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Covid-19 Updates

158 bytes removed, 19:11, 20 October 2020
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=== Cheque Requisitions ===
# Download and fill out this form fillable PDFAll cheque reqs should be filed through Nexonia: [[Cheque Requisition#Electronic Form]]. Still must be signed by Financial Officer.#* Include mailing address on the pink slip.#* If the cheque has already been submitted without a mailing address, please fill out this [https://formswww.nexonia.glecom/WZC2cs3LGxEJTj1G8 mailing list form].# Scan all documents and combine into one PDF. Email single PDF per cheque req to Please email [[|office?subject=[Deposit]]]if you need assistance with the account procedure/process.# Cheque Cheques will be mailed to you.
==== Rejected Cheques ====
If your cheque was rejected, you'll get an email about it with the one you used to sign-in. Please resubmit with correctionsmade according to the message.
=== Deposits ===
Email [[Deposit]] for specific instructionsand requests.
=== Floats ===
Suspended until further noticeEmail [[Deposit]] for specific instructions and requests.
=== Short Term Student Space Fund (SSF) ===
Deadline will be flexible. For small purchases, please have them delivered SSF has been expanded to your house if possible, submit cheque requisitions as aboveinclude "virtual spaces". For larger purchasesBe creative with this definition, or ones not able to delivered, please hold off, more information will follow.and apply!

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