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:2.1 The Members of the A.S.A. shall be any students registered in an undergraduate program in the School of Architecture at McGill University, including part-time and full-time students.
===Article 3: Objectives===
:3.1 The A.S.A., as defined by Article 5.0, is mandated to ensure the quality of student life for all its members by: 3.1.1 Promoting and protecting the needs and interests of the students through representation on University administrative bodies; :3.1.2 Providing social, cultural, and academic activities that support learning inside and outside the classroom and ensure that all students have equal opportunities for both learning and a healthy life; :3.1.3 Acting as an advocate for its members within the structure of the University, as well as representing their interests outside the University.
===Article 4: Rights and Obligations of Members===
:4.1 The rights of the Members shall include: :4.1.1 The right to vote in A.S.A. elections, referenda, and general assemblies; :4.1.2 The right to stand for election to the ASA Council; :4.1.3 The right to apply for a Coordinator position; :4.1.4 The right to attend general assemblies and Council meetings of the A.S.A.; :4.1.5 The right to initiate general assemblies; :4.1.6 The right to move or second motions at general assemblies; :4.1.7 The right to speak for or against any motion presented at general assemblies. :4.2 All Members of the A.S.A. shall be obligated to conform to the A.S.A. Constitution, Bylaws and Regulations. :4.3 No Member is empowered to make purchases in the name of A.S.A., or to financially obligate the A.S.A. in any way.
===Article 5: Society Fees===
:5.1 Society fees paid by Members of the A.S.A. shall be collected by the Engineering Undergraduate Society of McGill University (hereafter referred to as the E.U.S.) and remitted to the A.S.A. 5.2. Society fees will have been agreed upon through discourse with the E.U.S., the Faculty of Engineering, and a referendum of the student body. 5.3 Amendment to the Society Fees may only be undertaken by a ballot specifically dedicated to that purpose during the next regular election or referendum period, or General Assembly as defined by Article 15 of this Constitution.
:16.1 The five (5) Executive CommitteeExecutive Officer Positions shall each have only one (1) vote, even when more than one (1) person shares any of the responsibilities of that position.
:16.2 The three (3) Auxiliary Officer Positions that shall each have only one (1) vote, are the Brown-Bag Lecture Representatives, the Supply Store Representatives, and the Cellar Manager even when more than one (1) person shares any of the responsibilities of that position. The representative responsible for the coordination of the Student Colloquium, shall not have the right to vote.
:16.3 The seven (7) Class Representatives shall have one (1) vote each. [[Category:Constitutions]] [[Category:ASATracking]]