no edit summary
| title = EUS {{PAGENAME}} 20192020-20202021| image = [[File:VP Internal.jpg|400px]]
| headerstyle = background-color:#eee
| label1 = Current:
| data1 = Spencer HandfieldYasemin Bicer
| data2 = {{Infobox | subbox = yes
| headerstyle = background-color:#eee
| header1 = Office Hours
|data2= Monday: 2:00pm - 3:00pm |data3= Tuesday: 1:00pm - 2:00pmTBD
The '''''EUS VP Internal''''' is in charge of McGill Engineering culture and social events, the EUS internal relations with the other Faculties and with McGill students at large. The role focuses on providing social and athletic programming to engineering students, as well as managing and recruiting the largest volunteer base of any executive. The VP Internal manages the committees for multiple events throughout the year including [[Orientation Week]], [[E-Week]], both [[MERTW]]s, [[Volunteer Banquet]], [[Ski Trip]], as well as running the [[EUS Sports|sports leagues]] (Broomball, Soccer, Flagball). The VP Internal works with the [[departments]] and [[clubs]] of the EUS to provide weekly entertainment via [[Blues Pub]] held in the EUS [[Common Room]]. The Engineering [[EAC|Adventures]] and [[ESC|Socials]] Committees, also overseen by the VP Internal, provide opportunities for engineering students to interact and socialize in non-drinking environments, such as through rafting, snow tubing, rocky horror show, and other trips they embark on.
==<i class="fal fa-gavel"></i> Duties==
''According to [[Constitution#TITLE II: The Executive Committee|Title II]] of the Constitution''
<br>The VP Internal shall:
#Be responsible for relations between the EUS and other faculty associations of McGill University in conjunction with the [[President]].
==<i class="fal fa-code-branch"></i> Committees==
* Brown Bag meeting with the Dean of Engineering-->
==<i class="fal fa-folder-open"></i> Related Documents==
{{#categorytree:{{PAGENAME}} Bylaws|hideroot|mode=pages|class=alternating-cattree|style=max-width:600px}}
{{#categorytree:{{PAGENAME}} Policies|hideroot|mode=pages|class=alternating-cattree|style=max-width:600px}}
<==<i class="fal fa-file"></i>  Midterm Reports=={{{{PAGENAME}} Midterm Reports}}>
[[Category:{{PAGENAME}} Responsibilities]]