→Article 5 – Society Fees
===Article 5 – Society Fees===
:5.1 There shall be no additional membership fees aside from those already deducted from student fees and remitted to the M.A.M.E. by the McGill Engineering Undergraduate Society (hereafter referred to as the E.U.S.).
===Article 6 – Finances of the M.A.M.E.===
:6.1 All M.A.M.E. expenditures must be authorized by both the V.P. Finance and the President of the M.A.M.E.
:6.2 All expenditures authorized by the V.P. Finance and the President of the M.A.M.E. shall be refunded from the M.A.M.E. funds held in trust by the E.U.S. through the appropriate procedures.
:6.3 The MAME shall not run a deficit. The MAME’s bank account must have a positive balance after all expenses are accounted for.
===Article 7 – Dissolution of the M.A.M.E.===
:7.1 In the event of dissolution, trusteeship, or cessation of the Association, all fees and assets shall be transferred to a similar association with the same membership and purpose as defined in