Job:20190327Corporate Relations Director

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This job post has expired.

Corporate Relations Director
VP Finance, VP External

Eus logo grey.png
The Corporate Relations Directorship is a new role within the EUS that was created with the purpose of creating and maintaining stronger and more continuous relationships with EUS sponsors. Since this is a new position, there is a small team of people that will help the director get started with these tasks in the summer and fall.

The responsibilities of the director will include:

- Creating sponsorship resources for EUS groups (eg. a sponsorship guidebook, sponsorship tracker etc)

- Seeking general EUS sponsors and maintaining relations with them

- Organizing events for general EUS sponsors (eg. lunch & learns)

- Meeting once per semester with sponsorship coordinators in different EUS groups while encouraging collaboration between them

- Working directly with the VP External and VP Finance

Since this is a new position, it's very flexible and can be tailored to your vision of the role of the Corporate Relations Director. If you have any questions, please email,, or We encourage everyone to apply!

Skills: Independent, professional, organized

 4 hrs / week
 May 2019 - May 2021