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rowspan="10"|[https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B21eROjBjmg1MTZSRTJGNm9qUzQ 10/2/2016] 6.1 Discussion Recruitment Policy Adoption style="background-color:Moccasin"|Postponed Not prepared enough, council votes to postpone
! Date !! Number !! Type !! Item !! Decision !! Notes
6.2 Motion New Initiative Policy Ratification style="background-color:Moccasin"|Postponed Passed in spirit, was already approved by executive committee over the summer
6.3 Motion Ratification of CRO and Adoption of Electoral Schedule style="background-color:Moccasin"|Postponed Schedule not prepared, postponed accordingly
| 2016-10-02 || 6.1 || Discussion || Recruitment Policy Adoption || style="background-color:Moccasin"|Postponed || Not prepared enough, council votes to postpone
6.4 Notice Prepare for Blacklisting Committee Creation style="background-color:Moccasin"|Postponed Committee created at the beginning of every year
6.5 Motion Ratification of List of Committees style="background-color:LightGreen"|Passed List created at the beginning of every year of committees and their respective chairs.
| https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B21eROjBjmg1MTZSRTJGNm9qUzQ || 6.2 || Motion || New Initiative Policy Ratification || style="background-color:Moccasin"|Postponed || Passed in spirit, was already approved by executive committee over the summer
6.6 Motion Budget Review Committee Creation style="background-color:LightGreen"|Passed General Members: Amir Nizami, Maxence Frenette, Pauline Kress, Maana Javaadi
6.7 Motion Clubs Fund Committee Creation style="background-color:LightGreen"|Passed Michael Chan, Hillary Williams, Noel Bergereon
|  || 6.3 || Motion || Ratification of CRO and Adoption of Electoral Schedule || style="background-color:Moccasin"|Postponed || Schedule not prepared, postponed accordingly
6.8 Motion PBRC Committee Formation style="background-color:LightGreen"|Passed Mike Harvey, Vivian Campbell, Alec Thomlison, Michael Bulua, John Chan, Azat ?, Evan ?, Tre Mansdoerfer
6.9 Motion Existence of Mining CoOp Fee Referendum style="background-color:LightGreen"|Passed Referendum question will exist, wording to be decided at later council
|  || 6.4 || Notice || Prepare for Blacklisting Committee Creation || style="background-color:Moccasin"|Postponed || Committee created at the beginning of every year
6.10 Motion Appointment of General EUS Member for CDE Delegation SelComm style="background-color:LightGreen"|Passed Dimitri Calomiris will be the general member to sit on CDE delegation selcomm.
rowspan="7"|[https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/0B8upYONovJ7GWVFYLTJJSnZaZWM 10/12/2016] 6.1 Presentation Budget Review Session style="background-color:Silver"|N/A Fall 2017 budget is presented by Budget Director & VP Finance, grouped by executive portfolio
|  || 6.5 || Motion || Ratification of List of Committees || Passed || List created at the beginning of every year of committees and their respective chairs.
6.2 Motion Budget Approval style="background-color:LightGreen"|Passed Approval of 6.1 presentation
6.3 Motion Text of Co-op Fee Referendum (Mining) style="background-color:LightGreen"|Passed Vote to begin the fee increase question for mining co-op program
|  || 6.6 || Motion || Budget Review Committee Creation || Passed || General Members: Amir Nizami, Maxence Frenette, Pauline Kress, Maana Javaadi
6.4 Motion Election Schedule style="background-color:LightGreen"|Passed The schedule that outlines election period in Winter 2017
6.5 Motion Allocation of a vote at EUS Council to the U1 Bio-Engineering Reps style="background-color:LightGreen"|Passed The new department does not have a student society yet, U1 Bioengineering Representatives have been selected. This grants them the power to voice by vote at council
|  || 6.7 || Motion || Clubs Fund Committee Creation || Passed || Michael Chan, Hillary Williams, Noel Bergereon
6.6 Motion SSFC F16 Creation style="background-color:Moccasin"|Postponed No information in the minutes.
6.7 Motion The Formation of the EUS Event's Blacklisting Committee style="background-color:LightGreen"|Passed Members unlisted in minutes, committee exists in the case a blacklisting is requested as per relevant bylaws.
|  || 6.8 || Motion || PBRC Committee Formation || Passed || Mike Harvey, Vivian Campbell, Alec Thomlison, Michael Bulua, John Chan, Azat ?, Evan ?, Tre Mansdoerfer
rowspan="10"|[https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B8upYONovJ7GWVFYLTJJSnZaZWM 10/26/2016] 6.1 Notice Proposal for SSMU Furnishing Phase 1 Proposal style="background-color:Silver"|N/A Proposal for $1100 to furnish new space in SSMU Building
6.2 Notice Committee Room Renovation Proposal style="background-color:Silver"|N/A $1339.36 in total
|  || 6.9 || Motion || Existence of Mining CoOp Fee Referendum || Passed || Referendum question will exist, wording to be decided at later council
6.3 Motion Selection to the SSF Committee style="background-color:LightGreen"|Passed Nick Clarke, Mike Harvey, Leo Lamanuzzi, Naif ? Selected
6.4 Motion Motion for the EUS to endorce the conduct of Engineering Senator Elections through EUS Elections style="background-color:LightGreen"|Passed Move engineering senator from SSMU's jurisdiction to EUS
|  || 6.10 || Motion || Appointment of General EUS Member for CDE Delegation SelComm || Passed || Dimitri Calomiris will be the general member to sit on CDE delegation selcomm.
6.5 Discussion Involvement within the EUS style="background-color:Silver"|N/A
6.6 Motion Adoption of Recruitment Policy style="background-color:LightGreen"|Passed Policy outlines best practice for recruiting new members.
6.7 Motion CopiEUS Manager Bylaws style="background-color:LightGreen"|Passed Agglomeration of CopiEUS, G-Store, Frostbite manager bylaws into one motion. Multiple votes to return it to PBRC failed.
6.8 Motion Cube Manager Bylaws style="background-color:LightGreen"|Passed Creation of the Cube Manager position, responibsilities, etc.
6.9 Motion Frostbite Manager Bylaws style="background-color:LightGreen"|Passed Frostbite bylaws are removed and absorbed into 6.7
6.10 Motion G-Store Manager Bylaws style="background-color:LightGreen"|Passed G-Store bylaws are removed and absorbed into 6.7
rowspan="17"|[https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B8upYONovJ7GUW85dDZPSUNIYUk 11/9/2016] 5.1 Presentation Bioengineering Representatives style="background-color:Silver"|N/A Outlines their steps to become a department
5.2 Presentation McGill Rocket Team Proposal for SSMU Furnishing (Phase 2) style="background-color:Silver"|N/A Request for $2000, phase 2 of a presentation given the previous council
5.3 Presentation Simvo style="background-color:Silver"|N/A Promotion of engineering course planning
5.4 Presentation Capital fund Plumber's Station style="background-color:Silver"|N/A Includes notice of motion for following council
6.1 Motion Proposal for SSMU Funding Phase 1 style="background-color:LightGreen"|Passed See previous council meeting for presentation
6.2 Motion Financial Bylaws Amendment style="background-color:LightGreen"|Passed Adds stipulations for credit card policy (6.3)
6.3 Motion Credit Card Policy style="background-color:LightGreen"|Passed Creation of credit card policy, who can use it, who approves it, what dollar value is required.
6.4 Motion DTFC Allocations style="background-color:LightGreen"|Passed Dedicating $19,000 to DTFC
6.5 Motion CFC Allocation style="background-color:LightGreen"|Passed Approval of allocations made by the CFC
6.6 Motion SSF Allocation style="background-color:Silver"|Striked
6.7 Motion SSF Capital Committee Room Renovation Proposal style="background-color:LightGreen"|Passed
6.8 Discussion EUSF Bylaw Changes style="background-color:Silver"|N/A General support of allowing technicians/Tas to be hired using EUSFunds
6.9 Discussion Wellness Survey style="background-color:Silver"|N/A
6.10 Motion SEAM Bylaws style="background-color:LightGreen"|Passed Added an advisory board made up of members from TISED, MESC, and more
6.11 Motion Sustainability Commissioner Bylaws style="background-color:LightGreen"|Passed Creation of section outlining Sustainability Coordinator selection and responsibilities added to SEAM bylaws (6.10)
6.12 Motion McGill Engineering Competition Committee Bylaws style="background-color:LightGreen"|Passed Merger of MEC lite and MEC bylaws
6.13 Motion Engineering Games Committee Bylaws style="background-color:LightGreen"|Passed Selection of EngGames committee has been moved to January to reflect timeline of the games

Revision as of 22:45, 14 November 2017

rowspan="10"|10/2/2016 6.1 Discussion Recruitment Policy Adoption style="background-color:Moccasin"|Postponed Not prepared enough, council votes to postpone 6.2 Motion New Initiative Policy Ratification style="background-color:Moccasin"|Postponed Passed in spirit, was already approved by executive committee over the summer 6.3 Motion Ratification of CRO and Adoption of Electoral Schedule style="background-color:Moccasin"|Postponed Schedule not prepared, postponed accordingly 6.4 Notice Prepare for Blacklisting Committee Creation style="background-color:Moccasin"|Postponed Committee created at the beginning of every year 6.5 Motion Ratification of List of Committees style="background-color:LightGreen"|Passed List created at the beginning of every year of committees and their respective chairs. 6.6 Motion Budget Review Committee Creation style="background-color:LightGreen"|Passed General Members: Amir Nizami, Maxence Frenette, Pauline Kress, Maana Javaadi 6.7 Motion Clubs Fund Committee Creation style="background-color:LightGreen"|Passed Michael Chan, Hillary Williams, Noel Bergereon 6.8 Motion PBRC Committee Formation style="background-color:LightGreen"|Passed Mike Harvey, Vivian Campbell, Alec Thomlison, Michael Bulua, John Chan, Azat ?, Evan ?, Tre Mansdoerfer 6.9 Motion Existence of Mining CoOp Fee Referendum style="background-color:LightGreen"|Passed Referendum question will exist, wording to be decided at later council 6.10 Motion Appointment of General EUS Member for CDE Delegation SelComm style="background-color:LightGreen"|Passed Dimitri Calomiris will be the general member to sit on CDE delegation selcomm. rowspan="7"|10/12/2016 6.1 Presentation Budget Review Session style="background-color:Silver"|N/A Fall 2017 budget is presented by Budget Director & VP Finance, grouped by executive portfolio 6.2 Motion Budget Approval style="background-color:LightGreen"|Passed Approval of 6.1 presentation 6.3 Motion Text of Co-op Fee Referendum (Mining) style="background-color:LightGreen"|Passed Vote to begin the fee increase question for mining co-op program 6.4 Motion Election Schedule style="background-color:LightGreen"|Passed The schedule that outlines election period in Winter 2017 6.5 Motion Allocation of a vote at EUS Council to the U1 Bio-Engineering Reps style="background-color:LightGreen"|Passed The new department does not have a student society yet, U1 Bioengineering Representatives have been selected. This grants them the power to voice by vote at council 6.6 Motion SSFC F16 Creation style="background-color:Moccasin"|Postponed No information in the minutes. 6.7 Motion The Formation of the EUS Event's Blacklisting Committee style="background-color:LightGreen"|Passed Members unlisted in minutes, committee exists in the case a blacklisting is requested as per relevant bylaws. rowspan="10"|10/26/2016 6.1 Notice Proposal for SSMU Furnishing Phase 1 Proposal style="background-color:Silver"|N/A Proposal for $1100 to furnish new space in SSMU Building 6.2 Notice Committee Room Renovation Proposal style="background-color:Silver"|N/A $1339.36 in total 6.3 Motion Selection to the SSF Committee style="background-color:LightGreen"|Passed Nick Clarke, Mike Harvey, Leo Lamanuzzi, Naif ? Selected 6.4 Motion Motion for the EUS to endorce the conduct of Engineering Senator Elections through EUS Elections style="background-color:LightGreen"|Passed Move engineering senator from SSMU's jurisdiction to EUS 6.5 Discussion Involvement within the EUS style="background-color:Silver"|N/A 6.6 Motion Adoption of Recruitment Policy style="background-color:LightGreen"|Passed Policy outlines best practice for recruiting new members. 6.7 Motion CopiEUS Manager Bylaws style="background-color:LightGreen"|Passed Agglomeration of CopiEUS, G-Store, Frostbite manager bylaws into one motion. Multiple votes to return it to PBRC failed. 6.8 Motion Cube Manager Bylaws style="background-color:LightGreen"|Passed Creation of the Cube Manager position, responibsilities, etc. 6.9 Motion Frostbite Manager Bylaws style="background-color:LightGreen"|Passed Frostbite bylaws are removed and absorbed into 6.7 6.10 Motion G-Store Manager Bylaws style="background-color:LightGreen"|Passed G-Store bylaws are removed and absorbed into 6.7 rowspan="17"|11/9/2016 5.1 Presentation Bioengineering Representatives style="background-color:Silver"|N/A Outlines their steps to become a department 5.2 Presentation McGill Rocket Team Proposal for SSMU Furnishing (Phase 2) style="background-color:Silver"|N/A Request for $2000, phase 2 of a presentation given the previous council 5.3 Presentation Simvo style="background-color:Silver"|N/A Promotion of engineering course planning 5.4 Presentation Capital fund Plumber's Station style="background-color:Silver"|N/A Includes notice of motion for following council 6.1 Motion Proposal for SSMU Funding Phase 1 style="background-color:LightGreen"|Passed See previous council meeting for presentation 6.2 Motion Financial Bylaws Amendment style="background-color:LightGreen"|Passed Adds stipulations for credit card policy (6.3) 6.3 Motion Credit Card Policy style="background-color:LightGreen"|Passed Creation of credit card policy, who can use it, who approves it, what dollar value is required. 6.4 Motion DTFC Allocations style="background-color:LightGreen"|Passed Dedicating $19,000 to DTFC 6.5 Motion CFC Allocation style="background-color:LightGreen"|Passed Approval of allocations made by the CFC 6.6 Motion SSF Allocation style="background-color:Silver"|Striked 6.7 Motion SSF Capital Committee Room Renovation Proposal style="background-color:LightGreen"|Passed 6.8 Discussion EUSF Bylaw Changes style="background-color:Silver"|N/A General support of allowing technicians/Tas to be hired using EUSFunds 6.9 Discussion Wellness Survey style="background-color:Silver"|N/A 6.10 Motion SEAM Bylaws style="background-color:LightGreen"|Passed Added an advisory board made up of members from TISED, MESC, and more 6.11 Motion Sustainability Commissioner Bylaws style="background-color:LightGreen"|Passed Creation of section outlining Sustainability Coordinator selection and responsibilities added to SEAM bylaws (6.10) 6.12 Motion McGill Engineering Competition Committee Bylaws style="background-color:LightGreen"|Passed Merger of MEC lite and MEC bylaws 6.13 Motion Engineering Games Committee Bylaws style="background-color:LightGreen"|Passed Selection of EngGames committee has been moved to January to reflect timeline of the games