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{{Blues Pub Header}}
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Blues Pub is a student run bar that occurs on a weekly basis in the McConnell [[Engineering Common Room]]. A long withstanding tradition in the Faculty of Engineering, Blues Pub is a place to gather, drink beverages, and relax from a long week of trying academics
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What we have to offer
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Now you may have heard about our legendary Plumbers Pocket, while not knowing what our secret recipe is. All you need to know, is that it’s a delicious grilled cheese stuffed with a pizza pocket. That’s literally all you need to know. And if you think that's not enough…. There’s also the Double down, which is the Plumbers pocket, but DOUBLE. You just know that will satisfy your Friday afternoon cravings.
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Tabling is available to all groups who wish to promote their organization to the patrons of Blues Pub; however, engineering groups still receive priority! Tabling is a free form to get in touch with patrons, providing games, a point of sale (as long as it's non-competitive with the hosts of the Blues Pub), and more! If you're interested in tabling for the 2021-2022 year, please contact the managers through one of the links below.
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Blues Pub encourages you to bring your own mug!
[[File: blues mug.png|50px|center]]
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Happy Hour: $0.50 off from 4pm-6pm
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! Food !! Price
| Double down || 4.00
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! Beverages !! Price
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All beverage selection varies by host on a weekly basis. Please check the whiteboard near the bar for the week's options.
{{Blues Pub Contact}}
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You must be 18+ to enter Blues Pub. Please be prepared to present ID at the door
<div style="font-family: MonospaceVerdana; font-size:6px; color:#6266AF; margin-top: 15px;">[[Blues Pub|Return to archived original Blues Pub wiki page]]