Memorandum of Agreement 2013-2018
Revision as of 04:50, 9 October 2016 by Malcolmmcc (talk | contribs)
A Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) is a binding document between two organizations that facilitates the way in which they interact. The EUS has a signed MoA with McGill that covers all sorts of practices from account auditing to Publication stand locations. The MoA is binding for five years, the next cycle of which will expire in 2018.
The Document
There are 21 sections of the EUS/McGill MoA, including appendices which are referenced throughout the document.
- Collection of Association Fees
- Accounting Services
- Loans and Grants
- Insurance
- Maintenance of Auditing of Accounts
- Use of McGill Name and Emblem
- Contracts and Legal Proceedings
- Right to Set Off
- Liquor Permits
- Representations of the Association
- Event of Default
- Remedies
- Student Publications
- Business Activities
- Location
- Telephone, Mail, and E-Mail
- Staff Status
- Term and Review
- Notice
- Entire Agreement
- Language
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