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Before Frosh begins, all engineering students are required to undergo an entrance exam for the Faculty of Engineering. This exam is done to gain an accurate idea of where the entering class is in terms of current knowledge and understanding of basic engineering concepts. This data is also provided to the educational accreditation board to help determine McGill's current educational standing along with its ranking compared to other schools in Quebec. All engineering students are expected to complete the exam with no exceptions. Questions can be directed to the Principle Program Officer and guidance for details on the exam can be gathered by your Frosh Coordinators.
==Frequently Asked Questions==
Q: What type of questions are asked on the exam?<br>
A: Students will be tested on basic engineering theories and concepts as well as some applied math and physics questions which will be later useful in their engineering careers.<br>
Q: How long is the exam?<br>
A: The exam time is only 1 (one) hour in duration.<br>
Q: What materials do I need for the exam/What can I bring to the exam?<br>