:8.4 Members of the Executive Committee or Council cannot receive any remuneration, financial or otherwise, for acting as such.
:8.5 The candidates for positions on the Executive Committee or the Council must be resident students at McGill University throughout their whole term (ie: not on exchange or work term).
===Article 9 – Powers and Duties of the Executive Committee===
:9.1 The Executive Committee shall:
::(i) coordinate and administer the policies, activities and other affairs of the M.A.M.E.;
:10.4 The President of the M.A.M.E. must be present at all meetings of the Executive Committee.
:10.5 The Executive Committee shall only discuss issues and make decisions related to the academic, professional, and social concerns of its members as they pertain to being a part of M.AM.E, EUS, and the McGill Undergraduate body. This is to say, the M.A.M.E council will not make decisions or take stances on issues outside the scope of its mission statement
===Article 11 - M.A.M.E. Council===
:11.1 Decisions concerning all the affairs of M.A.M.E. shall require the approval of the M.A.M.E. Council by simple majority, unless specified otherwise. It may reject any Executive Committee decision.
:11.2 Any Regular Member of the M.A.M.E. may attend M.A.M.E. Council meetings, speak for or against any of the motions tabled therein, and ask questions.
:20.1 There will be one Class Representative for each of the four years: U1 through U4.
:20.2 Each Class Representative shall:
::(i) attend E.U.S. Council meetings, as perArticle 21 of the E.U.S. Constitution. In case of an absence, he/she will be responsible for notifying the Vice President Clubs & Administration of the E.U.S. and for arranging for a proxy from among his/her constituency;
::(ii) inform his/her constituency on matters of the E.U.S. Council and M.A.M.E. Council;
::(iii) represent the interests and concerns of his/her constituency at the E.U.S. Council and the M.A.M.E. Council;