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301 bytes added, 01:05, 24 January 2014
convert makeCategoriesBlurb comment
function p.makeCategoriesBlurb(args, env)
-- Get [[ -- Generates the text "Please add categories to the /doc subpage." -- @args - a table of arguments passed by the user -- @env - environment table containing title objectobjects, etc., generated with p.getEnvironment -- Messages: -- 'doc-link-display' --> '/doc' -- 'add-categories-blurb' --> 'Please add categories to the $1 subpage.' --]]
local docTitle = env.docTitle
if not docTitle then
return nil
-- Make the blurb.
local docPathLink = makeWikilink(docTitle.prefixedText, message('doc-link-display'))
return message('add-categories-blurb', {docPathLink})
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