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Architecture Students' Association Constitution

11 bytes added, 22:25, 17 January 2020
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:1.2 The names in section 1.1 may be abbreviated as "A.S.A." or "ASA" and "A.É.É.A." or “AÉÉA”, and the use of such abbreviations shall not compromise the official nature of any document entered into by the A.S.A.
:1.3 All of the names in section 1.1 and 1.2 are equally official, and documents executed or acts performed under either name are equally binding upon the A.S.A.
:1.4 The Head Office of the A.S.A. :1.4.1 The Head Office is located at:                                                                        :815 Sherbrooke Street West                                     :Macdonald-Harrington Building                                     :Montréal, Québec                                     :H3A 0C2                                     :Phone: (514) 398-6700   Fax: (514) 398-7372 
===Article 2: Membership===
:2.1 The Members of the A.S.A. shall be any students registered in an undergraduate program in the School of Architecture at McGill University, including part-time and full-time students. 
:16.1 The five (5) Executive CommitteeExecutive Officer Positions shall each have only one (1) vote, even when more than one (1) person shares any of the responsibilities of that position.
:16.2 The three (3) Auxiliary Officer Positions that shall each have only one (1) vote, are the Brown-Bag Lecture Representatives, the Supply Store Representatives, and the Cellar Manager even when more than one (1) person shares any of the responsibilities of that position. The representative responsible for the coordination of the Student Colloquium, shall not have the right to vote.
:16.3 The seven (7) Class Representatives shall have one (1) vote each. [[Category:Constitutions]] [[Category:ASATracking]]

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