Revision as of 23:19, 19 February 2020 by Anna Symon (talk | contribs)
Broomball is the representative sport of McGill Engineering. It is played in both the Winter semester and during E-Week. In the Winter semester, once the Iron Rink is installed, EUS Sports organizes an official broomball league. Signups are typically done through a google form. Each team can expect 6 regular season games, and an end-of-season tournament. To register a team costs $10 per player, and the mininum number of players is 10. Players may also sign up as free agents. Individuals may also sign up to referee the season, and are compensated financially.
- Teams consist of 6 players on the ice (including the goalie).
- A team will have deemed to forfeit a match if the team has less than 5 players at the start of the game.
- Games will consist of two twenty minute halves. Each half will be separated by a one minute break.
- Clarification of any decisions must only be done by the captains.
- If a player is found to be deliberately misusing equipment, which is damaged or broken as a result, that player will be required to pay the full replacement cost of the equipment.
- A broken broom is considered a dangerous piece of equipment and under no circumstances is a player to continue playing with a broken broom. The player must get a new broom immediately.
- A player may at no time have more than one broom in his/her hands while play is in progress.
- A player’s broom may not attempt to make contact with the ball above the waist. Stoppage of play will result, and the opposing team will receive possession.
- When the ball goes outside the playing area, play shall be stopped. Once the ball is back in play, the ball will be given to the opposite team in the area in which the ball went out.
- A player shall not interfere with the play (or ball) when it’s caught in the goal’s net.
- A player shall be allowed to kick the ball from one player to another. A kick pass shall be treated as a stick pass. A player cannot score by kicking the ball; shots must be made with the stick. A kick pass cannot be made to transfer the ball between the defensive and offensive end.
- A player is allowed to stop the ball with his/her hand and direct the ball to the ice. A player shall not be permitted to carry or advance the ball with any part of the body other than their feet. Stoppage of play will result, and the opposing team will receive possession.
- The team having scored the most number of goals during regular playing time or after overtime shall be considered the winning team.
- If at the end of full time in any match the score is tied, there will be a shoot-out. Five players from each team will alternately take shots hockey style (starting at mid ice and attacking the goal). If there is an even score after that, then there will be a sudden death shoot-out where one player from each team will shoot and the first time one team scores and the other misses, then the scoring team is the winner.
- While the attacking team is on the opposing team’s end, they are not allowed to grab the ball with their hands.
- In the event that the defensive team passes the ball to the opposite end (beyond the goalie net) and has a member of the opposite team come in possession of the ball first, a face-off will be had in the defensive end.
- If a member of the defending team remains on the opposite end of the rink and receives the ball from a fellow player, the ball will be given to the attacking team at the half-way line.
- If the attacking team brings the ball behind the half-way line and then back into the defending team’s end, this will result in the defending team receiving possession of the ball.
- Symon Ammendment: The referee must yell "Broomball!" upon dropping the ball at every face-off.
- Players contesting the face off may move their sticks prior to the ball being dropped but the stick must not leave contact with the ice. No upward motion of the broom towards the opposing player shall be allowed.
- The remaining players of both teams must stand at least 10 feet from the players facing off.
- The ball must first touch the ice before a player hits it. Violation of this rule will result in the opposing team’s possession.
- Using the momentum of a run to increase the impact of a body check on an opponent.
- Charging an opponent from behind or injuring an opponent as a result of the charge.
- Deliberate interference on an opponent’s body from behind.
- Checking an opponent with a knee or elbow or causing injury through the check, cross checking.
- Using unnecessary roughness on an opponent.
- Placing a broom, knee, foot, arm, or elbow in such a manner that causes an opponent to trip or fall.
- NO sliding, however you are allowed to drop to one knee to stop the ball. You must always play with both feet on the ice when hitting the ball. You may NOT use your body to stop the ball from advancing. A penalty shot will be awarded when a defender illegally slides to block a legitimate shot on goal. All other illegal slides will be whistled dead and offense retains possession.
- Using abusive language, arguing the referee’s decision or showing no regard for the officials.
- Any infraction involving an injury.
- Any fight will result in immediate ejection and possible suspension.
- Holding an opponent with the hands or in any other manner.
- Deliberately throwing a broom in the direction of the player in possession of the ball.
- In a clean break-away situation, the goalie comes out to tackle the oncoming player and the referee is convinced the goalie tackled the player and not the ball.
- No contact with goalie.
- Slashing: Any downward movement of one’s stick that hit’s an opponent’s stick or the opponent himself
- Note: It is legal to tap an opponent’s stick from underneath as long as it doesn’t result in a high stick
- A goal shall be scored when the ball has legally passed between the goal post below the cross bar and completely across the goal line.
- If the shot of an attacking player has been deflected into the goals by any part of the body of another attacking player, the goal shall be allowed and the player off whom the ball was deflected shall be credited with the assist. The goal shall not be accepted if the ball has been kicked, thrown or otherwise deliberately directed into or deflected off a defender into the goal by any other means other than a broom.
- No goal shall be allowed if any attacking player precedes the ball into the goal square. A player is considered in the goal square as long as part of his/her body is in contact with the ice inside the goal square.
- A goal scored from a high broom shall not be allowed, except from the broom of a defensive player in his/her own net.
- A face off in the end zone shall occur and the play whistled dead if the goals are moved out of position by a defending player and the goals interfere with the play.
- A face off in the neutral zone shall occur if the goals are moved out of position by an attacking player or after a goal is scored.
- Goalies may choose to use a stick or not. If they choose to use a stick, it must be in their possession at all times unless attempting a save. A stick may not simply sit on the ice in front of the goal.
- After a goalie makes a save, they may inbound the ball by passing it with their hand, kicking it off the ground, or hitting it with their stick. Punting the ball is not allowed. Regardless of the way the goalie enters the ball back into play, it must touch a player first before crossing the mid-court line. Also, a legal hand pass must touch a player or the wall behind the goal line.
- For all loss-of-possession violations, the ball will be put in possession of the team who didn’t commit the violation. When a player inbounds the ball from a loss-of-possession violation, opposing players must be a full stick length away, and the inbound can be a pass or a shot.
- High sticking
- Passing/carrying the ball with any part of a player’s body other than their feet
- When a player taking a face off touches the ball before it hits the ground
- When a goalie’s inbound pass crosses mid-court before touching a player
- When a ball is directly over a barrier of the court
- Under no circumstances may a participant be under the influence of alcohol or illegal substances while at or in an Intramural sponsored event. Participants and spectators may not bring any alcoholic beverages, illegal substances, or tobacco products to an Intramural sponsored event. Any individual/team that fails to adhere to this rule will be banned from Intramural play immediately and subject to further suspension upon consideration by the Intramural staff. Ejections will be handled on a case by case basis and will be handled by Intramural staff.
- The Intramural department reserves the right to eject and ban any individual/team that fails to follow this policy.
- The Intramural department has written these rules and reserves the right to interpret the rules as they see fit. Rules are created with fair play in mind. Therefore, the Intramural department reserves the right to alter rules for circumstances that may arise.