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General Calendar

549 bytes added, 14:30, 10 June 2018
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*'''[[E-Week]]:''' Everyone's favorite week long departmental competition
*'''[[Eng Games]]:''' Schools from across Quebec get together to show their talent in debates, design competitions, and more
*'''[[EUS Ski Trip]]:''' Eng organizes an annual 2-days 2-nights trip to Mont Sainte-Anne to ski, chalet, and hang out.
*'''[[Electoral Calendar|Election & Referenda Season]]:''' A time to throw your hat into the ring to become an EUS or Departmental exec, member of the [[BoG]], as well as vote!
*'''[[MERTW]]inter:''' Another bar crawl
*'''[[Volunteer Banquet]]''': A night to celebrate the various people who help make the EUS what it is
*'''[[Plumber's Ball]]''': A banquet/party rombo-combo to celebrate the graduating engineering students
*'''Finals:''' Study up folks
==Over the Summer==
*'''[[Blues Pub]]:''' There's an average of three Blues Pubs every summer

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