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Module:Protection banner/config

497 bytes added, 22:03, 24 July 2014
note which tables are required to have "edit", "move", and "autoreview" subtables
-- *required* - this table needs edit, move, and autoreview subtables.
defaultBanners = {
edit = {},
-- *required* - this table needs edit, move, and autoreview subtables.
banners = {
edit = {
-- *required* - this table needs edit, move, and autoreview subtables.
protectionBlurbs = {
edit = {
-- *required* - this table needs edit, move, and autoreview subtables.
explanationBlurbs = {
edit = {
-- *required* - this table needs edit, move, and autoreview subtables.
protectionLevels = {
edit = {
-- *required* - this table needs edit, move, and autoreview subtables.
images = {
edit = {
-- *required* - this table needs edit, move, and autoreview subtables.
imageLinks = {
edit = {
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