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1 byte added, 14:10, 27 December 2016
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The EUS is not part of McGill (see [[What Isn't the EUS]]), and is therefore not entitled to a FOAPAL number.<br>
The advantage of FOAPAL numbers is easy transactions with professors, departmental committees, university affairs, etc.; unfortunately the EUS does not have and will not have this feature in the forseeable future.
::'''To send money:''' Check out the [[Cheque RequisitionRequisitions#Paying a Vendor Directly|Cheque Req]] page to request a cheque to whomever you're looking to pay. Make sure you have a proper invoice before filing for a check!
::'''To receive money:''' Simply request the persons you are dealing with write a check payable to the ''Engineering Undergraduate Society of McGill University''
<center style="font-size:20px">''TL;DR The EUS does not have a FOAPAL.''</center>

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