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Module:Protection banner/config

872 bytes added, 09:27, 5 August 2014
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-- PARAMETERS[[-- Banner data consists of six fields:-- * text - the main protection text that appears at the top of protection-- banners.-- * explanation - the text that appears below the main protection text, used-- to explain the details of the protection.-- * tooltip - the tooltip text you see when you move the mouse over a small-- padlock icon.-- * link - the page that the small padlock icon links to.-- * alt - the alt text for the small padlock icon. This is also used as tooltip-- text for the large protection banners.-- * image - the padlock image used in both protection banners and small padlock-- icons.---- The module checks in three separate tables to find a value for each field.-- First it checks the banners table, which has values specific to the reason-- for the page being protected. Then the module checks the defaultBanners-- table, which has values specific to each protection level. Finally, the-- module checks the masterBanner table, which holds data for protection-- templates to use if no data has been found in the previous two tables.
-- The values in the banner data can take parameters. These are specified
-- using ${TEXTLIKETHIS} (a dollar sign preceding a parameter name
-- enclosed in curly braces). ---- Available parameters:
-- ${CURRENTVERSION} - a link to the page history or the move log, with the
 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Banner defaults-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- If no protection reason is specified, or no The master banner data exists for the-- reason given, then this data will be used for the banner. Individual items-- from this data will also be used if that item doesn't exist no values have been found in the reason-banners or-- specific banner configdefaultBanners
masterBanner = {
text = '${INTROBLURB}',
-- The default banner data. This holds banner data for different protection
-- levels.
-- *required* - this table needs edit, move, and autoreview subtables.
defaultBanners = {
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------The banner data. This holds banner data for different protection reasons.-- Banner configIn fact, the reasons specified in this table control which reasons are--------------------------------------------------------------------------------valid inputs to the first positional parameter.
-- *required* - this table needs edit, move, and autoreview subtables.
banners = {
.. "|Wikipedia's policy on the biographies"
.. ' of living people]].',
tooltip = '${TOOLTIPBLURB} to promote compliance with the policy on biographies of' .. ' biographies of living people',
dmca = {
-- MessagesMESSAGES
Anonymous user

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