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[[Category:Curator's Choice]]
'''''FOAPAL''''' (fund, org, account, program, activity, location) is an accounting system used throughout McGill University, identifying the various parties by said criteria. FOAPAL aids in easy transactions by identified parties; it is limited to organizations directly associated with McGill, e.g. faculties, professors, departments, services.<br>
The EUS is not part of McGill (see [[EUS#What Is the EUS|What Is the EUS]]), and is therefore not entitled payment through FOAPAL; however, we do have a FOAPAL ''identification number''<br>
<center style="font-size:20px">'''EX-1491-00049''' </center>   Let the [[VP Finance]] know if you use the FOAPAL number so that funds or charges are accounted for properly. 
'''Things that the EUS FOAPAL can be used for:'''
<center style="font-size:20px">''TL;DR The EUS has a FOAPAL, but cannot send or receive payments via FOAPAL''</center>

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