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VP Communications

596 bytes added, 16:20, 29 March 2017
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The ''''''EUS VP Communications''''' is charged with overseeing all, as the name implies, communications. This includes moderating the weekly Engineering Newsletter the [[Pipeline]], the [ Internal Newsletter], facebook communications, internal communications, [[websites]], [[TeN|TeN Screens]], and more.<br>
Additionally the VP Comm oversees a variety of committees in the publications & creative world, such as [[The Plumber's Ledger]], [[The Plumber's Faucet]], [[PSD|Plumber's Student Design]], and [[The Plumber's Station]]. There are two [[Directors|directorships]] under the VP Comm, the [[IT Director]] charged with leading the [[IT Committee]], as well as the [[Creative Director]] who manages a variety of special projects.
[[EUS_Constitution#Article_17:_VP_Communications|Article 17 of the EUS Constitution]]
17.1 The Vice-President Communications shall:
# be responsible for Telecommunicationsservices of the E.U.S.;
# be responsible for submitting E.U.S. information to the E.U.S. publications;
# be responsible of all internal communications inside of the E.U.S.;
# be responsible for all internal communications relating to the E.U.S. within the McGill Community;
# be responsible for all Publications Committees of the E.U.S.; and
# be responsible for all Information Technology committees of the E.U.S.

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