E-Week 2020 FAQ
What is E-Week?
E-Week is a 5-day interdepartmental competition that pits McGill’s 9 engineering departments (plus Old Patrol) against each other over 30+ events. These events are incredibly diverse, including silly food challenges, engineering design competitions, a pub crawl, club nights, and much more! Though the format of the week is a competition, the spirit is one of community and friendship across departments.
How does the scoring system work?
Throughout the week, almost every event on the schedule can win your team points. The importance of each event is indicated by its “Level”; Level 1 means the highest possible number of points are at stake, while a Level 4 means things are more chill. Each event is further divided into “Ranked” and “Tiered”; Ranked means that each team will obtain a ranking of 1-10 (like a race), with the first place team winning the most number of points in that event. Tiered events mean that each team is placed into one of 3 categories (i.e. best, meh and worst) based on more subjective qualities— such as team spirit and creativeness— so multiple teams can get the same amount of points.
Do I need to come to every event?
No! E-Week is extremely event-dense, and it would be unreasonable to expect everyone to attend every single event. It’s your captains’ jobs to figure out who will come to each event to participate in the specific game to win their team points. That way, you’re not expected to show up to win your team points every single hour of the 5 days!
Is there drinking at E-Week? What if I don't drink?
Yes, people consume alcohol at E-Week. However, alcohol is not the focus of the entire week, and moderation, responsibility, and mutual vigilance are heavily promoted. You are more than welcome to participate in E-Week, whether or not you drink! Non-alcoholic options are available at every single event wherein alcohol is provided.
Are there alternative alcoholic options to beer that are offered?
Yes! However, these options are available only to those with dietary restrictions preventing them from drinking beer. If you have any such restrictions, please let your captains know as soon as possible!
I did Frosh, should I expect the same thing at E-Week?
Not quite. While Frosh is an introduction for new students to McGill and the EUS, E-Week participants can be first years, third years, or alum! While Frosh serves as a guide for new students, E-Week focuses more on the competition and friendly rivalry aspects of the engineering community.
Who are Captains?
Your team captains are the 6-10 people in charge of your team. Captains organize participants for games, communicate with Coordinators, and lead their team spirit! Equity and Sustainability captains are specifically tasked with making sure everyone feels as included and safe as possible throughout the week. They have also been given additional training on active bystanding, receiving disclosures, and available resources. Points captains rally their teams to win the maximum number of points throughout the week. Assistant captains help their co-captains where needed and are there for you if you have any questions! All captains have received basic training on active-bystanding, accessibility, safe practices, and inclusivity.
E-Week happens during classes. What should I do?
Though E-Week spans the first week of classes, we don’t expect anyone to put fun ahead of academics. Some participants never miss an event, while others only come to a few. It’s a good idea to sketch a plan of what events/classes you’ll attend during the week, so you can enjoy E-Week as much as possible while still making the ‘rents proud.
Can I sell my ticket to someone?
Yeppers! Please be aware that all tickets have a type, whether it be non-drinking, full week, or day events only. Make sure the person to whom you’ve sold your ticket has filled out the registration form, and then notify your captains of the transfer immediately. You must also message McGill E-Week or any coord on facebook and inform them of the transfer that’s been made. It is your responsibility to sell your ticket, and we don’t give refunds for purchased tickets.
Can I change the department my ticket is registered for?
This is up to the coords' discretion, as it varies based on the registration and logistical timeline. Please message McGill E-Week on facebook or instagram for more information.
Can I pay for just day events?
Yes! Day-event-only tickets get you access to every day event of E-Week, and the process for buying them from someone else is the same as with regular tickets. These tickets include every event except for the last event of each day. This means you get access to 3 Man and Pub Crawl as well.
Can I participate in E-Week if I don't go to McGill?
Of course! E-Week is open to everyone, as long as they are 18+. Just put N/A where the registration form asks for a McGill email.
Can I pay for just night events?
Night-event-only tickets are released at the beginning of January through the facebook page. They work slightly differently than day-event-only tickets, in that they are specific to each night event (so an Opening Ceremonies ticket won’t get you into Century Club).
I have alternate mobility needs. Is E-Week accessible to me?
Though we strive to create a week entirely free of physical barriers, that isn’t always possible, so we can’t guarantee the physical accessibility of every event. You can find accessibility information on the official accessibility schedule, in the participants’ package, or by asking your captains. If you have any accessibility concerns that aren’t addressed in the schedule, let one of your Equity & Sustainability Captains know -- they will inform the coords and we will do our best to accommodate them! You can also contact us directly through any means found at the bottom of the page.
I have questions that weren't addressed in this FAQ
Your best source of information is your captains, since they are specifically charged with managing and informing their team. You can also contact us directly through any means found at the bottom of the page.