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VP Academic
Current: Raphi Zonis
Email: [mailto:vpacademic@mcgilleus.ca
Office Hours
Tuesday: 4:00-5:30
Friday: 11:30-12:30
Committees EPTS, TechWeek, TechFair

Letter from the VP Internal

I was born in Brooklyn, New York and have lived in New Jersey for the majority of my life. Since I have been at McGill, I have been very involved with education, both in a direct and indirect way. To this end, I have served as an Engineering Peer Tutoring Service (EPTS) tutor for two years, first as the U0 Math Tutor and then as the MATH 271 tutor, and have served as the VP Academic for the McGill Association of Mechanical Engineering (MAME) for two years as well. For my work as VP Academic, I was awarded the "Departmental VP of the Year" in the 2015-2016 year by the EUS Executive Committee, and the "VP of the Year" award in the 2016-2017 by the MAME Council. In addition to this, I have been involved in three different research labs at McGill, both within and outside the Faculty of Engineering. Ensuring that the education of engineering is provided in an effective and competent way, and fostering an environment where students are able to discover and explore their academic passions, are very important goals to which I aspire. University is a special and transformative time where I believe people discover themselves as people and students, and make important decisions about who they are and what they are capable of. My goal is to make sure that every student in our Faculty has as much freedom and knowledge as possible in order to make these important decisions for themselves.


The position of the EUS VP Academic can roughly be summed up as having three major roles: oversight and assistance in the operation of student run academic activities, management of academic funds, and student representation to the Faculty. The first role denotes the job the VP Academic has in overseeing certain Faculty wide events such as TechFair and TechWeek, overseeing certain Faculty wide services such as the Engineering Peer Tutoring Service, and being a general point of contact for all things academics-related for any club, committee, or departmental society within the EUS. The second role speaks to the role of the VP Academic in ensuring that the primary academic funds managed by the EUS, namely the Engineering Undergraduate Support Fund and the Engineering Undergraduate Equipment Fund, function as per intended and are used effectively and responsibly across the Faculty. Lastly, the third role of the VP Academic is to sit on any and all academically related Faculty-wide committees and to act as the representative for all ~3200 undergraduate students enrolled in the Faculty of Engineering.