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893 bytes added, 01:43, 24 January 2014
add comments for the rest of the functions
function p.makeSubpagesBlurb(args, env)
-- Get [[ -- Generates the "Subpages of this template " link. -- @args - a table of arguments passed by the user -- @env - environment table containing title objectobjects, etc., generated with p.getEnvironment -- Messages: -- 'template-pagetype' --> 'template' -- 'module-pagetype' --> 'module' -- 'default-pagetype' --> 'page' -- 'subpages-link-display' --> 'Subpages of this $1' --]]
local subjectSpace = env.subjectSpace
local templateTitle = env.templateTitle
return nil
-- Make the subpages blurb.
local pagetype
if subjectSpace == 10 then
function p.makePrintBlurb(args, env)
-- Get [=[ -- Generates the blurb displayed when there is a print version of the template available. -- @args - a table of arguments passed by the user -- @env - environment table containing title objects, etc., generated with p.getEnvironment -- -- Messages: -- 'print-link-display' --> '/Print title object' -- 'print-blurb' --> 'A [[Help:Books/for experts#Improving the book layout|print version]]' -- .. ' of this template exists at $1.' -- .. ' If you make a change to this template, please update the print version as well.' -- 'display-print-category' --> true -- 'print-category' --> 'Templates with print versions' --]=]
local printTitle = env.printTitle
if not printTitle then
return nil
-- Make the print blurb.
local ret
if printTitle.exists then
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