=24.4 The term of office for a Class Representative shall begin on May 1, and last for one year notwithstanding Article 62.}}
{{Hanging indent|text=24.5 In the case of a vacancy, another Class Representative shall be appointed by the concerned [[Departments|Departmental Society]].}}
===Article 25: Representatives to Senate===
{{Hanging indent|text=25.1 In the case that the elected student Senator from the Faculty of Engineering is not a Regular Member of the EUS, then a Delegate to Senate shall be chosen from among the [[EUS Constitution#Article 6: Rights, Privileges and Obligations of Members|Regular Members]] of the EUS by the Selection Committee, subject to ratification by the [[Council|EUS Council]].}}
{{Hanging indent|text=25.2 The Engineering Senator shall:}}
*{{Hanging indent|text=25.2.1  Represent the interests and concerns of Engineering students as expressed through the [[Council|EUS Council]] to Senate;}}
*{{Hanging indent|text=25.2.2  Inform the EUS on matters of the Senate; and}}
*{{Hanging indent|text=25.2.3  Hold bi-weekly office hours}}
{{Hanging indent|text=25.3 The Delegate to Senate shall:}}
*{{Hanging indent|text=25.3.1  Communicate the interests and concerns of Engineering students as expressed through the [[Council|EUS Council]] to Senate; and}}
*{{Hanging indent|text=25.3.2  Inform the EUS on matters of the Senate.}}
{{Hanging indent|text=25.4 The terms of office of the Engineering Senator shall be in accordance with the constitution of the S.S.M.U. and the statutes of the Senate.}}
{{Hanging indent|text=25.5 The terms of office of the Delegate to Senate shall begin May 1 and last one year.}}
===Article 26: Engineering Representatives to S.S.M.U. Council===
{{Hanging indent|text=26.1 The Engineering Representatives to S.S.M.U. Council shall:}}
*{{Hanging indent|text=26.1.1  Represent the interests and concerns of Engineering students as expressed through the [[Council|EUS Council]] to S.S.M.U. Council;  }}
*{{Hanging indent|text=26.1.2  Inform the EUS on matters of the S.S.M.U.}}
*{{Hanging indent|text=26.1.3  Hold weekly office hours}}
{{Hanging indent|text=26.2 The terms of office of the Engineering Representatives to S.S.M.U. Council shall begin May 1 and last one year.}}
===Article 27: Meetings of the [[Council|EUS Council]]===
{{Hanging indent|text=27.1 Quorum for a meeting of the [[Council|EUS Council]] shall be fifty percent (50%) of its members.}}
{{Hanging indent|text=27.2 [[Council|EUS Council]] meetings shall be open unless voted closed by Two-Thirds (2/3) Majority.}}
{{Hanging indent|text=27.3 In the case of a vote that results in a tie, the question shall be considered to be defeated.}}
{{Hanging indent|text=27.4 The [[Council|EUS Council]] shall hold Regular Meetings at least once every four (4) weeks while classes are in session during the Academic Year.}}
{{Hanging indent|text=27.5 Notice of the meeting and agendas shall be provided at least three (3) School Days prior to a Regular Meeting.}}
{{Hanging indent|text=27.6 In the case of an emergency, the [[President]] or [[VP Student Life|the Vice-President Student Life]] may call a Special Meeting of the [[Council|EUS Council]], at any time. Only Motions ruled by the Speaker to be pertinent to the emergency may be considered at such a meeting.}}
{{Hanging indent|text=27.7 The rules of procedure for all meetings of the [[Council|EUS Council]] shall be the most recent edition of Roberts’ Rules of Order.}}
===Article 28: Powers of Assembly===
{{Hanging indent|text=28.1 A General Assembly may make any decision, including the ratification or rejection of any Executive Committee or EUS Council decision.}}
{{Hanging indent|text=28.2 A General Assembly may pass a Resolution of the EUS or assign additional mandates to the members of the Executive Committee. }}
{{Hanging indent|text=28.3 A General Assembly shall ratify amendments to [[Bylaws]] made by the [[Bog|Board of Governors]]}}
{{Hanging indent|text=28.4 A General Assembly may amend [[Bylaws]], subject to ratification by the [[Bog|Board of Governors]].}}
{{Hanging indent|text=28.5 A General Assembly may not have the power to change the financial structure of the EUS}}
===Article 29: Meeting of the General Assembly===
{{Hanging indent|text=29.1 The General Assembly may be called by a Motion of the EUS Council, or by a request signed by the lesser of ten percent (10%) or one hundred (100) of the [[EUS Constitution#Article 6: Rights, Privileges and Obligations of Members|Regular Members]] of the EUS}}
{{Hanging indent|text=29.2 Quorum for the General Assembly shall be the lesser of ten percent (10%) or one hundred (100) of the [[EUS Constitution#Article 6: Rights, Privileges and Obligations of Members|Regular Members]] of the EUS}}
{{Hanging indent|text=29.3 Motions to be presented at the General Assembly must be submitted to [[VP Student Life|the Vice-President Student Life]] at least five (5) School Days prior to the General Assembly.}}
{{Hanging indent|text=29.4 Notice of the General Assembly shall be posted at least ten (10) School Days prior to the convening of the General Assembly.}}
{{Hanging indent|text=29.5 The order of business, and Motions to be presented at the General Assembly shall be posted three (3) School Days before the General Assembly.}}
{{Hanging indent|text=29.6 Any person who is not a Regular Member of the EUS may attend a General Assembly, except in the case where a Two-Thirds (2/3) Majority of the [[EUS Constitution#Article 6: Rights, Privileges and Obligations of Members|Regular Members]] present at the Assembly votes to close the meeting.}}
{{Hanging indent|text=29.7 A Motion of the General Assembly shall be invalid if more than fifty percent (50%) of voters are Constituents of the same [[Departments|Departmental Society]].}}
{{Hanging indent|text=29.8 Only [[EUS Constitution#Article 6: Rights, Privileges and Obligations of Members|Regular Members]] of the EUS shall be allowed to vote at a General Assembly.}}
{{Hanging indent|text=29.9 The rules of procedure for all General Assemblies shall be the most recent edition of Roberts’ Rules of Order.}}
===Article 30: Members of the [[Bog|Board of Governors]]===
{{Hanging indent|text=30.1 The [[Bog|Board of Governors]] shall be composed of:}}
*{{Hanging indent|text=30.1.1 The [[President]];}}
*{{Hanging indent|text=30.1.2 [[VP Finance|The Vice-President Finance]];}}
*{{Hanging indent|text=30.1.3 The Engineering Senator;}}
*{{Hanging indent|text=30.1.4 Eight Members-at-Large;}}
*{{Hanging indent|text=30.1.5 Two Alumni;}}
{{Hanging indent|text=30.2 All members of the [[Bog|Board of Governors]] shall serve as administrators of the Society.}}
{{Hanging indent|text=30.3 All members of the [[Bog|Board of Governors]] shall have a vote at meetings of the [[Bog|Board of Governors]].}}
{{Hanging indent|text=30.4 No member of the [[Bog|Board of Governors]] shall receive financial remuneration for their actions. }}
{{Hanging indent|text=30.5 The Members-at-large shall be [[EUS Constitution#Article 6: Rights, Privileges and Obligations of Members|Regular Members]] chosen as follows:}}
*{{Hanging indent|text=30.5.1 Two (2) Members-at-Large shall be selected by EUS Council from the members of EUS Council between September 1 and October 31 and shall start their mandate on November 1, for a duration of one year.}}
*{{Hanging indent|text=30.5.2 Two (2) Members-at-Large shall be elected by a secret ballot of the Regular Members held between September 1 and October 31 and start their mandate on November 1, for a duration of one year.}}
*{{Hanging indent|text=30.5.3 Four (4) Members-at-Large shall be elected by a secret ballot of the Regular Member held between February 1 and March 31 and start their mandate on May 1, for a duration of one year.}}
{{Hanging indent|text=30.6 The two Alumni shall be selected by the [[Bog|Board of Governors]].}}
*{{Hanging indent|text=30.6.1 One Alumnus shall start their mandate on May 1, for a duration of one year.}}
*{{Hanging indent|text=30.6.2 One Alumnus shall start their mandate on November 1, for a duration of one year.}}
{{Hanging indent|text=30.7 Members of the [[Bog|Board of Governors]] shall be subject to [[Policies]] regarding conflict of interests.}}
{{Hanging indent|text=30.8 Members of the [[Bog|Board of Governors]] who hold other positions within the Society such as Service Managers, Chief Organizers, Chairs of EUS Committees or Financial Officers of E.U.S Committees shall not vote on matters pertaining to their respective Committees and shall refrain from participating in the discussion on those matters unless otherwise authorized by the other members of the [[Bog|Board of Governors]] through a [[EUS_Constitution#Article_73:_Definitions|Simple Majority]] vote.}}
*{{Hanging indent|text=30.8.1 Members of the Board of Governors must disclose their positions held at the beginning of their term, or when the position is obtained.}}
===Article 31: Power and Duties of the [[Bog|Board of Governors]]===
{{Hanging indent|text=31.1 The [[Bog|Board of Governors]] shall:}}
*{{Hanging indent|text=31.1.1 Be charged with the stewardship of the affairs of the EUS;}}
*{{Hanging indent|text=31.1.2 Uphold and maintain the Letters Patent, Constitution, [[Bylaws]] and [[Policies]] of the EUS as well as any major contract signed by the Society; }}
*{{Hanging indent|text=31.1.3 In collaborati0n with the Executive Committee, define Resolutions adopted by E.U.S Council and General Assembly}}
*{{Hanging indent|text=31.1.4 Assign mandates to the Executive Committee, within reasonable limits;}}
*{{Hanging indent|text=31.1.5 Hold the Executive Committee accountable to its duties, as outlined in the Constitution, [[Bylaws]] and [[Policies]], as well as additional mandates;}}
*{{Hanging indent|text=31.1.6 Maintain financial authority over matters outlined in the Financial [[Bylaws]], Financial [[Policies]] or other [[Bylaws]];}}
*{{Hanging indent|text=31.1.7 Have oversight of EUS Committees with more than 50 000$ of expenses in their annual budget as well as Service Committees}}
*{{Hanging indent|text=31.1.8 Approve bids for Large-Scale External Events;}}
*{{Hanging indent|text=31.1.9 }}
*{{Hanging indent|text=31.1.10 Maintain and uphold the purpose and long-term vision of the EUS;}}
*{{Hanging indent|text=31.1.11 Have the right to reverse any decisions taken by the Executive Committee or EUS Council, provided the rationale;}}
*{{Hanging indent|text=31.1.12 Be held accountable to the General Assembly;}}
{{Hanging indent|text=31.2 The [[Bog|Board of Governors]] can only amend [[Bylaws]] or the Constitution in a manner that would modify its power and duties subject to ratification by the E.U.S Council}}
{{Hanging indent|text=31.3 Amendments to bylaws made by the Board of Governors shall remain in effect until the following General Assembly, at which point they will be overturned unless ratified by the General Assembly, in accordance with Quebec Law.}}
===Article 32: Meetings of the [[Bog|Board of Governors]]===
{{Hanging indent|text=32.1 Quorum for a meeting of the [[Bog|Board of Governors]] shall be fifty percent (50%) + 1 of its members and include at least the Board Chairman, one (1) Alumni and one (1) EUS Executive Committee member.}}
*{{Hanging indent|text=32.1.1 In order to achieve Quorum, a member of the Executive Committee, whether they are a member of the Board of Governors or not, must be present.}}
{{Hanging indent|text=32.2 The [[Bog|Board of Governors]] shall hold Board Meetings at least once a month}}
{{Hanging indent|text=32.3 Notice of the meeting and agenda shall be provided at least five (5) business days prior to a Board Meeting.}}
{{Hanging indent|text=32.4 Minutes shall be made public, except for closed-member sessions.}}
*{{Hanging indent|text=32.4.1 A closed-member session may be called by a Simple Majority vote for issues related to legal proceedings, human resources matters, or the communication of other sensitive or confidential information.}}
{{Hanging indent|text=32.5 A closed-member session may be called by a [[EUS_Constitution#Article_73:_Definitions|Simple Majority]] vote for issues related to legal proceedings or human resources matters.}}
{{Hanging indent|text=32.6 In the case of an emergency, the Board Chairman may call a Special Meeting of the [[Bog|Board of Governors]]. Only Motions ruled by the Speaker to be pertinent to the emergency may be considered at such a meeting.}}
{{Hanging indent|text=32.7 The rules of procedure for all meetings of the [[Bog|Board of Governors]] shall be the most recent edition of Roberts’ Rules of Order.}}
===Article 33: Accountability===
{{Hanging indent|text=33.1  One (1) member of the [[Bog|Board of Governors]] shall attend Regular Meetings }}
{{Hanging indent|text=33.2 One (1) member from the [[Bog|Board of Governors]] shall be responsible for presenting the minutes of each Board Meeting to EUS Council (except for closed-member sessions).}}
{{Hanging indent|text=33.3  The EUS Council shall hold a non-binding vote to accept, conditionally accept, or reject all or part of the minutes of each meeting of the [[Bog|Board of Governors]].}}
{{Hanging indent|text=33.4 One (1) member from EUS Council shall be responsible for presenting the minutes of each meeting of EUS Council to the [[Bog|Board of Governors]].}}
===Article 34:  Board Chair===
{{Hanging indent|text=34.1 The [[Bog|Board of Governors]] shall choose a Board Chairman among its Members-at-Large, by simple majority vote. }}
{{Hanging indent|text=34.2  At the end of their term on the Board or in the event that the Board Chair resigns or is removed from office as the Board Chairperson,. The Members-At-Large shall select a new Board Chair shall be selected at the next meeting of the Board of Governors. }}
{{Hanging indent|text=34.3 The Board Chairman shall:}}
*{{Hanging indent|text=34.4.1 Prepare the agenda for Board Meetings; }}
*{{Hanging indent|text=34.4.2 Ensure the implementation of [[Bog|Board of Governors]] decisions;}}
*{{Hanging indent|text=34.4.3  Maintain a sense of cohesiveness among [[Bog|Board of Governors]] members;}}
{{Hanging indent|text=34.4 The Board Chairman shall not have a voting right during the voting process, unless the vote results in a tie}}
===Article 35: Departmental Societies===
{{Hanging indent|text=35.1 The students of each department, program, or school of the Faculty of Engineering shall have the right to form a [[Departments|Departmental Society]] to represent its members}}
{{Hanging indent|text=35.2 Each [[Departments|Departmental Society]] must have Terms of Reference, which defines its name, membership, purpose, and structure.}}
{{Hanging indent|text=35.3 The Departmental Societies shall be considered as part of the EUS, and be bound by the Constitution, [[Bylaws]] and [[Policies]] of the EUS}}
{{Hanging indent|text=35.4 The EUS shall recognize the following as the official Departmental Societies of their respective programs or departments:}}
*{{Hanging indent|text=35.4.1  [[ASA|Architecture Students’ Association]];}}
*{{Hanging indent|text=35.4.2  [[BUSS|Bioengineering Undergraduate Student Society]];}}
*{{Hanging indent|text=35.4.3  [[ChESS|Canadian Society for Chemical Engineers, McGill Student Chapter]];}}
*{{Hanging indent|text=35.4.4  [[CEUS|Civil Engineering Undergraduate Society]];}}
*{{Hanging indent|text=35.4.5  [[ECSESS|Electrical, Computer and Software Engineering Student Society]];}}
*{{Hanging indent|text=35.4.6  [[MAME|McGill Association of Mechanical Engineers]];}}
*{{Hanging indent|text=35.4.7  [[MEUS|Materials Engineering Undergraduate Society]];}}
*{{Hanging indent|text=35.4.8  [[CMEUS|Co-op Mining Engineering Undergraduate Society]];}}
{{Hanging indent|text=35.5 Any new [[Departments|departmental society]] accepted by Council.}}
===Article 36: Formation of a Departmental Society===
{{Hanging indent|text=36.1 Should a new department, school, or program be created by the Faculty of Engineering, then its undergraduate students shall have the right to form a [[Departments|Departmental Society]].}}
{{Hanging indent|text=36.2 A new [[Departments|Departmental Society]] may be created by a Motion of the EUS Council upon receipt of a petition of no less than forty percent (39%) of the [[Departments|Departmental Society]]’s proposed membership}}
{{Hanging indent|text=36.3 Upon creation of a [[Departments|Departmental Society]] by an act of the EUS Council, the [[Departments|Departmental Society]]’s members shall become [[EUS Constitution#Article 6: Rights, Privileges and Obligations of Members|Regular Members]] of the EUS, and subject to payment of fees as per Title I Article 4.}}
===Article 37: Organizing Committees of the EUS===
{{Hanging indent|text=37.1 Any Regular Member or Associate Member of the EUS is eligible to hold a Chief Organizing Position of an EUS Organizing Committee, except for members of the Executive Committee.}}
{{Hanging indent|text=37.2 Each Committee is responsible for submitting a year-end report to the Vice- [[President]] Internal, no later than the date set by the Executive Committee.}}
{{Hanging indent|text=37.3 Selection Committee selects the Chief Organizers from among the members of the EUS with preference given to [[EUS Constitution#Article 6: Rights, Privileges and Obligations of Members|Regular Members]]}}
===Article 38: List of Organizing Committees of the EUS===
{{Hanging indent|text=38.1 The Executive Committee shall prepare the List of Organizing Committees to be presented at the first Board Meeting of each semester.}}
{{Hanging indent|text=38.2 The List of Organizing Committees shall include:}}
*{{Hanging indent|text=38.2.1  the names of the committees;}}
*{{Hanging indent|text=38.2.2  a description of the structure of each committee;}}
*{{Hanging indent|text=38.2.3  the member of the Executive Committee overseeing each committee, should the committee not be under the jurisdiction of [[VP Internal|The Vice-President Internal]];}}
*{{Hanging indent|text=38.2.4  the date by which the committee report is due.}}
===Article 39: Service Committees of the EUS===
{{Hanging indent|text=39.1 Any regular member of the EUS is eligible to hold a Managerial Position of an EUS Service Committee, except for members of the Executive Committee.}}
{{Hanging indent|text=39.2 If no Regular Member is chosen by Selection Committee to fill a position, an Associated Member may apply and hold a Managerial Position, subject to ratification by a Two-Thirds (2/3) Majority vote of [[Bog|Board of Governors]]}}
{{Hanging indent|text=39.3 Each service committee is responsible for submitting a report to the Vice- [[President]] Services, no later than the date set by the Executive Committee.}}
{{Hanging indent|text=39.4 Selection Committee selects the manager(s) from among the [[EUS Constitution#Article 6: Rights, Privileges and Obligations of Members|Regular Members]] of the EUS with preference given to [[EUS Constitution#Article 6: Rights, Privileges and Obligations of Members|Regular Members]]}}
===Article 40: List of Service Committees of the EUS===
{{Hanging indent|text=40.1 The Executive Committee shall prepare the List of Service Committees to be presented at the first Board Meeting of each semester.}}
{{Hanging indent|text=40.2 The List of Service Committees shall include:}}
*{{Hanging indent|text=40.2.1  the names of the committees;}}
*{{Hanging indent|text=40.2.2  a description of the structure of each committee;}}
*{{Hanging indent|text=40.2.3  the member of the Executive Committee overseeing each committee, should the committee not be under the jurisdiction of [[VP Services|the Vice-President Services]];}}
*{{Hanging indent|text=40.2.4  the date by which the committee report is due.}}
===Article 41: Standing Committees of the EUS===
{{Hanging indent|text=41.1 The EUS may, as it sees fit, establish Standing Committees to assist the Executive Committee in implementing large projects and studying concerns or to further existing projects of the EUS Council.}}
{{Hanging indent|text=41.2 A Standing Committee of the EUS shall be defined by its own separate terms of reference and shall have at least one first year student among its members.}}
{{Hanging indent|text=41.3 The creation and dissolution of a Standing Committee of the EUS or the modification of its terms of reference shall require a special Motion of the EUS Council needing a Two-Thirds (2/3) Majority.}}
{{Hanging indent|text=41.4 A Standing Committee of the EUS shall submit a written report to the EUS Council at least once a semester.}}
{{Hanging indent|text=41.5 Any Regular Member of the EUS is eligible to be a member of a Standing Committee of the EUS, subject to article 35.2.}}
===Article 42: Select Committees of the EUS===
{{Hanging indent|text=42.1 Any Regular Member of the EUS may be a member of a Select Committee of the EUS}}
{{Hanging indent|text=42.2 A Select Committee of the EUS shall aid the Executive Committee in researching issues of interest to the EUS}}
{{Hanging indent|text=42.3 The Select Committee shall present a written report of its findings and recommendations to the EUS Council upon termination of its mandate.}}
{{Hanging indent|text=42.4 An official Motion of Formation of an EUS Select Committee shall be presented to the EUS Council, which shall require ratification by a Two-Thirds (2/3) Majority. The Motion of Formation shall include:}}
*{{Hanging indent|text=42.4.1  the number of Select Committee members;}}
*{{Hanging indent|text=42.4.2  a mandate to research a specific subject;}}
*{{Hanging indent|text=42.4.3  the deadline for the Select Committee’s report.}}
{{Hanging indent|text=42.5 Nomination of the Select Committee members shall be open with the passing of a Motion of Formation of an EUS Select Committee. The length of the nomination period shall be determined by the EUS Council.}}
{{Hanging indent|text=42.6 The Select Committee Chairperson and the selected members shall be ratified by the EUS Council and the Chairperson shall be selected by the EUS Council from amongst the Committee members.}}
===Article 43: Standing Selection Committee===
{{Hanging indent|text=43.1 There shall exist a Standing Selection Committee to select [[EUS Constitution#Article 6: Rights, Privileges and Obligations of Members|Regular Members]] of the EUS for the following positions:}}
*{{Hanging indent|text=43.1.1  [[VP Finance|the Vice-President Finance]] of the EUS;}}
*{{Hanging indent|text=43.1.2  Delegate to Senate subject to Article 25.1;}}
*{{Hanging indent|text=43.1.3  replacements to fill vacancies on the Executive Committee;}}
*{{Hanging indent|text=43.1.4  the Speaker of the EUS;}}
*{{Hanging indent|text=43.1.5  the [[CRO|Chief Returning Officer]] of the EUS;}}
*{{Hanging indent|text=43.1.6  the Managerial Positions of all Service Committees of the EUS;}}
*{{Hanging indent|text=43.1.7  The Chief Organizing Positions of all Organizing Committees of the EUS;}}
*{{Hanging indent|text=43.1.8  Any other position committed to Selection Committee by the EUS Council.}}
{{Hanging indent|text=43.2 Of the positions listed in Article 36.1, the following must be ratified by the EUS Council:}}
*{{Hanging indent|text=43.2.1  [[VP Finance|the Vice-President Finance]] of the EUS;}}
*{{Hanging indent|text=43.2.2 Delegate to Senate subject to Article 25.1;}}
*{{Hanging indent|text=43.2.3  replacements to fill vacancies on the Executive Committee; and}}
*{{Hanging indent|text=43.2.4  the [[CRO|Chief Returning Officer]] of the EUS}}
{{Hanging indent|text=43.3 Selection Committee shall have a set of [[Bylaws]] outlining its membership, advertising procedures, interview procedures, and appeal process.}}
===Article 44: Executive Committee===
{{Hanging indent|text=44.1 Any member of the Executive Committee may be removed from office for impropriety, violation of the provisions of the EUS Constitution or its [[Bylaws]], or delinquency of duties.}}
{{Hanging indent|text=44.2 A Motion to remove a member of the Executive Committee must be signed by at least one-third (1/3) of the members of the EUS Council, or by at least one hundred (100) [[EUS Constitution#Article 6: Rights, Privileges and Obligations of Members|Regular Members]] of the EUS, and must be presented in writing at a Regular Meeting. The Motion shall be inscribed on the agenda of the next Regular Meeting.}}
{{Hanging indent|text=44.3 Quorum of two-thirds (2/3) of the members of the EUS Council shall be required to consider a Motion to remove a member of the Executive Committee.}}
{{Hanging indent|text=44.4  A Two-Thirds (2/3) Majority of [[EUS Constitution#Article 6: Rights, Privileges and Obligations of Members|Regular Members]] present shall be required to carry a Motion to remove a member of the Executive Committee.}}
{{Hanging indent|text=44.5 A General Assembly may remove a member of the Executive Committee following the reception of a Motion signed by one hundred (100) [[EUS Constitution#Article 6: Rights, Privileges and Obligations of Members|Regular Members]] of the Society and carried by a Two-Thirds (2/3) Majority of the [[EUS Constitution#Article 6: Rights, Privileges and Obligations of Members|Regular Members]] presentat the General Assembly.}}
{{Hanging indent|text=44.6  The Board of Governors may remove a member of the Executive Committee following the reception of a Motion intended for this effect and carried by a Two-thirds (2/3) Majority of the Board.}}
{{Hanging indent|text=44.7  The member of the Executive Committee must be given 72 hours notice of the meeting at which their impeachment is being considered, along with the reasons stated for impeachment, with the exception of a General Assembly. }}
===Article 45: Departmental Students’ Associations===
===Article 6: Dissolution===
{{Hanging indent|text=45.1 A Motion to impeach a Class Representative may be presented to Council in the following manner:}}
:6.1 In the event of dissolution, trusteeship, or cessation of the EUS, all fees and assets shall be transferred to an association with similar membership and purpose.
*{{Hanging indent|text=45.1.1 A petition calling for a Class Representative’s impeachment, signed by the greater of either twenty percent (20%) or twenty (20) members of their Class.}}
*{{Hanging indent|text=45.1.2  [[VP Student Life|The Vice-President Student Life]] may call for a Class Representative’s impeachment due to delinquency of duties as per Article 24.3}}
{{Hanging indent|text=45.2 A Motion to impeach a [[Departments|Departmental Society]] [[President]] may be presented to Council in the following manner:}}
*{{Hanging indent|text=45.2.1  A petition calling for a [[Departments|Departmental Society]] [[President]]’s impeachment, signed by the greater of either twenty percent (20%) or twenty (20) members of their Constituency.}}
*{{Hanging indent|text=45.2.2  [[VP Student Life|The Vice-President Student Life]] may call for a [[Departments|Departmental Society]] [[President]]’s impeachment due to delinquency of duties as per Article 24.3}}
===Article 46: Engineering Representatives to S.S.M.U.===
=TITLE II: The Executive Committee=
{{Hanging indent|text=46.1 A Motion to impeach an Engineering Representative to S.S.M.U. must be signed by at least one-third (1/3) of the members of the EUS Council, or by at least one hundred (100) [[EUS Constitution#Article 6: Rights, Privileges and Obligations of Members|Regular Members]] of the EUS, and must be presented in writing at a Regular Meeting.}}
===Article 7: Membership===
{{Hanging indent|text=46.2 A Two-Thirds (2/3) Majority shall be required to carry a Motion to remove an Engineering Representative to S.S.M.U. Council.}}
:7.1 The Executive Committee shall consist of:
{{Hanging indent|text=46.3 A General Assembly may remove an Engineering Representative to the S.S.M.U Council following the reception of a Motion signed by one hundred (100) [[EUS Constitution#Article 6: Rights, Privileges and Obligations of Members|Regular Members]] and carried by a Two-Thirds (2/3) Majority of the [[EUS Constitution#Article 6: Rights, Privileges and Obligations of Members|Regular Members]] present at the General Assembly.}}
::7.1.1 The President;
::7.1.1 The Vice President Academic (VP Academic);
::7.1.3 The Vice President Communications (VP Communications);
::7.1.4 The Vice President External (VP External);
::7.1.5 The Vice President Finance (VP Finance);
::7.1.6 The Vice President Internal (VP Internal);
::7.1.7 The Vice President Services (VP Services);
::7.1.8 The Vice President Student Life (VP Student Life).
:7.2 The candidates for positions of the Executive Committee must be Regular Members of the EUS and remain Regular Members for the duration of their term.
:7.3 Members of the Executive Committee shall start their terms of office on May 1st, which shall last for one (1) calendar year.
:7.4 At least three (3) members of the Executive Committee, including the President and the VP Finance, shall also be members of the Board of Governors for the duration of their terms of office. 
:7.5 No individual may hold more than one (1) position on the Executive Committee.
===Article 47: Delegate to Senate===
===Article 8: Powers and Duties===  
{{Hanging indent|text=47.1 A Motion to impeach a Delegate to Senate must be signed by at least one- third (1/3) of the members of the EUS Council, or by at least one hundred (100) [[EUS Constitution#Article 6: Rights, Privileges and Obligations of Members|Regular Members]] of the EUS, and must be presented in writing at a Regular Meeting.}}
:8.1 The Executive Committee shall:
{{Hanging indent|text=47.2 A Two-Thirds (2/3) Majority shall be required to carry a Motion to remove a Delegate to Senate Council.}}
::8.1.1 Coordinate and administer the policies, activities, and operational affairs of the EUS;
{{Hanging indent|text=47.3 A General Assembly may remove a Delegate to Senate following the reception of a Motion signed by one hundred (100) [[EUS Constitution#Article 6: Rights, Privileges and Obligations of Members|Regular Members]] and carried by a Two-Thirds (2/3) Majority of the [[EUS Constitution#Article 6: Rights, Privileges and Obligations of Members|Regular Members]] at the General Assembly.}}
::8.1.2 Maintain relevant bylaws and policies;
::8.1.3 Act upon resolutions adopted by General Assembly, EUS Council, or the Board of Governors;
::8.1.4 Encourage active participation and continuous feedback within the EUS;
::8.1.5 Report its activities and decisions to the EUS Council and the Board of Governors;
::8.1.6 Be present and available for office hours;
::8.1.7 Be responsible for maintaining the EUS Office;
::8.1.8 Maintain a list of all EUS Groups and their respective chair(s) or equivalent, to be presented at the first regular meeting of the EUS Council;
::8.1.9 Gather all EUS Groups’ year-end reports;
::8.1.10 Prepare and submit a midterm report to the EUS Council no later than January 30;
::8.1.11 Prepare and submit a year-end report no later than May 15.
:8.2 The President shall:
::8.2.1 Be the official spokesperson for the EUS;
::8.2.2 Oversee matters pertaining to equity in the EUS;
::8.2.3 Be permitted to serve as a non-voting, ex officio member of all EUS Groups;
::8.2.4 Coordinate meetings with Departmental Society Presidents no less than three times per semester during the academic year;
::8.2.5 Call and chair Executive Committee meetings;
::8.2.6 Oversee Elections EUS;
::8.2.7 Organize the introduction of the incoming Executive Committee and EUS Council.
:8.3 The VP Academic shall:
::8.3.1 Be responsible for all academic and curricular concerns of the EUS;
::8.3.2 Represent the EUS at any academic committees of the Faculty of Engineering and the broader McGill Community;
::8.3.3 Oversee the academic funds and support services of the EUS;
::8.3.4 Serve as the official spokesperson for the EUS in the absence of the President and VP External.
:8.4 The VP Communications shall:
::8.4.1 Be responsible for the communication of relevant information to EUS members;
::8.4.2 Be responsible for all publications of the EUS;
::8.4.3 Oversee the creative portfolio of the EUS;
::8.4.4 Oversee all information technology within the EUS.
:8.5 The VP External shall:
::8.5.1 Represent the EUS to outside bodies in conjunction with the President;
::8.5.2 Maintain links with student organizations at the provincial, federal, and international levels;
::8.5.3 Represent the EUS at provincial, federal, and international engineering organizations with which the EUS chooses to be affiliated;
::8.5.4 Oversee committees and delegations with direct ties to external student organizations;
::8.5.5 Serve as the official spokesperson for the EUS in the absence of the President.
:8.6 The VP Finance shall:
::8.6.1 Keep proper financial accounts and records in accordance with the Financial Bylaws of the EUS;
::8.6.2 Prepare the annual budget of the EUS in conjunction with the Executive Committee and submit it to the Board of Governors before October 15th;
::8.6.3 Manage the funds of the EUS in conjunction with the Executive Committee;
::8.6.4 Prepare a year-end financial report by May 15th and obtain and update the previous year’s financial report;
::8.6.5 Coordinate relationships with sponsors to support the finances of the EUS.
:8.7 The VP Internal shall:
::8.7.1 Coordinate first-year orientation activities in conjunction with the broader McGill Community;
::8.7.2 Organize social, cultural, and other activities for the members of the EUS;
::8.7.3 Be responsible for relations between the EUS and other faculty associations of McGill University in conjunction with the President.
:8.8 The VP Services shall:
::8.8.1 Be responsible for student facilities of the EUS unless otherwise stipulated;
::8.8.2 Oversee the services of the EUS;
::8.8.3 Coordinate all staff remunerations and records of payroll;
::8.8.4 Maintain and improve EUS spaces in cooperation with the Faculty Building Director(s).
:8.9 The VP Student Life shall:
::8.9.1 Implement initiatives relevant to the well-being of EUS Regular Members;
::8.9.2 Coordinate first-year involvement;
::8.9.3 Oversee graduation events;
::8.9.4 Call EUS Council meetings to order;
::8.9.5 Ensure that members of the EUS Council attend Council meetings;
::8.9.6 Be responsible for the Speaker(s) and Minute Taker(s) of the EUS;
::8.9.7 Oversee the formation and operations of EUS Clubs and Design Teams;
::8.9.8 Oversee the club and design team spaces.
===Article 48: Chief Organizers===
===Article 9: Meetings===
{{Hanging indent|text=48.1 Any person appointed to a Chief Organizing Position may be dismissed of his or her duties by a Two-Thirds (2/3) Majority vote of the [[Bog|Board of Governors]]}}
:9.1 The Executive Committee shall meet at least once every two (2) weeks during the Academic Year, and at least once every three (3) weeks during the summer.
:9.2 Quorum shall be the lesser of five (5) or two-thirds (2/3) of the members of the Executive Committee.
===Article 49: [[Bog|Board of Governors]]===
=TITLE III: The EUS Council=
{{Hanging indent|text=49.1 Any member of the [[Bog|Board of Governors]] may be removed from office for impropriety, violation of the provisions of the EUS Constitution or [[Bylaws]], or delinquency of duties.}}
===Article 10: Membership===
{{Hanging indent|text=49.2 A Motion to remove a member of the [[Bog|Board of Governors]] must be signed by at least one-third (1/3) of the members of the EUS Council, or by a hundred (100) [[EUS Constitution#Article 6: Rights, Privileges and Obligations of Members|Regular Members]], and must be presented in writing at a Regular Meeting. The Motion shall be inscribed on the agenda of the next Regular Meeting.The Motion shall be inscribed on the agenda of the next Regular Meeting.
:10.1 The members of EUS Council must be Regular Members of the EUS and consist of:
::10.1.1 The eight (8) members of the Executive Committee;
{{Hanging indent|text=49.3 A Two-Thirds (2/3) Majority of [[EUS Constitution#Article 6: Rights, Privileges and Obligations of Members|Regular Members]] shall be required to carry a Motion to remove a member of the [[Bog|Board of Governors]].}}
::10.1.2 One (1) representative from each the four (4) classes in each of the programs recognized by the EUS:
{{Hanging indent|text=49.4 A General Assembly may remove a member of the [[Bog|Board of Governors]] following the reception of a Motion intended for this effect and carried by a Two Thirds () Majority of the Regular Members present at the General Assembly.}}
::: Architecture;
::: Bioengineering;
::: Chemical;
::: Civil;
::: Computer;
::: Electrical;
::: Mechanical;
::: Materials;
::: Mining;
::: Software.
::10.1.3 The Departmental Presidents;
::10.1.4 The Engineering Representative(s) to SSMU Council (“SSMU Representative(s)”);
::10.1.5 The Engineering Senator(s);
::10.1.6 The Clubs Representative;
::10.1.7 The Design Team Representative;
::10.1.8 The U0 Representative.
:10.2 Each member of the EUS Council shall have the right to vote.
:10.3 Each member of the EUS Council shall hold one (1) vote, except:
::10.3.1 If one SSMU Representative is unable to attend, they may proxy their vote to the other SSMU Representative;
::10.3.2 If the Engineering Senator is unable to attend, the may proxy their vote to a SSMU Representative;
::10.3.3 If the Clubs Representative or Design Team Representative are unable to attend, they may proxy their vote to the VP Student Life;
::10.3.4 If one Class Representative in the junior or senior grouping is unable to attend, they may proxy their vote to the other member of their grouping;
::10.3.5 If a Departmental President is unable to attend, they may proxy their vote to their vote to any Vice-President on their Departmental Council.
:10.4 In the event that both Class Representatives in a grouping are unable to attend a council meeting, each shall be responsible for providing a proxy for that meeting, and for informing the VP Student Life, in writing, of that proxy. 
::10.4.1 Proxies shall be members of the concerned Departmental Society or students in the Class Representative’s year and program.
::10.4.2 If only one proxy can be secured, one of the absent Class Representatives may proxy their vote to their Departmental President.  
:10.5 No individual may hold more than one (1) position on the EUS Council.
:10.6 No individual may represent more than two (2) votes on the EUS Council.
:10.7 Any member of the EUS Council who misses two (2) regular meetings without providing a proxy should be removed from office as per Article 28.  
:10.8 Any member of the EUS Council who proxies their vote three (3) times per semester should be removed from office as per Article 28.  
===Article 50: Recourse===
===Article 11: Powers and Duties===
{{Hanging indent|text=50.1 Any person impeached according to Articles 44, 45, 46, 47, or 50 has recourse to an appeal to the [[Bog|Board of Governors]] whose decision shall be final.}}
:11.1 The EUS Council shall:
::11.1.1 Act as the advisory body of the EUS, which represents the opinions and values of its Regular Members;
::11.1.2 Hold the Executive Committee, SSMU Representative(s), Engineering Senator(s), and the Board of Governors accountable to their duties;
::11.1.3 Ratify positions-holders, including but not limited to: Associate Members, conference delegates, and financial committee members.
:11.2 For the period(s) from the last meeting of an academic year to the first meeting of the following academic year, as well as from the last meeting of the Fall Semester to the first meeting of the Winter Semester, the powers of the EUS Council may be exercised by the Executive Committee.
::11.2.1 Any decisions made by the Executive Committee using the powers of the EUS Council shall be presented to and ratified by the EUS Council at its first Regular Meeting.  
===Article 12: Meetings===
===Article 51: Languages of the Society===
:12.1 Quorum for a meeting of the EUS Council shall be fifty percent (50%) plus one (1) of its votes.
{{Hanging indent|text=51.1 English and French are the official languages of the EUS}}
:12.2 In the case of a vote that results in a tie, the question shall be considered defeated.
{{Hanging indent|text=51.2 At all meetings of the EUS and its committees, members may use either official language.}}
:12.3 A confidential session may be called by a simple majority vote of EUS Council.
{{Hanging indent|text=51.3 Motions of the EUS and its committees may be adopted in either or both of the official languages. Should a discrepancy exist between a Motion and its translation, the document in its original language shall preside.}}
:12.4 The EUS Council shall hold meetings at least every four (4) weeks while classes are in session during the Academic Year.
:12.5 Notice of the meeting and agendas shall be provided at least forty-eight (48) hours prior to a regular meeting.
:12.6 In the case of an emergency, the President or the Vice President Student Life may call an Emergency Meeting of the EUS Council at any time.
:12.7 The EUS shall have a policy defining the rules of procedure of the EUS Council.
::12.7.1 In the event that no such policy exists, the rules of procedure of EUS Council shall be the most recent edition of Robert’s Rules of Order.
=TITLE IV: Board of Governors=
===Article 52: Freedom of Information===
===Article 13: Membership===
{{Hanging indent|text=52.1 All minutes and documents of Regular Meetings and Board Meetings shall be public documents, except for minutes of a closed-member session .}}
:13.1 The Board of Governors shall be composed of:
{{Hanging indent|text=52.2 The [[President]] of the EUS shall not be obliged to release information, documents or minutes concerning ideas, actions, or Motions that were not acted upon.}}
::13.1.1 The President;
::13.1.2 The VP Finance;
::13.1.3 One (1) other member of the Executive Committee;
::13.1.4 The Engineering Senator(s);
::13.1.5 Eight (8) Members-at-Large;
::13.1.6 Two (2) Alumni.
:13.2 All members of the Board of Governors shall serve as administrators of the EUS.
:13.3 All members of the Board of Governors, excluding the Chair, shall have a vote at meetings of the Board of Governors.
:13.4 All Members-at-Large shall be Regular Members on the first day of their terms.
:13.5 The Executive on the Board of Governors as per 13.1.3 shall be chosen by a two-thirds (2/3) majority vote of the Executive Committee at their first meeting.
::13.5.1 The terms of office of the three (3) members of the Executive Committee on the Board of Governors shall start on May 1st and last one calendar year.
:13.6 The Members-at-Large shall be chosen as follows:
::13.6.1 Two (2) Members-at-Large shall be selected by EUS Council between September 1 and October 31. Their term shall start on November 1, for a duration of one (1) calendar year.
::13.6.2 Two (2) Members-at-Large shall be elected by a secret ballot of the Regular Members held between September 1 and October 31. Their term shall start on November 1, for a duration of one (1) calendar year.
::13.6.3 Four (4) Members-at-Large shall be elected by a secret ballot of the Regular Members held between February 1 and March 31. Their term shall start on May 1, for a duration of one (1) calendar year.
:13.7 The two (2) Alumni shall be selected by the Board of Governors.
::13.7.1 One (1) Alumnus shall start their term on May 1, for a duration of one (1) calendar year.
::13.7.1 One (1) Alumnus shall start their term on November 1, for a duration of one (1) calendar year.
===Article 14: Powers and Duties===
===Article 53: Definition===
:14.1 The Board of Governors shall:
{{Hanging indent|text=53.1 An [[Clubs|EUS Club]] shall be defined as a group of EUS members who meet on a regular basis to promote a specific agenda, as per the clubs [[Bylaws]].}}
::14.1.1 Maintain and uphold the long-term vision of the EUS;
::14.1.2 Maintain and uphold the Letters Patent, constitution, bylaws and policies of the EUS as well as any major contract signed by the Society;
::14.1.3 Exercise financial authority;
::14.1.4 Have oversight of services and EUS Committees with more than $50,000 of expenses in their annual budget;
::14.1.5 Incorporate the resolutions, motions, and views of the EUS Council into relevant decisions;
::14.1.6 Hold the Executive Committee accountable;
::14.1.7 Be held accountable to the General Assembly.
:14.2 The Board of Governors may:
::14.2.1 Assign resolutions to the Executive Committee;
::14.2.2 Approve bids for large-scale external events;
::14.2.3 Reverse any decisions taken by the Executive Committee or EUS Council, provided the rationale.
:14.3 Amendments to bylaws or the constitution that would modify the Board of Governors’ power and duties shall be subject to ratification by the EUS Council.
:14.4 Amendments to bylaws made by the Board of Governors shall remain in effect until the following General Assembly, at which point they shall be overturned, ratified, or amended by the General Assembly.
::14.4.1 In the case of an amendment made by the General Assembly to any bylaw, the most recent version of the bylaw shall remain in effect until the amendments are ratified by the Board of Governors.
===Article 54: Membership===
===Article 15: Meetings===  
{{Hanging indent|text=54.1 Any Regular or Associate member of the EUS may be a member of an [[Clubs|EUS Club]]. }}
:15.1 Quorum for a meeting of the Board of Governors shall be fifty percent (50%) plus one (1) of its members.
{{Hanging indent|text=54.2 The [[Clubs|EUS Club]]’s executive committee must be composed of at least two-thirds (2/3) [[EUS Constitution#Article 6: Rights, Privileges and Obligations of Members|Regular Members]]}}
:15.2 The Board of Governors shall hold Board Meetings at least once every four (4) weeks.
===Article 55: Formation===
:15.3 The Board Chair may call an emergency meeting of the Board of Governors. Only motions ruled by the Chair to be pertinent to the emergency may be considered at such a meeting.
{{Hanging indent|text=55.1 An [[Clubs|EUS Club]] may be formed by a motion presented at an Executive Committee meeting with a two-thirds (2/3) majority.}}
:15.4 An agenda shall be made public at least forty-eight (48) hours prior to a Board Meeting, with the exception of emergency meetings.
:15.5 A confidential session may be called by a simple majority vote of the Board.
:15.6 Meeting minutes shall be made public, excluding confidential sessions.
===Article 16: Accountability===
:16.1 One (1) member of the EUS Council shall be responsible for presenting the minutes of each meeting of the EUS Council to the Board of Governors.  
===Article 56: Electoral Officers===
:16.2 One (1) member of the the Board of Governors shall be responsible for presenting the non-confidential minutes of each Board meeting to the EUS Council.  
{{Hanging indent|text=56.1 The [[CRO|Chief Returning Officer]] shall be selected, by EUS Selection Committee, and ratified by EUS Council.}}
:16.3 The EUS Council shall hold a non-binding vote to accept, conditionally accept, or reject all or part of the non-confidential minutes of each meeting of the Board of Governors.
{{Hanging indent|text=56.2 The Deputy Returning Officers shall be selected by each [[Departments|Departmental Society]] and ratified by the EUS Council.}}
{{Hanging indent|text=56.3 Any Regular Member of the EUS may be commissioned as a [[CRO|Chief Returning Officer]] or Deputy Returning Officer. }}
===Article 57: Duties of Electoral Officers===
===Article 17: Board Chair===
{{Hanging indent|text=57.1 The [[CRO|Chief Returning Officer]] shall:}}
:17.1 The Board Chair shall:
*{{Hanging indent|text=57.1.1 be responsible for the collection and distribution of nomination forms and all other documents pertaining to elections and referenda; and }}
::17.1.1 Prepare the agenda for Board Meetings;
*{{Hanging indent|text=57.1.2 be responsible for conducting elections and referenda as per the Electoral and Referenda [[Bylaws]] of the EUS}}
::17.1.2 Ensure the implementation of Board of Governors decisions;
{{Hanging indent|text=57.2 A Deputy Returning Officer shall:}}
::17.1.3 Maintain a sense of cohesiveness among Board of Governors members.
*{{Hanging indent|text=57.2.1  assist in the conduct of an election or referendum as required by the [[CRO|Chief Returning Officer]] for the [[Departments|Departmental Society]] elections.}}
:17.2 The Board of Governors shall choose a Board Chair among its Members-at-Large.
{{Hanging indent|text=57.3 No [[CRO|Chief Returning Officer]], nor a Deputy Returning Officer, can be a candidate in any election, or proposer of a referendum question being conducted by the EUS}}
:17.3 The Board Chair shall not have a voting right, unless a vote results in a tie.
:17.4 At the end of their term on the Board, or in the event that the Board Chair resigns or is removed from office as the Board Chair, the Board of Governors shall select a new Board Chair.
=TITLE V: General Assembly=
===Article 58: Eligible Voters and Candidates===
===Article 18: Powers===
{{Hanging indent|text=58.1 The following shall be elected by and from the [[EUS Constitution#Article 6: Rights, Privileges and Obligations of Members|Regular Members]] of the EUS:}}
:18.1 A General Assembly may pass a resolution to the EUS Council, Board of Governors, or the Executive Committee.
*{{Hanging indent|text=58.1.1  the [[President]];}}
:18.2 A General Assembly shall vote to ratify amendments to bylaws made by the Board of Governors.
*{{Hanging indent|text=58.1.2 [[VP Internal|The Vice-President Internal]]; }}
:18.3 A General Assembly may amend or create bylaws, subject to ratification by the Board of Governors.
*{{Hanging indent|text=58.1.3  [[VP External|the Vice-President External]]; }}
:18.4 A General Assembly may not have the power to change the financial structure of the EUS.
*{{Hanging indent|text=58.1.4  [[VP Academic|the Vice-President Academic]];}}
*{{Hanging indent|text=58.1.5  [[VP Services|the Vice-President Services]]; }}
*{{Hanging indent|text=58.1.6  [[VP Communications|the Vice-President Communications]]; and}}
*{{Hanging indent|text=58.1.7  [[VP Student Life|the Vice-President Student Life]].}}
{{Hanging indent|text=58.2 The following shall be appointed by Selection Committee from amongst the [[EUS Constitution#Article 6: Rights, Privileges and Obligations of Members|Regular Members]], subject to ratification by the EUS Council and the Board of Governors:}}
*{{Hanging indent|text=58.2.1 [[VP Finance|the Vice-President Finance]];}}
{{Hanging indent|text=58.3 Candidates for any election or appointment to the Executive Committee must be in satisfactory academic standing. The [[CRO|Chief Returning Officer]] has the right to verify the academic standing of any candidate for the Executive Committee.}}
===Article 59: Procedures===
===Article 19: Meetings===
{{Hanging indent|text=59.1 The elections shall be conducted in accordance with the Electoral [[Bylaws]] of the EUS}}
:19.1 A General Assembly may be called by a motion of the EUS Council, or by a request signed by the lesser of ten percent (10%) or one hundred (100) of the Regular Members of the EUS.
{{Hanging indent|text=59.2 The election of the [[President]], Vice-President Internal, Vice-President External, Vice-President Academic, Vice-President Services, Vice-President Communications and [[VP Student Life|the Vice-President Student Life]] shall be held between February 1 and March 31 by a secret ballot of the [[EUS Constitution#Article 6: Rights, Privileges and Obligations of Members|Regular Members]]}}
:19.2 Quorum for the General Assembly shall be the lesser of ten percent (10%) or one hundred (100) of the Regular Members of the EUS.
{{Hanging indent|text=59.3 Nominations must be presented to the [[CRO|Chief Returning Officer]] no later than seven (7) School Days before the date of the election. However, should only one person be nominated for a post at the date set for closing nominations, the date of the closing of nominations for that post shall be extended for two (2) School Days and notice given thereof.}}
:19.3 Only Regular Members of the EUS shall be allowed to vote at a General Assembly.
{{Hanging indent|text=59.4 In the event that after an extension of two days there remains only one candidate, a vote of confidence shall be held. The candidate must obtain a [[EUS_Constitution#Article_73:_Definitions|Simple Majority]] of the vote or else the position remains vacant.}}
:19.4 A motion of the General Assembly shall not be valid if more than fifty percent (50%) of voters are constituents of the same Departmental Society.
{{Hanging indent|text=59.5 Nominations for [[President]] must be signed by fifty (50) [[EUS Constitution#Article 6: Rights, Privileges and Obligations of Members|Regular Members]] and by the nominee.}}
:19.5 Any person who is not a Regular Member of the EUS may attend a General Assembly, except in the case where a two-thirds (2/3) majority of the Regular Members present at the Assembly votes to close the meeting.
{{Hanging indent|text=59.6 Nominations for Vice-President Internal, Vice-President External, Vice- [[President]] Academic, Vice-President Services, Vice-President Communications and Vice-President Student Life must be signed by twenty-five (25) [[EUS Constitution#Article 6: Rights, Privileges and Obligations of Members|Regular Members]] and by the nominee.}}
:19.6 The rules of procedure for all General Assemblies shall be the Standing Orders of Council.
{{Hanging indent|text=59.7 Vacancies shall be filled as they occur during the year by the Selection Committee, subject to ratification by the EUS Council.}}
:19.7 The schedule of the General Assembly shall be as follows:
{{Hanging indent|text=59.8 Positions filled in the manner prescribed by 59.7 shall be exempt from the terms of 59.5 and 59.6.}}
::19.7.1 Notice of the General Assembly shall be posted at least ten (10) school days prior to the convening of the General Assembly;
::19.7.2 Motions to be presented at the General Assembly must be submitted to the VP Student Life at least five (5) school days prior to the General Assembly;
::19.7.3 The agenda, and motions to be presented at the General Assembly shall be posted three (3) school days before the General Assembly.
:19.8 Motions not submitted within the schedule may be brought to the floor, subject to two-thirds (2/3) majority ratification of the Regular Members in attendance.
=TITLE VI: EUS Groups & Representatives=
===Article 20: Engineering Senator===
:20.1 The Engineering Senator(s) shall:
::20.1.1 Represent the interests and concerns of Regular Members as expressed through the EUS Council to Senate;
::20.1.2 Sit on the EUS Board of Governors;
::20.1.3 Inform the EUS on matters of the Senate.
:20.2 The terms of office of the Engineering Senator(s) shall begin May 1st and last one (1) calendar year.
===Article 21: Engineering Representatives to SSMU Council===
===Article 60: Procedures===
:21.1 The SSMU Representative(s) shall:
{{Hanging indent|text=60.1 The elections shall be conducted in accordance with the Electoral [[Bylaws]] of the EUS}}
::21.1.1 Represent the interests and concerns of the EUS as expressed through the EUS Council to the SSMU Council;
{{Hanging indent|text=60.2 The election of the Engineering Representatives to S.S.M.U. Council shall be held by a secret ballot of the [[EUS Constitution#Article 6: Rights, Privileges and Obligations of Members|Regular Members]] }}
::21.1.2 Inform the EUS on matters of the SSMU.
{{Hanging indent|text=60.3 The elections of the Engineering Representatives to S.S.M.U. Council shall be held at the same time as the Executive Committee elections and shall be administered by the [[CRO|Chief Returning Officer]].}}
:21.2 The terms of office of the SSMU Representative(s) shall begin May 1st and last one (1) calendar year.
{{Hanging indent|text=60.4 Nominations must be presented to the [[CRO|Chief Returning Officer]] no later than seven (7) School Days before the date of the election. However, should only one person be nominated per position at the date set for closing nominations, the date of the closing of nominations for that post shall be extended for two (2) School Days and notice given thereof.}}
{{Hanging indent|text=60.5 In the event that after an extension of two days there remains only one candidate per position, a vote of confidence shall be held for each candidate. The candidate must obtain a [[EUS_Constitution#Article_73:_Definitions|Simple Majority]] of the vote or else the position remains vacant.}}
{{Hanging indent|text=60.6 Nominations for Engineering Representatives to S.S.M.U. Council must be signed by twenty-five (25) [[EUS Constitution#Article 6: Rights, Privileges and Obligations of Members|Regular Members]] and by the nominee.}}
{{Hanging indent|text=60.7 Vacancies shall be filled as they occur during the year by the Standing Selection Committee, subject to ratification by the EUS Council.}}
*{{Hanging indent|text=60.7.1 Positions filled in the manner prescribed above shall be exempt from the terms of  Article 60.6.}}
===Article 22: Class Representatives===
===Article 61: Election of Second, Third, and Fourth Year representatives===
:22.1 Class Representatives shall:
{{Hanging indent|text=61.1 Election of Class Representatives shall be held by secret ballot at the same time as the [[Departments|Departmental Society]] elections and shall be administered by the [[Departments|Departmental Society]]’s Deputy Returning Officer, subject to the authority of the [[CRO|Chief Returning Officer]].}}
::22.1.1 Attend EUS Council Meetings;
{{Hanging indent|text=61.2 Nominations must be presented to the [[Departments|Departmental Society]]’s Deputy Returning Officer at least eight (8) School Days before the date of the election. However, should only one person be nominated for this position at the end of nomination period, the nomination period shall be extended by two (2) School Days and notice given thereof.}}
::22.1.2 Inform their Class on matters of the EUS Council;
{{Hanging indent|text=61.3 Nominations for Class Representatives must be signed by the lesser of twenty (20) members of or twenty percent (20%), of their Constituency.}}
::22.1.3 Represent the interests and concerns of their Class to the EUS Council.
{{Hanging indent|text=61.4 The [[CRO|Chief Returning Officer]] of the EUS shall ensure that these elections take place, and are held in accordance with the Election [[Bylaws]] of the EUS}}
:22.2 The term of office for a Class Representative shall begin May 1st and last one (1) calendar year.
===Article 62: Election of First Year and U0 Class Representatives===
===Article 23: EUS Groups===
{{Hanging indent|text=62.1 A first year Class Representative for each Department shall be elected by their Class within the month of September.}}
:23.1 EUS Groups shall refer to all Committees, Clubs, Design Teams, and Departmental Societies within the EUS.
{{Hanging indent|text=62.2 The elections for first year Class Representative shall be administered by the respective [[Departments|Departmental Society]] [[President]]s.}}
Services and publications shall be considered Committees of the EUS.
{{Hanging indent|text=62.3 A U0 Class Representative shall be elected by the EUS Junior Council from among its members before October 15th.}}
:23.2 All EUS Groups shall:
{{Hanging indent|text=62.4 The elections for the U0 Class Representative shall be administered by [[VP Student Life|the Vice-President Student Life]].}}
::23.2.1 Uphold the constitution, bylaws, and policies of the EUS;
::23.2.2 Maintain their governing document(s);
::23.2.3 Submit annual year-end reports to the appropriate overseeing body or individual(s);
::23.2.4 Be held accountable by the Executive(s) or Board Member(s) responsible for overseeing them.
===Article 63: Vacancies===
===Article 24: Departmental Societies===
{{Hanging indent|text=63.1 In the case of a vacancy, a [[Departments|Departmental Society]] may appoint a new Class Representative, who shall remain Class Representative for the remainder of the year.}}
:24.1 The students of each department, program, or school of the Faculty of Engineering shall have the right to form a Departmental Society to represent its members.
:24.2 A Departmental Society shall be considered an EUS Group.
:24.3 Each Departmental Society must have a constitution, which defines its name, membership, purpose, and structure.
:24.4 The EUS shall recognize the following Departmental Societies:
::24.4.1 Architecture Students’ Association (ASA);
::24.4.2 Bioengineering Undergraduate Student Society (BUSS);
::24.4.3 Chemical Engineering Students’ Society of McGill University (ChESS);
::24.4.4 Civil Engineering Undergraduate Society (CEUS);
::24.4.5 Co-op Mining Engineering Undergraduate Society (CMEUS);
::24.4.6 Electrical, Computer, and Software Engineering Student Society (ECSESS);
::24.4.7 Materials Engineering Undergraduate Society (MEUS);
::24.4.8 McGill Association of Mechanical Engineers (MAME);
::24.4.9 Any new Departmental Society accepted by the EUS Council.
:24.5 A new Departmental Society may be created by a motion of the EUS Council upon receipt of a petition of no less than forty percent (40%) of the Departmental Society’s proposed membership.
=TITLE VII: Referenda and Elections=
===Article 64: Eligible Voters and Candidates===
{{Hanging indent|text=64.1 The following shall be elected by and from the [[EUS Constitution#Article 6: Rights, Privileges and Obligations of Members|Regular Members]]:}}
*{{Hanging indent|text=64.1.1 Four (4) Members-at-Large in the Winter semester}}
*{{Hanging indent|text=64.1.1 Two (2) Members-at-Large in the Fall semester}}
===Article 65: Procedures===
===Article 25: Referendum Procedure===
{{Hanging indent|text=65.1 The elections shall be conducted in accordance with the Electoral [[Bylaws]] of the EUS}}
:25.1 A referendum may be initiated by:
{{Hanging indent|text=65.2 The election of the [[Bog|Board of Governors]] Members-at-Large shall be held by a secret ballot of the [[EUS Constitution#Article 6: Rights, Privileges and Obligations of Members|Regular Members]] }}
::25.1.1 A motion of the EUS Council;
{{Hanging indent|text=65.3 The elections of the [[Bog|Board of Governors]] Members-at-Large shall be administered by the [[CRO|Chief Returning Officer]].}}
::25.1.2 A motion of a General Assembly;
{{Hanging indent|text=65.4 Nominations must be presented to the [[CRO|Chief Returning Officer]] no later than seven (7) School Days before the date of the election. However, should only one person be nominated per position at the date set for closing nominations, the date of the closing of nominations for that post shall be extended for two (2) School Days and notice given thereof.}}
::25.1. A petition signed by the lesser of at least ten percent (10%) of the Regular Members or one hundred (100) Regular Members.
{{Hanging indent|text=65.5 In the event that after an extension of two days there remains only one candidate per position, a vote of confidence shall be held for each candidate. The candidate must obtain a [[EUS_Constitution#Article_73:_Definitions|Simple Majority]] of the vote or else the position remains vacant.}}
:25.2 The Chief Returning Officer shall be responsible for conducting the referendum.
{{Hanging indent|text=65.6 Nominations for [[Bog|Board of Governors]] Members-at-Large must be signed by twenty-five (25) [[EUS Constitution#Article 6: Rights, Privileges and Obligations of Members|Regular Members]] and by the nominee.}}
:25.3 Notice of the referendum question, voting location, and voting hours must be posted no fewer than five (5) school days before the voting is to take place.
{{Hanging indent|text=65.7 Vacancies shall be filled as they occur during the year by the [[Bog|Board of Governors]]}}
:25.4 A referendum shall only be considered valid if a minimum of ten percent (10%) of the Regular Members vote.
:25.5 Only Regular Members shall be allowed to vote in a referendum of the EUS.
:25.6 A simple majority of voters shall be deemed sufficient to carry the referendum, unless a higher majority is called for in the constitution, bylaws, or in the referendum question.
:25.7 The result of a referendum is binding and takes precedence over decisions of the Board of Governors, the Executive Committee, and the EUS Council.
===Article 26: Elections===
:26.1 There shall be an annual election for the Executive Committee, Departmental Class Representatives, Departmental Presidents, SSMU Representative(s), and Engineering Senator(s).
::26.1.1 The EUS VP Finance shall be excluded from the election process, and chosen by the VP Finance Selection Committee.
::26.1.2 Departmental Presidents shall be elected from within their constituency, which shall be all Regular Members in their Departmental Society.
::26.1.3 Class Representatives shall be elected from within their constituency, which shall be all Regular Members registered in their program and year of study.
::: The U1 Class Representatives may be selected if specified by the concerned department’s constitution.
::26.1.4 A U0 Representative shall be selected by a selection committee under the direction of the VP Student Life.
::: U0 Departmental Representatives shall be selected by a selection committee under the direction of the VP Student Life and the respective Departmental Presidents.
:26.2 The Board of Governors shall elect:
::26.2.1 Two (2) members at large every Fall semester;
::26.2.2 Four (4) members at large every Winter Semester.
:26.3 Quorum for the aforementioned elected positions shall be at least ten percent (10%) of their respective constituencies.
=TITLE IX: Resignation and Removal=
===Article 66: Initiation of the Referendum Procedure===
{{Hanging indent|text=66.1 A referendum may be initiated by:}}
*{{Hanging indent|text=66.1.1  a Motion of the EUS Council or}}
*{{Hanging indent|text=66.1.2  a Motion of a General Assembly, or}}
*{{Hanging indent|text=66.1.3  a petition signed by the lesser of at least ten percent (10%) of the [[EUS Constitution#Article 6: Rights, Privileges and Obligations of Members|Regular Members]] or one hundred (100) [[EUS Constitution#Article 6: Rights, Privileges and Obligations of Members|Regular Members]]}}
{{Hanging indent|text=66.2 In the case of a referendum initiated by a Motion of the EUS Council, the Motion calling for a referendum, along with the proposed referendum question, must be presented in writing at a meeting of the EUS Council. The Motion and question shall be inscribed on the agenda of the next meeting of the EUS Council and, if passed, the referendum question shall be put to the [[EUS Constitution#Article 6: Rights, Privileges and Obligations of Members|Regular Members]] }}
===Article 67: Referendum Procedure===
===Article 27: Resignation===
{{Hanging indent|text=67.1 The [[CRO|Chief Returning Officer]] shall be responsible for conducting the referendum according to the Referendum [[Bylaws]] of the EUS}}
:27.1 An EUS position-holder may resign from their office for any reason.
{{Hanging indent|text=67.2 Notice of the referendum question, voting location, and voting hours must be posted and/or published no less than six (6) School Days before the voting is to take place.}}
:27.2 A member of the Executive Committee shall cease to remain in office upon acceptance of their letter of resignation by the Executive Committee.
{{Hanging indent|text=67.3 A referendum shall only be considered valid if a minimum of fifteen percent (15%) of the [[EUS Constitution#Article 6: Rights, Privileges and Obligations of Members|Regular Members]] vote.}}
:27.3 A member of the Board of Governors shall cease to remain in office upon acceptance of their letter of resignation by the Board of Governors.
{{Hanging indent|text=67.4 Only [[EUS Constitution#Article 6: Rights, Privileges and Obligations of Members|Regular Members]] shall be allowed to vote in a referendum of the EUS}}
:27.4 The Chair of an EUS Committee shall cease to hold their position upon acceptance of their letter of resignation by the Executive or Board Member overseeing their portfolio.
{{Hanging indent|text=67.5 A [[EUS_Constitution#Article_73:_Definitions|Simple Majority]] of voters shall be deemed sufficient to carry the referendum, unless a higher majority is called for in the Constitution, the [[Bylaws]] of the EUS, or in the Motion calling for the referendum.}}
:27.5 A position-holder in an EUS Group shall cease to hold their position upon acceptance of their letter of resignation by their group’s governing body.
:27.6 The SSMU Representative(s) and the Engineering Senator(s) shall cease to remain in office upon acceptance of their letter of resignation by the President.  
===Article 68: Effect of a Referendum===
===Article 28: Removal===
{{Hanging indent|text=68.1 The result of a referendum is binding and takes precedence over decisions of the [[Bog|Board of Governors]], the Executive Committee, the EUS Council, and General Assembly.}}
:28.1 The following bodies may remove any EUS position-holder for impropriety, violation of the provisions of the EUS constitution or bylaws, or delinquency of duties:
::28.1.1 Board of Governors;
::28.1.2 EUS Council, whose powers of removal shall not apply to Members-at-Large or Alumni of the Board of Governors;
::28.1.3 General Assembly.
:28.2 A motion to remove any EUS position-holder shall require a two-thirds (2/3) majority vote to pass.
Seventy-two (72) hours notice shall be provided to the individual subject to removal, or the motion shall not be considered.
:28.3 When relevant, the Executive or Board Member(s) in charge of the position subject to removal shall also be notified.
:28.4 A motion to remove any EUS position-holder may be brought to the Board of Governors at any time without signatories.
:28.5 A motion to remove any EUS position-holder bearing the lesser of ten percent (10%) or one hundred (100) signatures of Regular Members may be presented to the General Assembly or EUS Council.
::28.5.1 A motion to remove an EUS Committee Member may not require signatories.
::28.5.2 A motion to remove a Departmental Representative may be brought to EUS Council without signatories.
:28.6 A motion to remove a Departmental President shall be considered only if it bears the lesser of ten percent (10%) or one hundred (100) signatures of their constituents.  
===Article 29: Vacancies===
:29.1 Vacancies in the Executive Committee should be filled as they occur during the year by an ad-hoc selection committee formed by the EUS Council, which must include all members of the Executive Committee.
::29.1.1 Vacancies in the position of VP Finance shall be filled as they occur during the year by the VP Finance Selection Committee.
::29.1.2 Vacancies in the position of President shall be temporarily filled by a member of the Executive Committee until the position has been filled by a selection committee.
::29.1.3 Any member selected for an Executive Committee position shall be ratified by the EUS Council.
:29.2 A vacant committee Chair may be filled at the discretion of the Executive who oversees that group.
:29.3 All other vacancies may be filled at the discretion of their group’s governing body.
===Article 69: Superseding Clause===
=TITLE X: Interpretation=
{{Hanging indent|text=69.1 This constitution supersedes and repeals all previous Constitutions of the EUS}}
===Article 70: Coming into Force===
===Article 30: Amendments===
{{Hanging indent|text=70.1 This constitution came into force in 1973. Amendments to this constitution shall come into force four (4) weeks after the announcement of the official results of the referendum or as otherwise specified by the referendum question.}}
:30.1 Amendments to this constitution should be recommended to referendum by simple majority votes of the EUS Council and the Board of Governors.
:30.2 Amendments to this constitution shall require a simple majority in a referendum or at a General Assembly.
:30.3 Amendments to this constitution shall be ratified by a two-thirds () majority of the Board of Governors.
===Article 71: Constitutional Amendments===
===Article 31: Superseding Clause===
{{Hanging indent|text=71.1 Amendments to this constitution shall require a Two-Thirds (2/3) Majority in a referendum}}
:31.1 This constitution supersedes and repeals all previous constitutions of the EUS
:31.2 In the event of a conflict between the constitution of a Departmental Society and the constitution and bylaws of the EUS, the constitution and bylaws of the EUS shall take precedence.
:31.3 In the case of a conflict between the constitution and the following documents, the following documents prevail in the order in which they are listed:
::31.3.1 The Quebec Companies Act;
::31.3.2 The EUS Letters Patent.
===Article 72: Interpretation===
===Article 32: Definitions===
{{Hanging indent|text=72.1 In the case of a disagreement in the interpretation of the English and French versions of this Constitution, the English version shall have precedence.}}
:32.1 Academic Year: the period from the first day of classes of the Fall Semester to the last day of scheduled classes of the Winter Semester as defined by the McGill calendar.
{{Hanging indent|text=72.2 In the event of a conflict in the interpretation of the English version of this constitution, the conflict shall be submitted to the E.U.S [[Bog|Board of Governors]]., whose decision shall be final.}}
:32.2 Alumnus: a former Regular Member of the EUS.
{{Hanging indent|text=72.3 In the event of a conflict between the Terms of Reference of a [[Departments|Departmental Society]] and the Constitution and [[Bylaws]] of the EUS, the Constitution and [[Bylaws]] of the EUS shall take precedence.}}
:32.3 Associate Member: a non-Regular Member of the EUS ratified to hold an EUS position.
:32.4 Board of Governors (“Board”): the Board of Directors of the EUS.
:32.5 Bylaw: a set of legal rules agreed upon by the Board of Governors and the Regular Members of the EUS, for the governance of EUS legal affairs.
:32.6 Chief Position: any position directing an EUS Group.
:32.7 Chief Returning Officer: the Chair of Elections EUS, and the individual in charge of all referenda and elections.
:32.8 Class Representative: a representative elected through their Departmental Society to represent their Class. 
:32.9 Class: all the Regular Members registered in a year of study in one of the ten programs offered by the Faculty of Engineering.
:32.10 Club: an EUS group composed mainly of Regular Members, which meets on a regular basis to promote a specific agenda and which must be recognized by the EUS as holding Club status.
:32.11 Clubs Representative: a representative selected to represent the interests of all EUS Clubs to the EUS Council.
:32.12 Committee Chair: an individual selected to lead an EUS Committee.
:32.13 Confidential Session: a portion of a meeting restricted to pertinent parties having signed non-disclosure agreements.
:32.14 Constitution: the set of legal rules agreed upon by the Board of Governors and the Regular Members of the EUS which serves as the primary governing document of the EUS.
:32.15 Departmental Society: a group of Regular Members who are representative of a particular program or department.
:32.16 Design Team Representative: a representative selected to represent the interests of all EUS Design Teams to the EUS Council.
:32.17 Design Team: an EUS group that has been approved by the Design Team Funding Committee to create deliverables and compete in design competitions.
:32.18 Elections EUS: the committee in charge of organizing and overseeing all EUS elections and referenda.
:32.19 Emergency Meeting: a meeting of the EUS Council or the Board of Governors.
:32.20 EUS Committee: an EUS Group directly under the purview of Executive(s) or Board Member(s), which is tasked with a mandate which benefits the EUS.  
:32.21 EUS Council: the representative body of the EUS.
:32.22 EUS Group: all Committees, Clubs, Design Teams, and Departmental Societies within the EUS.
:32.23 EUS Position-Holder: any Member who holds a title in an EUS Group.
:32.24 EUS Spaces: the spaces allocated to the EUS through agreements with the Faculty of Engineering or the McGill Administration. 
:32.25 EUS: the Engineering Undergraduate Society of McGill University.
:32.26 Executive Selection Committee: an ad-hoc committee formed by the EUS Council, tasked with filling a vacancy in the Executive Committee.
:32.27 Faculty Building Director: a McGill Employee responsible for applying policies related to access, building use, maintenance, safety, and security.
:32.28 Fall Semester: the period from the first day of scheduled classes in September to the last day of scheduled classes in December as defined by the McGill calendar.
:32.29 General Assembly: a meeting of the EUS in which any Regular Member may vote.
:32.30 Grouping: the set of two Classes, be it junior or senior, which may represent each other to the EUS Council.  
:32.31 Junior Grouping: the grouping of the U1 and U2 Class Representatives.
:32.32 Letters Patent: the document which incorporates the EUS, and to which the EUS is legally bound. 
:32.33 McGill Community: the staff, students, and faculty of the University.
:32.34 Minute Taker: the individual(s) tasked with taking minutes at meetings of the EUS Council, Board of Governors and General Assembly.
:32.35 Motion: a formal proposal made in a Board Meeting, Council Meeting, or General Assembly; or a question proposed through referendum.
:32.36 Policy: a set of rules for the conduct of EUS affairs.
:32.37 Program: the primary curriculum of a Regular Member.
:32.38 Proxy: an individual voting on behalf of another.
:32.39 Quorum: the required attendance and conditions for a meeting of an official body of the EUS to be opened and for all subsequent decisions to be ratified.
:32.40 Ratify: to approve a motion, allowing it to come into force.
:32.41 Referendum: a motion proposed to all Regular Members through Elections EUS.
:32.42 Regular Meeting: any meeting of the EUS Council not otherwise stipulated.
:32.43 Resolution: a formal call to action or statement of opinion adopted by the the EUS Council, the General Assembly, or the Board of Governors.
:32.44 School Day: any day when classes are scheduled during the Academic Year.
:32.45 Selection Committee: a committee tasked with selecting an EUS Position-Holder.
:32.46 Senate: the Senate of McGill University.
:32.47 Senior Grouping: the grouping of the U3 and U4 Class Representatives.
:32.48 Society Fee: the student fee paid by all Regular Members, from which one cannot opt out.
:32.49 Speaker: the Speaker(s) of the Board of Governors, Council, and General Assembly.
:32.50 SSMU Council: SSMU Legislative Council.
:32.51 SSMU Representative: the individual(s) who represent the EUS at SSMU Council and inform the EUS of matters pertaining to SSMU.
:32.52 SSMU: the Student’s Society of McGill University.
:32.53 U4 Class: Regular Members who have completed twenty-four credits in U3 as defined by Minerva and remain enrolled.
:32.54 U0 Representative: a representative selected to represent the interests of all U0 engineering students to the EUS Council.
:32.55 VP Finance Selection Committee: the selection committee tasked with the selection of the VP Finance.
:32.56 Winter Semester: the period from the first day of scheduled classes in January to the last day of scheduled classes in April as defined by the McGill calendar.
:32.57 Year of Study: the year in which a Regular Member is enrolled, as indicated on Minerva, or U4 where applicable.
===Article 73: Definitions===
{{Hanging indent|text=73.1 The '''Academic Year''' shall begin the first day of classes of the Fall semester and end the last day of final examinations of the Winter semester as defined by the McGill calendar.}}
{{Hanging indent|text=73.2 An '''Alumnus''' shall be a former Regular or Associate Member of the EUS who is no longer registered in an undergraduate engineering program at McGill University}}
{{Hanging indent|text=73.3  The '''Assembly''' shall be any General Assembly of the EUS}}
{{Hanging indent|text=73.4 A '''Bylaw''' shall be a set of legal rules adopted by the [[Bog|Board of Governors]] and ratified by a General Assembly or adopted by a General Assembly and ratified by the E.U.S [[Bog|Board of Governors]] for the governance of E.U.S legal affairs.}}
{{Hanging indent|text=73.5 The '''[[Bog|Board of Governors]]''' shall be the Board of Directors of the EUS}}
{{Hanging indent|text=73.6 The '''Board Meeting''' shall be defined as a meeting of the [[Bog|Board of Governors]].}}
{{Hanging indent|text=73.7 A '''Chief Organizer''' is defined as any person appointed to an EUS Organizing Committee or the Editorship of an EUS Publication.}}
{{Hanging indent|text=73.8 A '''Chief Organizing Position''' shall be defined as any position held by a Chief Organizer.}}
{{Hanging indent|text=73.9  A '''Service Manager''' is defined as any person appointed to an EUS Service Committee.}}
{{Hanging indent|text=73.10 A '''Managerial Position''' shall be defined as a position held by a Service Manager.}}
{{Hanging indent|text=73.11 A '''Class''' shall be used to describe all the student registered in the same educational year in one of the ten programs offered by the Faculty of Engineering, as listed in Article 21.1.2}}
{{Hanging indent|text=73.12 A '''Constituency''' shall be defined as all students of a program or department who began their studies in that program or department during the Academic Year.}}
{{Hanging indent|text=73.13 A '''Constituent''' shall be defined as a member of a Constituency. }}
{{Hanging indent|text=73.14 '''Council''' shall be the Council of the EUS}}
{{Hanging indent|text=73.15 A '''[[Departments|Departmental Society]]''' shall be a group of [[EUS Constitution#Article 6: Rights, Privileges and Obligations of Members|Regular Members]] who are representative of a particular program or department.}}
{{Hanging indent|text=73.16 An '''Engineering Senator''' shall be defined as a student senator from the Faculty of Engineering who is a Regular Member of the EUS}}
{{Hanging indent|text=73.17 The '''EUS''' shall be the Engineering Undergraduate Society of McGill University.}}
{{Hanging indent|text=73.18 The '''Executive Committee''' shall be the Executive Committee of the EUS}}
{{Hanging indent|text=73.19 '''Financial Authority''' shall describe the financial power held by the [[Bog|Board of Governors]] and Council over EUS affairs as described in the Financial [[Bylaws]], Financial [[Policies]] and other [[Bylaws]]}}
{{Hanging indent|text=73.20 A '''General Assembly''' is a meeting of the EUS in which any Regular Member of the EUS may vote.}}
{{Hanging indent|text=73.21 A '''Mandate of Formation''' is the mandate stipulated by the Executive Committee upon formation of a Select Committee.}}
{{Hanging indent|text=73.22 The '''McGill Community''' shall de defined as the staff, students, and faculty of the University.}}
{{Hanging indent|text=73.23 A '''Motion''' shall be defined as a proposal formally made in a Board Meeting, Regular Meeting or General Assembly of the EUS}}
{{Hanging indent|text=73.24 A '''No Opinion''' shall be counted as an abstention.}}
{{Hanging indent|text=73.25 A '''Policy''' is intended to provide  a set of rules for the conduct of EUS affairs}}
{{Hanging indent|text=73.26 The '''U0 Class''' shall be those students entering the Faculty of Engineering as Undergraduate students not having met the Engineering program prerequisites.}}
{{Hanging indent|text=73.27 '''Quorum''' shall be defined as the required attendance and conditions for a meeting of an official body of the EUS to be opened and for all subsequent transactions to be ratified.}}
{{Hanging indent|text=73.28 '''To Ratify''' shall mean to pass or approve a Motion or appointment.}}
{{Hanging indent|text=73.29 A '''Regular Meeting''' shall be any meeting of the EUS Council not otherwise stipulated.}}
{{Hanging indent|text=73.30  '''Resolution''' shall be defined as a formal statement of opinion or determination of the EUS adopted by a Regular Meeting or Assembly of the EUS}}
{{Hanging indent|text=73.31 '''A School Day''' shall be defined as any day when classes are held according to the McGill calendar.}}
{{Hanging indent|text=73.32 The '''Selection Period''' is a designed period of time during which the Selection Committee must recommend to the EUS Council the Chief Organizers of the EUS}}
{{Hanging indent|text=73.33  The '''Senate''' shall be defined as the [http://mcgill.ca/senate Senate of McGill University].}}
{{Hanging indent|text=73.34 A [[EUS_Constitution#Article_73:_Definitions|Simple Majority]] is defined as fifty percent (50%) of votes cast in a Motion plus one. An abstention shall not count as a vote cast.}}
{{Hanging indent|text=73.35 The ''Society''' shall be the Engineering Undergraduate Society of McGill University (EUS).}}
{{Hanging indent|text=73.35 The '''Speaker''' shall be the Speaker of [[Bog|Board of Governors]], Council and General Assembly,}}
{{Hanging indent|text=73.36 A '''Special Meeting''' shall be defined as any meeting called in the case of an emergency, in which notice thereof is given less than two School Days before the start of a meeting.}}
{{Hanging indent|text=73.37  S.S.M.U. shall be the Student’s Society of McGill University.}}
{{Hanging indent|text=73.38  A '''Two-Thirds (2/3) Majority''' shall be defined as two-thirds (2/3) of votes cast. An abstention shall not count as a vote cast.}}
{{Hanging indent|text=73.39 The '''University''' shall be McGill University of Montreal, Quebec, Canada.}}
{{Hanging indent|text=73.40 '''An Affiliate Organization''' is any group within the McGill Community with which the EUS has a signed agreement of cooperation.}}
{{Hanging indent|text=73.41  '''An [[Clubs|EUS Club]]''' is an EUS affiliated group that has been approved by the Executive Committee as per the [[Clubs|EUS Club]] [[Bylaws]]}}
{{Hanging indent|text=73.42  '''A Design Team''' is an EUS affiliated group that has been approved by the Design Team Funding Committee as per the Design Team Funding Committee [[Bylaws]]}}
{{Hanging indent|text=73.43 '''The Clubs Space''' shall be the club office located in McConnell 034.}}
{{Hanging indent|text=73.44 '''The [[Clubs|EUS Club]]s Council''' shall be a regular meeting between all [[Clubs|EUS Club]] and Design Team [[president]]s and captains}}
{{Hanging indent|text=73.45 Wherever a percentage of [[EUS Constitution#Article 6: Rights, Privileges and Obligations of Members|Regular Members]] is referred to in this Constitution or [[Bylaws]], it is to be taken as a percentage of the most recent quarterly figure available from the Faculty of Engineering or the University Administration}}

Revision as of 23:06, 15 January 2019

The EUS Constitution is the presiding document for the student society. It outlines many fundamental roles, definitions, mandates, and goals of the EUS overall. A constitution is an agreement between the engineering undergraduate students and the Society.
Original Version 1974
As amended to February 1990, March 1992, November 1993, March 1994, March 1995, November 1995, March 1996, February 2001, March 2002, March 2004, November 2004, November 2007, March 2013, March 2017, April 2018November 2018

TITLE I: The Engineering Undergraduate Society

Article 1: Names

1.1 The official name of the corporation shall be, in English, the “Engineering Undergraduate Society of McGill University,” and in French, “Association des étudiants et étudiantes en génie de l’Université McGill,” hereafter referred to as EUS.

Article 2: Purpose

2.1 The purpose of the EUS shall be to:
2.1.1 Unite the Regular Members of the EUS;
2.1.2 Represent and promote the views of its Regular Members;
2.1.3 Implement programs and services of interest to its members, including but not limited to: academic, cultural, educational, physical, professional, and social initiatives.
2.2 The EUS shall uphold the principles of equity, diversity, community, and sustainability.
2.3 The EUS shall strive to facilitate the success and development of itself and its members.

Article 3: Membership

3.1 The Regular Members of the EUS shall be all students currently registered at McGill University in an undergraduate program of the Faculty of Engineering.
3.2 The title of Associate Member of the EUS shall be granted to a non-Regular Member of the EUS selected for an EUS position, subject to ratification by the EUS Council.
3.2.1 An Associate Membership shall last for the duration of the position(s) held by the Associate Member.
3.2.2 An Associate Member shall lose their title if they resign or are removed from their position.

Article 4: Rights, Privileges, and Obligations of Members

4.1 All Members shall uphold the EUS’ constitution, bylaws, and policies.
4.2 Regular Members shall have the right to:
4.2.1 Engage in written or spoken communication and debate in English and French throughout the EUS;
4.2.2 Attend General Assemblies;
4.2.3 Speak for or against any motion at any General Assembly;
4.2.4 Initiate referenda or General Assemblies;
4.2.5 Submit questions to referenda;
4.2.6 Move or second motions at General Assemblies;
4.2.7 Nominate candidates for EUS Elections;
4.2.8 Vote in EUS Elections, Referenda, and General Assemblies;
4.2.9 Run for office within the EUS.
4.3 All Members shall have the privilege to:
4.3.1 Hold a Chief Position;
4.3.2 Be a member of any EUS Group;
4.3.3 Attend EUS Council meetings and meetings of the Board of Governors;
4.3.4 Speak for or against any motion at any EUS Council meeting.
4.4 Regular Members of the EUS shall pay the Society Fee.

Article 5: Finances

5.1 There shall be a set of Financial Bylaws governing the finances of the EUS.
5.2 The accounts of the EUS shall be maintained according to standard accounting practice and shall be made available to the University auditors upon demand.
5.3 The EUS shall not run an operational budget deficit for more than two consecutive fiscal years.
5.4 The finances of the EUS shall be subject to an annual independent audit.

Article 6: Dissolution

6.1 In the event of dissolution, trusteeship, or cessation of the EUS, all fees and assets shall be transferred to an association with similar membership and purpose.

TITLE II: The Executive Committee

Article 7: Membership

7.1 The Executive Committee shall consist of:
7.1.1 The President;
7.1.1 The Vice President Academic (VP Academic);
7.1.3 The Vice President Communications (VP Communications);
7.1.4 The Vice President External (VP External);
7.1.5 The Vice President Finance (VP Finance);
7.1.6 The Vice President Internal (VP Internal);
7.1.7 The Vice President Services (VP Services);
7.1.8 The Vice President Student Life (VP Student Life).
7.2 The candidates for positions of the Executive Committee must be Regular Members of the EUS and remain Regular Members for the duration of their term.
7.3 Members of the Executive Committee shall start their terms of office on May 1st, which shall last for one (1) calendar year.
7.4 At least three (3) members of the Executive Committee, including the President and the VP Finance, shall also be members of the Board of Governors for the duration of their terms of office.
7.5 No individual may hold more than one (1) position on the Executive Committee.

Article 8: Powers and Duties

8.1 The Executive Committee shall:
8.1.1 Coordinate and administer the policies, activities, and operational affairs of the EUS;
8.1.2 Maintain relevant bylaws and policies;
8.1.3 Act upon resolutions adopted by General Assembly, EUS Council, or the Board of Governors;
8.1.4 Encourage active participation and continuous feedback within the EUS;
8.1.5 Report its activities and decisions to the EUS Council and the Board of Governors;
8.1.6 Be present and available for office hours;
8.1.7 Be responsible for maintaining the EUS Office;
8.1.8 Maintain a list of all EUS Groups and their respective chair(s) or equivalent, to be presented at the first regular meeting of the EUS Council;
8.1.9 Gather all EUS Groups’ year-end reports;
8.1.10 Prepare and submit a midterm report to the EUS Council no later than January 30;
8.1.11 Prepare and submit a year-end report no later than May 15.
8.2 The President shall:
8.2.1 Be the official spokesperson for the EUS;
8.2.2 Oversee matters pertaining to equity in the EUS;
8.2.3 Be permitted to serve as a non-voting, ex officio member of all EUS Groups;
8.2.4 Coordinate meetings with Departmental Society Presidents no less than three times per semester during the academic year;
8.2.5 Call and chair Executive Committee meetings;
8.2.6 Oversee Elections EUS;
8.2.7 Organize the introduction of the incoming Executive Committee and EUS Council.
8.3 The VP Academic shall:
8.3.1 Be responsible for all academic and curricular concerns of the EUS;
8.3.2 Represent the EUS at any academic committees of the Faculty of Engineering and the broader McGill Community;
8.3.3 Oversee the academic funds and support services of the EUS;
8.3.4 Serve as the official spokesperson for the EUS in the absence of the President and VP External.
8.4 The VP Communications shall:
8.4.1 Be responsible for the communication of relevant information to EUS members;
8.4.2 Be responsible for all publications of the EUS;
8.4.3 Oversee the creative portfolio of the EUS;
8.4.4 Oversee all information technology within the EUS.
8.5 The VP External shall:
8.5.1 Represent the EUS to outside bodies in conjunction with the President;
8.5.2 Maintain links with student organizations at the provincial, federal, and international levels;
8.5.3 Represent the EUS at provincial, federal, and international engineering organizations with which the EUS chooses to be affiliated;
8.5.4 Oversee committees and delegations with direct ties to external student organizations;
8.5.5 Serve as the official spokesperson for the EUS in the absence of the President.
8.6 The VP Finance shall:
8.6.1 Keep proper financial accounts and records in accordance with the Financial Bylaws of the EUS;
8.6.2 Prepare the annual budget of the EUS in conjunction with the Executive Committee and submit it to the Board of Governors before October 15th;
8.6.3 Manage the funds of the EUS in conjunction with the Executive Committee;
8.6.4 Prepare a year-end financial report by May 15th and obtain and update the previous year’s financial report;
8.6.5 Coordinate relationships with sponsors to support the finances of the EUS.
8.7 The VP Internal shall:
8.7.1 Coordinate first-year orientation activities in conjunction with the broader McGill Community;
8.7.2 Organize social, cultural, and other activities for the members of the EUS;
8.7.3 Be responsible for relations between the EUS and other faculty associations of McGill University in conjunction with the President.
8.8 The VP Services shall:
8.8.1 Be responsible for student facilities of the EUS unless otherwise stipulated;
8.8.2 Oversee the services of the EUS;
8.8.3 Coordinate all staff remunerations and records of payroll;
8.8.4 Maintain and improve EUS spaces in cooperation with the Faculty Building Director(s).
8.9 The VP Student Life shall:
8.9.1 Implement initiatives relevant to the well-being of EUS Regular Members;
8.9.2 Coordinate first-year involvement;
8.9.3 Oversee graduation events;
8.9.4 Call EUS Council meetings to order;
8.9.5 Ensure that members of the EUS Council attend Council meetings;
8.9.6 Be responsible for the Speaker(s) and Minute Taker(s) of the EUS;
8.9.7 Oversee the formation and operations of EUS Clubs and Design Teams;
8.9.8 Oversee the club and design team spaces.

Article 9: Meetings

9.1 The Executive Committee shall meet at least once every two (2) weeks during the Academic Year, and at least once every three (3) weeks during the summer.
9.2 Quorum shall be the lesser of five (5) or two-thirds (2/3) of the members of the Executive Committee.

TITLE III: The EUS Council

Article 10: Membership

10.1 The members of EUS Council must be Regular Members of the EUS and consist of:
10.1.1 The eight (8) members of the Executive Committee;
10.1.2 One (1) representative from each the four (4) classes in each of the programs recognized by the EUS: Architecture; Bioengineering; Chemical; Civil; Computer; Electrical; Mechanical; Materials; Mining; Software.
10.1.3 The Departmental Presidents;
10.1.4 The Engineering Representative(s) to SSMU Council (“SSMU Representative(s)”);
10.1.5 The Engineering Senator(s);
10.1.6 The Clubs Representative;
10.1.7 The Design Team Representative;
10.1.8 The U0 Representative.
10.2 Each member of the EUS Council shall have the right to vote.
10.3 Each member of the EUS Council shall hold one (1) vote, except:
10.3.1 If one SSMU Representative is unable to attend, they may proxy their vote to the other SSMU Representative;
10.3.2 If the Engineering Senator is unable to attend, the may proxy their vote to a SSMU Representative;
10.3.3 If the Clubs Representative or Design Team Representative are unable to attend, they may proxy their vote to the VP Student Life;
10.3.4 If one Class Representative in the junior or senior grouping is unable to attend, they may proxy their vote to the other member of their grouping;
10.3.5 If a Departmental President is unable to attend, they may proxy their vote to their vote to any Vice-President on their Departmental Council.
10.4 In the event that both Class Representatives in a grouping are unable to attend a council meeting, each shall be responsible for providing a proxy for that meeting, and for informing the VP Student Life, in writing, of that proxy.
10.4.1 Proxies shall be members of the concerned Departmental Society or students in the Class Representative’s year and program.
10.4.2 If only one proxy can be secured, one of the absent Class Representatives may proxy their vote to their Departmental President.
10.5 No individual may hold more than one (1) position on the EUS Council.
10.6 No individual may represent more than two (2) votes on the EUS Council.
10.7 Any member of the EUS Council who misses two (2) regular meetings without providing a proxy should be removed from office as per Article 28.
10.8 Any member of the EUS Council who proxies their vote three (3) times per semester should be removed from office as per Article 28.

Article 11: Powers and Duties

11.1 The EUS Council shall:
11.1.1 Act as the advisory body of the EUS, which represents the opinions and values of its Regular Members;
11.1.2 Hold the Executive Committee, SSMU Representative(s), Engineering Senator(s), and the Board of Governors accountable to their duties;
11.1.3 Ratify positions-holders, including but not limited to: Associate Members, conference delegates, and financial committee members.
11.2 For the period(s) from the last meeting of an academic year to the first meeting of the following academic year, as well as from the last meeting of the Fall Semester to the first meeting of the Winter Semester, the powers of the EUS Council may be exercised by the Executive Committee.
11.2.1 Any decisions made by the Executive Committee using the powers of the EUS Council shall be presented to and ratified by the EUS Council at its first Regular Meeting.

Article 12: Meetings

12.1 Quorum for a meeting of the EUS Council shall be fifty percent (50%) plus one (1) of its votes.
12.2 In the case of a vote that results in a tie, the question shall be considered defeated.
12.3 A confidential session may be called by a simple majority vote of EUS Council.
12.4 The EUS Council shall hold meetings at least every four (4) weeks while classes are in session during the Academic Year.
12.5 Notice of the meeting and agendas shall be provided at least forty-eight (48) hours prior to a regular meeting.
12.6 In the case of an emergency, the President or the Vice President Student Life may call an Emergency Meeting of the EUS Council at any time.
12.7 The EUS shall have a policy defining the rules of procedure of the EUS Council.
12.7.1 In the event that no such policy exists, the rules of procedure of EUS Council shall be the most recent edition of Robert’s Rules of Order.

TITLE IV: Board of Governors

Article 13: Membership

13.1 The Board of Governors shall be composed of:
13.1.1 The President;
13.1.2 The VP Finance;
13.1.3 One (1) other member of the Executive Committee;
13.1.4 The Engineering Senator(s);
13.1.5 Eight (8) Members-at-Large;
13.1.6 Two (2) Alumni.
13.2 All members of the Board of Governors shall serve as administrators of the EUS.
13.3 All members of the Board of Governors, excluding the Chair, shall have a vote at meetings of the Board of Governors.
13.4 All Members-at-Large shall be Regular Members on the first day of their terms.
13.5 The Executive on the Board of Governors as per 13.1.3 shall be chosen by a two-thirds (2/3) majority vote of the Executive Committee at their first meeting.
13.5.1 The terms of office of the three (3) members of the Executive Committee on the Board of Governors shall start on May 1st and last one calendar year.
13.6 The Members-at-Large shall be chosen as follows:
13.6.1 Two (2) Members-at-Large shall be selected by EUS Council between September 1 and October 31. Their term shall start on November 1, for a duration of one (1) calendar year.
13.6.2 Two (2) Members-at-Large shall be elected by a secret ballot of the Regular Members held between September 1 and October 31. Their term shall start on November 1, for a duration of one (1) calendar year.
13.6.3 Four (4) Members-at-Large shall be elected by a secret ballot of the Regular Members held between February 1 and March 31. Their term shall start on May 1, for a duration of one (1) calendar year.
13.7 The two (2) Alumni shall be selected by the Board of Governors.
13.7.1 One (1) Alumnus shall start their term on May 1, for a duration of one (1) calendar year.
13.7.1 One (1) Alumnus shall start their term on November 1, for a duration of one (1) calendar year.

Article 14: Powers and Duties

14.1 The Board of Governors shall:
14.1.1 Maintain and uphold the long-term vision of the EUS;
14.1.2 Maintain and uphold the Letters Patent, constitution, bylaws and policies of the EUS as well as any major contract signed by the Society;
14.1.3 Exercise financial authority;
14.1.4 Have oversight of services and EUS Committees with more than $50,000 of expenses in their annual budget;
14.1.5 Incorporate the resolutions, motions, and views of the EUS Council into relevant decisions;
14.1.6 Hold the Executive Committee accountable;
14.1.7 Be held accountable to the General Assembly.
14.2 The Board of Governors may:
14.2.1 Assign resolutions to the Executive Committee;
14.2.2 Approve bids for large-scale external events;
14.2.3 Reverse any decisions taken by the Executive Committee or EUS Council, provided the rationale.
14.3 Amendments to bylaws or the constitution that would modify the Board of Governors’ power and duties shall be subject to ratification by the EUS Council.
14.4 Amendments to bylaws made by the Board of Governors shall remain in effect until the following General Assembly, at which point they shall be overturned, ratified, or amended by the General Assembly.
14.4.1 In the case of an amendment made by the General Assembly to any bylaw, the most recent version of the bylaw shall remain in effect until the amendments are ratified by the Board of Governors.

Article 15: Meetings

15.1 Quorum for a meeting of the Board of Governors shall be fifty percent (50%) plus one (1) of its members.
15.2 The Board of Governors shall hold Board Meetings at least once every four (4) weeks.
15.3 The Board Chair may call an emergency meeting of the Board of Governors. Only motions ruled by the Chair to be pertinent to the emergency may be considered at such a meeting.
15.4 An agenda shall be made public at least forty-eight (48) hours prior to a Board Meeting, with the exception of emergency meetings.
15.5 A confidential session may be called by a simple majority vote of the Board.
15.6 Meeting minutes shall be made public, excluding confidential sessions.

Article 16: Accountability

16.1 One (1) member of the EUS Council shall be responsible for presenting the minutes of each meeting of the EUS Council to the Board of Governors.
16.2 One (1) member of the the Board of Governors shall be responsible for presenting the non-confidential minutes of each Board meeting to the EUS Council.
16.3 The EUS Council shall hold a non-binding vote to accept, conditionally accept, or reject all or part of the non-confidential minutes of each meeting of the Board of Governors.

Article 17: Board Chair

17.1 The Board Chair shall:
17.1.1 Prepare the agenda for Board Meetings;
17.1.2 Ensure the implementation of Board of Governors decisions;
17.1.3 Maintain a sense of cohesiveness among Board of Governors members.
17.2 The Board of Governors shall choose a Board Chair among its Members-at-Large.
17.3 The Board Chair shall not have a voting right, unless a vote results in a tie.
17.4 At the end of their term on the Board, or in the event that the Board Chair resigns or is removed from office as the Board Chair, the Board of Governors shall select a new Board Chair.

TITLE V: General Assembly

Article 18: Powers

18.1 A General Assembly may pass a resolution to the EUS Council, Board of Governors, or the Executive Committee.
18.2 A General Assembly shall vote to ratify amendments to bylaws made by the Board of Governors.
18.3 A General Assembly may amend or create bylaws, subject to ratification by the Board of Governors.
18.4 A General Assembly may not have the power to change the financial structure of the EUS.

Article 19: Meetings

19.1 A General Assembly may be called by a motion of the EUS Council, or by a request signed by the lesser of ten percent (10%) or one hundred (100) of the Regular Members of the EUS.
19.2 Quorum for the General Assembly shall be the lesser of ten percent (10%) or one hundred (100) of the Regular Members of the EUS.
19.3 Only Regular Members of the EUS shall be allowed to vote at a General Assembly.
19.4 A motion of the General Assembly shall not be valid if more than fifty percent (50%) of voters are constituents of the same Departmental Society.
19.5 Any person who is not a Regular Member of the EUS may attend a General Assembly, except in the case where a two-thirds (2/3) majority of the Regular Members present at the Assembly votes to close the meeting.
19.6 The rules of procedure for all General Assemblies shall be the Standing Orders of Council.
19.7 The schedule of the General Assembly shall be as follows:
19.7.1 Notice of the General Assembly shall be posted at least ten (10) school days prior to the convening of the General Assembly;
19.7.2 Motions to be presented at the General Assembly must be submitted to the VP Student Life at least five (5) school days prior to the General Assembly;
19.7.3 The agenda, and motions to be presented at the General Assembly shall be posted three (3) school days before the General Assembly.
19.8 Motions not submitted within the schedule may be brought to the floor, subject to two-thirds (2/3) majority ratification of the Regular Members in attendance.

TITLE VI: EUS Groups & Representatives

Article 20: Engineering Senator

20.1 The Engineering Senator(s) shall:
20.1.1 Represent the interests and concerns of Regular Members as expressed through the EUS Council to Senate;
20.1.2 Sit on the EUS Board of Governors;
20.1.3 Inform the EUS on matters of the Senate.
20.2 The terms of office of the Engineering Senator(s) shall begin May 1st and last one (1) calendar year.

Article 21: Engineering Representatives to SSMU Council

21.1 The SSMU Representative(s) shall:
21.1.1 Represent the interests and concerns of the EUS as expressed through the EUS Council to the SSMU Council;
21.1.2 Inform the EUS on matters of the SSMU.
21.2 The terms of office of the SSMU Representative(s) shall begin May 1st and last one (1) calendar year.

Article 22: Class Representatives

22.1 Class Representatives shall:
22.1.1 Attend EUS Council Meetings;
22.1.2 Inform their Class on matters of the EUS Council;
22.1.3 Represent the interests and concerns of their Class to the EUS Council.
22.2 The term of office for a Class Representative shall begin May 1st and last one (1) calendar year.

Article 23: EUS Groups

23.1 EUS Groups shall refer to all Committees, Clubs, Design Teams, and Departmental Societies within the EUS.

Services and publications shall be considered Committees of the EUS.

23.2 All EUS Groups shall:
23.2.1 Uphold the constitution, bylaws, and policies of the EUS;
23.2.2 Maintain their governing document(s);
23.2.3 Submit annual year-end reports to the appropriate overseeing body or individual(s);
23.2.4 Be held accountable by the Executive(s) or Board Member(s) responsible for overseeing them.

Article 24: Departmental Societies

24.1 The students of each department, program, or school of the Faculty of Engineering shall have the right to form a Departmental Society to represent its members.
24.2 A Departmental Society shall be considered an EUS Group.
24.3 Each Departmental Society must have a constitution, which defines its name, membership, purpose, and structure.
24.4 The EUS shall recognize the following Departmental Societies:
24.4.1 Architecture Students’ Association (ASA);
24.4.2 Bioengineering Undergraduate Student Society (BUSS);
24.4.3 Chemical Engineering Students’ Society of McGill University (ChESS);
24.4.4 Civil Engineering Undergraduate Society (CEUS);
24.4.5 Co-op Mining Engineering Undergraduate Society (CMEUS);
24.4.6 Electrical, Computer, and Software Engineering Student Society (ECSESS);
24.4.7 Materials Engineering Undergraduate Society (MEUS);
24.4.8 McGill Association of Mechanical Engineers (MAME);
24.4.9 Any new Departmental Society accepted by the EUS Council.
24.5 A new Departmental Society may be created by a motion of the EUS Council upon receipt of a petition of no less than forty percent (40%) of the Departmental Society’s proposed membership.

TITLE VII: Referenda and Elections

Article 25: Referendum Procedure

25.1 A referendum may be initiated by:
25.1.1 A motion of the EUS Council;
25.1.2 A motion of a General Assembly;
25.1. A petition signed by the lesser of at least ten percent (10%) of the Regular Members or one hundred (100) Regular Members.
25.2 The Chief Returning Officer shall be responsible for conducting the referendum.
25.3 Notice of the referendum question, voting location, and voting hours must be posted no fewer than five (5) school days before the voting is to take place.
25.4 A referendum shall only be considered valid if a minimum of ten percent (10%) of the Regular Members vote.
25.5 Only Regular Members shall be allowed to vote in a referendum of the EUS.
25.6 A simple majority of voters shall be deemed sufficient to carry the referendum, unless a higher majority is called for in the constitution, bylaws, or in the referendum question.
25.7 The result of a referendum is binding and takes precedence over decisions of the Board of Governors, the Executive Committee, and the EUS Council.

Article 26: Elections

26.1 There shall be an annual election for the Executive Committee, Departmental Class Representatives, Departmental Presidents, SSMU Representative(s), and Engineering Senator(s).
26.1.1 The EUS VP Finance shall be excluded from the election process, and chosen by the VP Finance Selection Committee.
26.1.2 Departmental Presidents shall be elected from within their constituency, which shall be all Regular Members in their Departmental Society.
26.1.3 Class Representatives shall be elected from within their constituency, which shall be all Regular Members registered in their program and year of study. The U1 Class Representatives may be selected if specified by the concerned department’s constitution.
26.1.4 A U0 Representative shall be selected by a selection committee under the direction of the VP Student Life. U0 Departmental Representatives shall be selected by a selection committee under the direction of the VP Student Life and the respective Departmental Presidents.
26.2 The Board of Governors shall elect:
26.2.1 Two (2) members at large every Fall semester;
26.2.2 Four (4) members at large every Winter Semester.
26.3 Quorum for the aforementioned elected positions shall be at least ten percent (10%) of their respective constituencies.

TITLE IX: Resignation and Removal

Article 27: Resignation

27.1 An EUS position-holder may resign from their office for any reason.
27.2 A member of the Executive Committee shall cease to remain in office upon acceptance of their letter of resignation by the Executive Committee.
27.3 A member of the Board of Governors shall cease to remain in office upon acceptance of their letter of resignation by the Board of Governors.
27.4 The Chair of an EUS Committee shall cease to hold their position upon acceptance of their letter of resignation by the Executive or Board Member overseeing their portfolio.
27.5 A position-holder in an EUS Group shall cease to hold their position upon acceptance of their letter of resignation by their group’s governing body.
27.6 The SSMU Representative(s) and the Engineering Senator(s) shall cease to remain in office upon acceptance of their letter of resignation by the President.

Article 28: Removal

28.1 The following bodies may remove any EUS position-holder for impropriety, violation of the provisions of the EUS constitution or bylaws, or delinquency of duties:
28.1.1 Board of Governors;
28.1.2 EUS Council, whose powers of removal shall not apply to Members-at-Large or Alumni of the Board of Governors;
28.1.3 General Assembly.
28.2 A motion to remove any EUS position-holder shall require a two-thirds (2/3) majority vote to pass.

Seventy-two (72) hours notice shall be provided to the individual subject to removal, or the motion shall not be considered.

28.3 When relevant, the Executive or Board Member(s) in charge of the position subject to removal shall also be notified.
28.4 A motion to remove any EUS position-holder may be brought to the Board of Governors at any time without signatories.
28.5 A motion to remove any EUS position-holder bearing the lesser of ten percent (10%) or one hundred (100) signatures of Regular Members may be presented to the General Assembly or EUS Council.
28.5.1 A motion to remove an EUS Committee Member may not require signatories.
28.5.2 A motion to remove a Departmental Representative may be brought to EUS Council without signatories.
28.6 A motion to remove a Departmental President shall be considered only if it bears the lesser of ten percent (10%) or one hundred (100) signatures of their constituents.

Article 29: Vacancies

29.1 Vacancies in the Executive Committee should be filled as they occur during the year by an ad-hoc selection committee formed by the EUS Council, which must include all members of the Executive Committee.
29.1.1 Vacancies in the position of VP Finance shall be filled as they occur during the year by the VP Finance Selection Committee.
29.1.2 Vacancies in the position of President shall be temporarily filled by a member of the Executive Committee until the position has been filled by a selection committee.
29.1.3 Any member selected for an Executive Committee position shall be ratified by the EUS Council.
29.2 A vacant committee Chair may be filled at the discretion of the Executive who oversees that group.
29.3 All other vacancies may be filled at the discretion of their group’s governing body.

TITLE X: Interpretation

Article 30: Amendments

30.1 Amendments to this constitution should be recommended to referendum by simple majority votes of the EUS Council and the Board of Governors.
30.2 Amendments to this constitution shall require a simple majority in a referendum or at a General Assembly.
30.3 Amendments to this constitution shall be ratified by a two-thirds (⅔) majority of the Board of Governors.

Article 31: Superseding Clause

31.1 This constitution supersedes and repeals all previous constitutions of the EUS
31.2 In the event of a conflict between the constitution of a Departmental Society and the constitution and bylaws of the EUS, the constitution and bylaws of the EUS shall take precedence.
31.3 In the case of a conflict between the constitution and the following documents, the following documents prevail in the order in which they are listed:
31.3.1 The Quebec Companies Act;
31.3.2 The EUS Letters Patent.

Article 32: Definitions

32.1 Academic Year: the period from the first day of classes of the Fall Semester to the last day of scheduled classes of the Winter Semester as defined by the McGill calendar.
32.2 Alumnus: a former Regular Member of the EUS.
32.3 Associate Member: a non-Regular Member of the EUS ratified to hold an EUS position.
32.4 Board of Governors (“Board”): the Board of Directors of the EUS.
32.5 Bylaw: a set of legal rules agreed upon by the Board of Governors and the Regular Members of the EUS, for the governance of EUS legal affairs.
32.6 Chief Position: any position directing an EUS Group.
32.7 Chief Returning Officer: the Chair of Elections EUS, and the individual in charge of all referenda and elections.
32.8 Class Representative: a representative elected through their Departmental Society to represent their Class.
32.9 Class: all the Regular Members registered in a year of study in one of the ten programs offered by the Faculty of Engineering.
32.10 Club: an EUS group composed mainly of Regular Members, which meets on a regular basis to promote a specific agenda and which must be recognized by the EUS as holding Club status.
32.11 Clubs Representative: a representative selected to represent the interests of all EUS Clubs to the EUS Council.
32.12 Committee Chair: an individual selected to lead an EUS Committee.
32.13 Confidential Session: a portion of a meeting restricted to pertinent parties having signed non-disclosure agreements.
32.14 Constitution: the set of legal rules agreed upon by the Board of Governors and the Regular Members of the EUS which serves as the primary governing document of the EUS.
32.15 Departmental Society: a group of Regular Members who are representative of a particular program or department.
32.16 Design Team Representative: a representative selected to represent the interests of all EUS Design Teams to the EUS Council.
32.17 Design Team: an EUS group that has been approved by the Design Team Funding Committee to create deliverables and compete in design competitions.
32.18 Elections EUS: the committee in charge of organizing and overseeing all EUS elections and referenda.
32.19 Emergency Meeting: a meeting of the EUS Council or the Board of Governors.
32.20 EUS Committee: an EUS Group directly under the purview of Executive(s) or Board Member(s), which is tasked with a mandate which benefits the EUS.
32.21 EUS Council: the representative body of the EUS.
32.22 EUS Group: all Committees, Clubs, Design Teams, and Departmental Societies within the EUS.
32.23 EUS Position-Holder: any Member who holds a title in an EUS Group.
32.24 EUS Spaces: the spaces allocated to the EUS through agreements with the Faculty of Engineering or the McGill Administration.
32.25 EUS: the Engineering Undergraduate Society of McGill University.
32.26 Executive Selection Committee: an ad-hoc committee formed by the EUS Council, tasked with filling a vacancy in the Executive Committee.
32.27 Faculty Building Director: a McGill Employee responsible for applying policies related to access, building use, maintenance, safety, and security.
32.28 Fall Semester: the period from the first day of scheduled classes in September to the last day of scheduled classes in December as defined by the McGill calendar.
32.29 General Assembly: a meeting of the EUS in which any Regular Member may vote.
32.30 Grouping: the set of two Classes, be it junior or senior, which may represent each other to the EUS Council.
32.31 Junior Grouping: the grouping of the U1 and U2 Class Representatives.
32.32 Letters Patent: the document which incorporates the EUS, and to which the EUS is legally bound.
32.33 McGill Community: the staff, students, and faculty of the University.
32.34 Minute Taker: the individual(s) tasked with taking minutes at meetings of the EUS Council, Board of Governors and General Assembly.
32.35 Motion: a formal proposal made in a Board Meeting, Council Meeting, or General Assembly; or a question proposed through referendum.
32.36 Policy: a set of rules for the conduct of EUS affairs.
32.37 Program: the primary curriculum of a Regular Member.
32.38 Proxy: an individual voting on behalf of another.
32.39 Quorum: the required attendance and conditions for a meeting of an official body of the EUS to be opened and for all subsequent decisions to be ratified.
32.40 Ratify: to approve a motion, allowing it to come into force.
32.41 Referendum: a motion proposed to all Regular Members through Elections EUS.
32.42 Regular Meeting: any meeting of the EUS Council not otherwise stipulated.
32.43 Resolution: a formal call to action or statement of opinion adopted by the the EUS Council, the General Assembly, or the Board of Governors.
32.44 School Day: any day when classes are scheduled during the Academic Year.
32.45 Selection Committee: a committee tasked with selecting an EUS Position-Holder.
32.46 Senate: the Senate of McGill University.
32.47 Senior Grouping: the grouping of the U3 and U4 Class Representatives.
32.48 Society Fee: the student fee paid by all Regular Members, from which one cannot opt out.
32.49 Speaker: the Speaker(s) of the Board of Governors, Council, and General Assembly.
32.50 SSMU Council: SSMU Legislative Council.
32.51 SSMU Representative: the individual(s) who represent the EUS at SSMU Council and inform the EUS of matters pertaining to SSMU.
32.52 SSMU: the Student’s Society of McGill University.
32.53 U4 Class: Regular Members who have completed twenty-four credits in U3 as defined by Minerva and remain enrolled.
32.54 U0 Representative: a representative selected to represent the interests of all U0 engineering students to the EUS Council.
32.55 VP Finance Selection Committee: the selection committee tasked with the selection of the VP Finance.
32.56 Winter Semester: the period from the first day of scheduled classes in January to the last day of scheduled classes in April as defined by the McGill calendar.
32.57 Year of Study: the year in which a Regular Member is enrolled, as indicated on Minerva, or U4 where applicable.