Co-Op Mining Engineering Undergraduate Society

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Co-Op Mining Engineering Undergraduate Society
Cmeus logo.png
Established 1998
Current President Rim Fayjhi
Lounge FDA103

The Co-Op Mining Engineering Undergraduate Society, or CMEUS, is a department in the EUS. The CMEUS is the undergraduate society for all mining students, regardless of whether or not they have elected to maintain their co-op degree status.


The CMEUS is responsible for organizing several events and fun opportunities for involvement throughout each academic year. The mining student council organizes both new events and events that have been successful. These events vary greatly in nature from a active full-day ice fishing trip, to a relaxing games night in collaboration with another departmental council. Certain initiatives such as industry speaker talks at McGill University and the organization of an annual trip to The Prospectors and Developers Association of Canada (PDAC) Conference in Toronto offer mining engineering students at McGill diverse opportunities to gain insight on interesting topics and additionally network with industry professionals.


Each Fall & Winter semester, CMEUS organizes a banquet for its students to relax after a (hopefully) successful semester! After the dinner, we all gather for an EUS-wide afterparty at a local club. The professors are also there so its a fun opportunity to get to know them outside of the classroom.


WE DRILL. WE BLAST. WE NEVER FINISH LAST. (or always?) But actually, to learn more check out E-Week.

The Canadian Mining Games

Candian Mining Games 2020 McGill Delegation

The Canadian Mining Games (CMG) were established at McGill University in 1991 and each year the event is hosted by a mining engineering program somewhere in Canada. The Canadian Mining Games were created between a collaboration of a McGill mining engineering student and a mining engineering student from Polytechnique Montréal.

McGill Mining sends a delegation of 16 mining students to the competition each year to represent the program. At CMG, our team competes against universities from across Canada in various competitions to showcase our skills in academic and physical events. CMG also offers a great opportunity to network with various professionals and companies within the mining industry

The CMG McGill Delegation is open to any undergraduate student studying Mining Engineering. If you're interested in participating, the department sends out an email every September. Once you express interest, try-outs will occur to finalize the roster of 16!

The Lounge

All undergraduate mining engineering students can obtain access to our lounge - conveniently located in Frank Dawson Adams (FDA) 103. To gain access, a sign-up sheet is available to put down your information on Facebook or you can contact any of the council members!

In the lounge, we have couches and a TV for relaxing, big tables and chairs for studying, and a fridge & microwave for all your lunch-storing needs. It's a great place to study, hangout with friends and is also a solid location to gather on Fridays before Blues Pub! There are lots of other fun things here and there, come drop by and see for yourself.

"In the lounge, we eat waffles on Wednesdays, you know... Mining stuff" - Rim Fayjhi, CMEUS President 2022-2023

Council History

2022 - 2023 Council
Position: Name:
President Rim Fayjhi
VP Academic Owen Mickevicius
VP Administration Valentina Letort
VP Finance Nolan Dempsey
VP External Andrew Allard
VP Internal Antonio Galvez
Equity & Mental Health Coordinator Emmelie Blinder
U0 Representative Cecilia Agneray
U1 Representative Finn McGrath
U2 Representative Manon Lahore
U3 Representative Christopher Dascalu
U4 Representative Magdalena Mroz
2021 - 2022 Council
Position: Name:
President Andrew Allard
VP Academic Nolan Dempsey
VP Finance Rim Fayjhi
VP External Matthew Desorbay
VP Internal Gavin Pollard
VP Administration Vincent Chatelain
E&M Coordinator Manon Lahore & Aidan O'Heany
U0 Representative Antonio Galvez
U1 Representative Philippe Marchand
U2 Representative Owen Mickevicius
U3 Representative Cameron Bryce
U4 Representative Magdalena Mroz
2020 - 2021 Council
Position: Name:
President Matthew Desorbay
VP Academic Hiroki Iino
VP Finance Nicholas Cameron Bryce
VP External Samuel Desjardins
VP Internal Aidan O'Heany
VP Administration Nada El Idrissi
U0 Representative & E&M Coordinator Gavin Pollard
U1 Representative Rim Fayjhi
U2 Representative Vincent Chatelain
U3 Representative Lara Daou
U4 Representative Kevin Liu
2019 - 2020 Council
Position: Name:
President Rim Kouider
VP Academic Kevin Liu
VP Finance Tarek Samlawi
VP External Alec Stuart
VP Internal & E&M Representative Andy Allard
VP Services Magda Mroz
U0 Representative Aidan O'Heany
U1 Representative Nicholas Cameron Bryce
U2 Representative Matthew Desorbay
U3 Representative Mike Chan (Fall) & Souheil Bitar (Winter)
U4 Representative Alec Thomlinson (Fall) & Erik Sviestrup (Winter)