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As a student at McGill, you should '''''Know Your Rights'''''! This refers to a campaign started by the [http://ssmu.ca SSMU], educating students on how to traverse what you deserve academically, as outlined by McGill. Sometimes profs may violate one of your rights without knowing, and unfortunately ''McGill places the onus on the students'' to address violations; make sure to inform yourself!
;What if I can't write a midterm?
:Speak to your professor as soon as a conflict arises. The professor may request valid documentation as proof. Possible accommodation could include mid-term deferrals or dropping the midterm in favor of a higher weighted final.
;What if I need an extension?
:Even when instructors have restrictions or penalties around late assignments, some are understanding of extenuating circumstances. It may be worth explaining your situation to the professor directly and working together to negotiate deadlines. Some may ask for supporting documentation. The Office for Students with Disabilities can act as a liaison between you and your instructor.
;How can I defer an exam?
:All undergraduate students can apply for an exam deferral through Minerva by going to <code>Student Menu > Student Record Menu> Deferred Exam Application</code>. Supporting documents can be brought to [[MESC]]
:Students in Arts, Science, Engineering, Law, Management, Education, Agriculture + Environmental Science requesting a deferral for the first time '''''will be granted one without a medical note.'''''
;What if I fail a class?
:If you receive a failing grade in a course but are still in good academic standing, you may be eligible to write a [https://www.mcgill.ca/students/exams/dates/supdefer supplemental exam] which will count for a large part of your final grade.
;What if I need things like a quieter space or more time to write exams?
:The Office for Students with Disabilities can arrange services like alternate exam rooms and longer exam times.
:To [https://www.mcgill.ca/osd/new-osd-students/first-appointment book your first appointment] with an Access Advisor, call 514-398-6009.
;Where can I get medical documentation?
:[https://www.mcgill.ca/counselling/support McGill Counselling] and [https://www.mcgill.ca/counselling/support McGill Student Health Services] are [[Fees|student-fee]] or health insurance covered services on campus that can provide medical notes either during appointments or drop-in hours.
:Medical notes can also be issued by medical personnel at private clinics, CLSC’s, emergency rooms, etc. [https://www.mcgill.ca/studenthealth/see-doctor/offcampus Click here] for more information about off-campus clinics and services.
:'''[https://www.mcgill.ca/studenthealth/notes Medical Notes Policy]'''
;How do I withdraw from a course?
:The latest you can withdraw from a course without seeking special permission is by the late withdrawal deadline, which can be found in the [https://www.mcgill.ca/student-accounts/your-account/withdrawals Calendar of Academic Dates].
:After this deadline, permission to withdraw from a course will only be granted under exceptional circumstances (e.g. family tragedy, medical emergency). You must submit an [https://www.mcgill.ca/isa/late-withdrawal online form] explaining your situation to the Internship & Student Affairs Office.
;How do I withdraw from University?
:You can find the deadline for [https://www.mcgill.ca/study/2017-2018/university_regulations_and_resources/undergraduate/gi_regulations_concerning_university_withdrawal#topic_4BBD9C02F19B477796E0DC6E03DD5180 university withdrawal] with refund and withdrawal without refund [https://www.mcgill.ca/importantdates/ here]. Requests must be made through [[MESC]]
:To return to University, you must submit an application for readmission using Minerva’s Faculty Transfer/Readmission Menu. This application must be submitted by the [https://www.mcgill.ca/study/2017-2018/university_regulations_and_resources/undergraduate/ug_gi_readmission#topic_D5F646AB401C4385BB3325D47625ABE4 deadline] for your Faculty.
;Can I get a failing grade removed from my transcript?
:In exceptional circumstances, you can e-flag a course on your transcript – this means that it is excluded from your completed credits and GPA- by speaking with your [https://www.mcgill.ca/students/advising/advisordirectory faculty advisor].
;How can I use the Office for Students With Disabilities?
:Beyond just being a source for documentation, the [https://www.mcgill.ca/osd/ Office for Students with Disabilities] can also act as a liaison between you and your instructor, helping you negotiate things like deadlines and absences. The OSD can also help you access certain resources such as note-takers and evaluation accommodations like extended time. If you are someone with a permanent or temporary disability (physical, learning, or mental health) call 514-398-6009 to [https://www.mcgill.ca/osd/new-osd-students/first-appointment book your first appointment] with an Access Advisor!
;What if I have a religious conflict?
:Students cannot be penalized if they cannot write exams or other evaluations due to [https://www.mcgill.ca/students/exams/dates/conflicts religious conflicts].
:Students who cannot meet academic obligations because of religious conflicts are responsible for informing the instructor at least two weeks before each conflict. If the instructor and student are not able to agree on suitable accommodations, the matter will be referred to the faculty’s Associate dean who will have the final decision.
;How can I request accommodation if I have a dependant like a child or elderly parent?
:Students may seek accommodation for care-taking responsibilities if it is not possible to make alternate arrangements before the time of the academic obligation.
:Students need to notify instructors and the relevant Student Affairs Office as soon as possible prior to an academic obligation that cannot be completed. In cases of emergencies, students must inform the instructor and relevant Student Affairs Office no later than 48 hours after a missed academic obligation.The student will have to provide any documentation that is requested by the University.
:After these steps, the instructor and student will try to identify suitable accommodations which may include rescheduling, alternative method of evaluation, and arranging a note taker. Any disputes can be referred to the Associate Dean of Student Affairs who will make the final decision about what kind of accommodations to pursue.
:Additional services on campus for student parents include the [https://daycare.ssmu.ca/ SSMU Daycare], [https://www.mcgill.ca/daycare/ McGill Day Care Centre], and [https://www.mcgill.ca/equity_diversity/equity-programs/family-care Family Resources Coordinator]
;How can I request accommodation in the case of a pregnancy?
:To request accommodation, pregnant students need to inform their relevant Student Affairs Office by submitting supporting medical documentation. Students will then meet with the Undergraduate Program Director and/or the Associate Dean of Student Affairs to work out a plan for the duration of their pregnancy. Any accommodations will be confirmed in writing and filed with the Associate Dean.
If you have been denied accommodation or supporting documentation, or require assistance in navigating the accommodation process, find out [https://studentrights.ssmu.ca/resources/addressing-violations/ who to contact].
=Course Syllabi=
Course outlines '''must include:'''
:*access information for the instructor (office hours, location & phone number)
:*topics to be addressed in the course
:*required texts, recommended texts & any additional materials
:*number, nature and forms of assessment
:*weighting of each assessment
:*any course pre-requisites
:*the University’s academic integrity policy
:*the right to submit written work in English or French
:*penalties for late submitted assignment
Instructors are ''required'' to distribute a course syllabus during the first week of class<ref>[https://studentrights.ssmu.ca/wp-content/uploads/2016/09/2016-04_student_assessment_policy.pdf University Student Assessment Policy]: Article 3.2.1</ref>
Contrary to popular belief, there are no regulations regarding changes to course syllabi at McGill. In fact, the University retains the power to change evaluation schemes in the event of any “extraordinary circumstances” outside of their control.<ref>[https://studentrights.ssmu.ca/wp-content/uploads/2016/09/2016-04_student_assessment_policy.pdf University Student Assessment Policy]: Article 3.2.3</ref>
According to the [https://studentrights.ssmu.ca/wp-content/uploads/2016/09/2016-04_student_assessment_policy.pdf University Student Assessment Policy]:
In addition, students have a right to an impartial and competent reread of any written Assessment and, where warranted, a revision of the grade received (3.7.1). Both guarantees are subject to “reasonable” administrative arrangements and time-frame. The administrative process for most reassessments is regulated at the Faculty level.
=Course SyllabiFinal Exams=Final exams are held during the Official Examination Periods in December and April. They should be worth at least 25%, '''but not more than 75% of a total grade''' (University Student Assessment Policy, 6.1.3).::''In the case of missed assignments or accommodations, students '''may elect to write a final worth more than 75%'''. However, they must also be given the choice of another assessment (6.1.3).''===ChangesConflicts===Contrary to popular belief, there Final exams are no regulations regarding changes to course syllabi at McGillheld during the [https://www.mcgill. In factca/importantdates/key-dates Official Examination Periods] in December and April, the University retains the power to change evaluation schemes except in the event Faculties of any “extraordinary circumstances” outside of their controlMedicine and Dentistry.<ref>Exam scheduling and conflict resolution is dealt with by the [https://studentrightswww.ssmumcgill.ca/wp-contentstudents/uploadsexams/2016/09/2016Exams Office], except in the case of Faculty-04_student_assessment_policyadministered exams.pdf University Student Assessment Policy]: Article 3.2.3</ref>===Content===Course outlines '''must includeAcademic exam conflicts exist where a student has:''':*access information for Two exams at the instructor (office hours, location & phone number)same time;:*topics to be addressed Three consecutive exams in the course24 hours;:*required texts, recommended texts & any additional materialsFour exams in two days; or:*number, nature and forms of assessmentFive exams in three days.:*weighting of each assessmentReligious conflicts exist where an exam interferes with a [https:*any course pre//www.mcgill.ca/importantdates/holy-days-requisites:*the University’s academic integrity policy:*the right to submit written work in English 0 religious holy day or Frenchobservance]. More information on recognizing exam conflicts can be [https:*penalties for late submitted assignment//www.mcgill.ca/students/exams/dates/conflicts found here].===Distribution===Instructors Students who are experiencing conflicts should submit a '''[https://www.mcgill.ca/students/exams/files/students.exams/finalexamconflictform.pdf Final Exam Conflict Form]'required'' to distribute within four (4) weeks of the start of the exam period. If you require guidance or are facing difficulties in addressing a course syllabus during conflict, contact the first week of class<ref>[https://studentrightswww.ssmumcgill.ca/wp-contentstudents/uploadsexams/2016/09/2016-04_student_assessment_policyExams Office] directly.pdf ===Reviewing Exams===Every student has a right to consult any written Assessment for which they have received a mark, and to receive an explanation of their grade from the instructor (University Student Assessment Policy]: Article , 3.6.1). In addition, students have a right to an impartial and competent reread of any written Assessment and, where warranted, a revision of the grade received (3.27.1</ref>). Both guarantees are subject to “reasonable” administrative arrangements and timeframe.
=Relevant Policies=
;[[Charter of Students' Rights]]