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! Date !! Number !! Type !! Item !! Decision !! Notes
| rowspan="10"|[https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B21eROjBjmg1MTZSRTJGNm9qUzQ 10/2/2016] || 6.1 || Discussion || Recruitment Policy Adoption || style="background-color:Moccasin"|Postponed || Not prepared enough, council votes to postpone
| rowspan="10" style="border-bottom:2px solid black;"|[https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B21eROjBjmg1MTZSRTJGNm9qUzQ 10/2/2016] || 6.1 || Discussion || Recruitment Policy Adoption || style="background-color:Moccasin"|Postponed || Not prepared enough, council votes to postpone
| 6.2 || Motion || New Initiative Policy Ratification || style="background-color:Moccasin"|Postponed || Passed in spirit, was already approved by executive committee over the summer
| 6.2 || Motion || New Initiative Policy Ratification || style="background-color:Moccasin"|Postponed || Passed in spirit, was already approved by executive committee over the summer

Revision as of 22:50, 14 November 2017

Date Number Type Item Decision Notes
10/2/2016 6.1 Discussion Recruitment Policy Adoption Postponed Not prepared enough, council votes to postpone
6.2 Motion New Initiative Policy Ratification Postponed Passed in spirit, was already approved by executive committee over the summer
6.3 Motion Ratification of CRO and Adoption of Electoral Schedule Postponed Schedule not prepared, postponed accordingly
6.4 Notice Prepare for Blacklisting Committee Creation Postponed Committee created at the beginning of every year
6.5 Motion Ratification of List of Committees Passed List created at the beginning of every year of committees and their respective chairs.
6.6 Motion Budget Review Committee Creation Passed General Members: Amir Nizami, Maxence Frenette, Pauline Kress, Maana Javaadi
6.7 Motion Clubs Fund Committee Creation Passed Michael Chan, Hillary Williams, Noel Bergereon
6.8 Motion PBRC Committee Formation Passed Mike Harvey, Vivian Campbell, Alec Thomlison, Michael Bulua, John Chan, Azat ?, Evan ?, Tre Mansdoerfer
6.9 Motion Existence of Mining CoOp Fee Referendum Passed Referendum question will exist, wording to be decided at later council
6.10 Motion Appointment of General EUS Member for CDE Delegation SelComm Passed Dimitri Calomiris will be the general member to sit on CDE delegation selcomm.
10/12/2016 6.1 Presentation Budget Review Session N/A Fall 2017 budget is presented by Budget Director & VP Finance, grouped by executive portfolio
6.2 Motion Budget Approval Passed Approval of 6.1 presentation
6.3 Motion Text of Co-op Fee Referendum (Mining) Passed Vote to begin the fee increase question for mining co-op program
6.4 Motion Election Schedule Passed The schedule that outlines election period in Winter 2017
6.5 Motion Allocation of a vote at EUS Council to the U1 Bio-Engineering Reps Passed The new department does not have a student society yet, U1 Bioengineering Representatives have been selected. This grants them the power to voice by vote at council
6.6 Motion SSFC F16 Creation Postponed No information in the minutes.
6.7 Motion The Formation of the EUS Event's Blacklisting Committee Passed Members unlisted in minutes, committee exists in the case a blacklisting is requested as per relevant bylaws.
10/26/2016 6.1 Notice Proposal for SSMU Furnishing Phase 1 Proposal N/A Proposal for $1100 to furnish new space in SSMU Building
6.2 Notice Committee Room Renovation Proposal N/A $1339.36 in total
6.3 Motion Selection to the SSF Committee Passed Nick Clarke, Mike Harvey, Leo Lamanuzzi, Naif ? Selected
6.4 Motion Motion for the EUS to endorce the conduct of Engineering Senator Elections through EUS Elections Passed Move engineering senator from SSMU's jurisdiction to EUS
6.5 Discussion Involvement within the EUS N/A None
6.6 Motion Adoption of Recruitment Policy Passed Policy outlines best practice for recruiting new members.
6.7 Motion CopiEUS Manager Bylaws Passed Agglomeration of CopiEUS, G-Store, Frostbite manager bylaws into one motion. Multiple votes to return it to PBRC failed.
6.8 Motion Cube Manager Bylaws Passed Creation of the Cube Manager position, responibsilities, etc.
6.9 Motion Frostbite Manager Bylaws Passed Frostbite bylaws are removed and absorbed into 6.7
6.10 Motion G-Store Manager Bylaws Passed G-Store bylaws are removed and absorbed into 6.7
11/9/2016 5.1 Presentation Bioengineering Representatives N/A Outlines their steps to become a department
5.2 Presentation McGill Rocket Team Proposal for SSMU Furnishing (Phase 2) N/A Request for $2000, phase 2 of a presentation given the previous council
5.3 Presentation Simvo N/A Promotion of engineering course planning
5.4 Presentation Capital fund Plumber's Station N/A Includes notice of motion for following council
6.1 Motion Proposal for SSMU Funding Phase 1 Passed See previous council meeting for presentation
6.2 Motion Financial Bylaws Amendment Passed Adds stipulations for credit card policy (6.3)
6.3 Motion Credit Card Policy Passed Creation of credit card policy, who can use it, who approves it, what dollar value is required.
6.4 Motion DTFC Allocations Passed Dedicating $19,000 to DTFC
6.5 Motion CFC Allocation Passed Approval of allocations made by the CFC
6.6 Motion SSF Allocation Striked None
6.7 Motion SSF Capital Committee Room Renovation Proposal Passed None
6.8 Discussion EUSF Bylaw Changes N/A General support of allowing technicians/Tas to be hired using EUSFunds
6.9 Discussion Wellness Survey N/A None
6.10 Motion SEAM Bylaws Passed Added an advisory board made up of members from TISED, MESC, and more
6.11 Motion Sustainability Commissioner Bylaws Passed Creation of section outlining Sustainability Coordinator selection and responsibilities added to SEAM bylaws (6.10)
6.12 Motion McGill Engineering Competition Committee Bylaws Passed Merger of MEC lite and MEC bylaws
6.13 Motion Engineering Games Committee Bylaws Passed Selection of EngGames committee has been moved to January to reflect timeline of the games