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Blues Pub 2020

36 bytes added, 22:25, 24 March 2021
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Blues Pub is a student run bar that occurs on a weekly basis in the McConnell [[Engineering <b>Founded:</b> 1992<br><b>Founders:</b> Tony Manolikakis, Andrew Leccese, Mike Prichett and Matthew Mathers<br><b>Capacity:</b> 100<br><b>Organization:</b> EUS<br><b>Location:</b> Common Room]]. A long withstanding tradition in the Faculty of - McGill Engineering, Blues Pub is a place to gather, drink beverages, and relax from a long week of trying academicsBuilding<br><b>When:</b> Every Friday 4PM-9PM<br><b>Happy Hour:</b> 4PM-6PM<br>
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