EUS History
The following entries were posted on the old EUS website and were removed from the website when a new site was made. Members of the EUS Community are welcome to add entries to keep the history up-to-date.
Year | Summary |
1892 | Mining Society founded to bring together Mining Students for the discussion of papers on mining and metallurgical subjects in order to create a more lively interest in this branch of Engineering. |
1907 | Earliest known reference to the Applied Science Undergraduate Society: a picture of the 1907-1908 executive found in the McGill Archives. The ASUS was a precursor to the EUS as at the time it was the Faculty of Applied Science (and the current Faculty of Science was included in the Faculty of Arts and Science.) |
1908 | Electrical Club of McGill University founded. |
1925 | The First Plumber's Ball is held by the Applied Science Undergraduate Society. |
1934 | Phi Epsilon Alpha, the Honorary Engineering Society, is formed by the late Professor R. de L. French. |
1937 | Earliest known reference to the Engineering Undergraduate Society: A photo of the 1937-1938 executive found in the McGill Archives. |
1944 | Earliest known constitution of the EUS found published in the 1950-1951 EUS Handbook. |
1947 | The first issue of The McGill Engineer, a quarterly magazine is published. Which until 1959, is mainly a technical, cultural and historical journal including academic articles by McGill Engineering Professors. The Editorial in the December 1959 issue states that the editorial policy will change to encourage articles of a wide scope, ranging from philosophical to humorous. |
1950 | The first known McGill Engineering Handbook is published. The Plumber's Philharmonic Orchestra is created from members of the Thank-God-It's-Friday Club, essentially a party organizing club and the Engineering members of the Red and White Society, a McGill-wide spirit raising organization. |
1964 | The first known Plumber's Pot is published as a humorous paper and includes informative articles on EUS events. Oldest Reference to the Mechanical Engineering Students Club - a photo found in the McGill Archives. |
1969 | The EUS is one of the founding members of the Canadian Federation of Engineering Students. It's first president is from McGill. |
1974 | McGill University Engineering Undergraduate Society adopts its 1974 version of its current (amended) constitution. |
1984 | The EUS receives a threat of a lawsuit regarding the use of trademarks of Time Incorporated by the Plumber's Pot in a parody issue. |
1985 - 1987 | The PPO slips into relative obscurity after a prank by someone or persons, resulted in the unbolting of every single seat the Leacock 132 Auditorium resulting in two days of cancelled classes and a bill of $1003.95 being received by the EUS. |
1988 | Copi-EUS, the EUS' photocopy centre is created. The PPO is reinvigorated with a new mandate aimed at raising money for charity and promoting school spirit, averaging around $10 000 annually. |
1989 | Frostbite, McGill University's best ice cream store is opened in the EUS Common Room. The Plumber's Pot is banned from campus amid continued scandal and controversy. |
1989 - 1990 | The EUS ends the operation of its McConnell Cafeteria on its behalf by SSMU. In consultation with the Faculty, the EUS assumes direct control. The EUS pays $30 000 for renovations and supplies. At the same time Copi-EUS is built in the Locker room. |
1990 | The EUS becomes incorporated as a not-for-profit corporation as the Engineering Undergraduate Society of McGill University Inc. |
1995 | The EUS adopts the Star Bolt with the inverted Iron Ring as its official logo. The General Store is opened after the EUS replaces Coop McGill who had taken over Sadies from SSMU. |
1998 | The EUS Office moves from the Iron Ring Room in MacDonald to Room 007 in McConnell. The Common Room is relocated in the McConnell Basement and Copi-EUS moves closer to the EUS Office to form with Frostbite and the General Store, the EUS Mall. The EUS pays $35 000 for and operates its new locker facilities below the cafeteria, replacing the 30 year old previous set of lockers. The Plumber's Faucet, once a column in the Plumber's Pot, is started as a full-time EUS Publication. |
2001 | The EUS Cafeteria adopts the name Goodbytes Café and is renovated over the summer to create much appreciated new look, feel and atmosphere. |
2002 | The EUS becomes an accredited student society. After passing the required referendum, the EUS is official recognized by the Provincial Government as the sole representative of Engineering Students on Campus for the Engineering Faculty. The EUS creates the position of VP-Communications after a student run referendum to bring the number of EUS executives to a total of 8. |
2003 | The EUS loses operation of the Goodbytes Cafeteria to McGill Ancillary Services and receives a 5 year grant in return. |
2009 | OAP becomes purely an EUS event after SSMU withdraws completely from the event. Previously, SSMU had handled procuring sponsorship for OAP while the EUS had handled all other aspects of the event. |
2010 | Architecture students join the Engineering Undergraduate Society after passing the required referendum. The Architecture Students Association becomes the EUS' seventh departmental association. |
2016 | The Cube, the first official EUS 3D Printing Service, is launched during TechWeek 2016. |