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P R O T O T Y P E   T E M P L A T E

This regional userbox template creates a customizable userbox on your user page. This template is normally invoked by other templates as a metatemplate, but it may also be used as a stand-alone template. The template syntax is:



  • option= the option number (default=1)
  • region= the required region name as listed in Wikipedia
  • the= the text "the" if the word "the" normally precedes the region name (default=null)
  • adjective= the adjective form of the region name (default=region – required for options 41-43, optional for options 34-35, see below)
  • title= the fully formatted region title to be used in the userbox (default={{#if:{{{the|}}}|the }}[[{{{region|}}}|'''{{nowrap|{{{region|}}}}}''']])
  • demonym= an optional regional demonym (only if preferred to the adjective for options 34-35, e.g., "This user is a Welshman" versus "This user is Welsh")
  • an= the text "an" if the optional regional demonym begins with a vowel sound (default=a)
  • nation= the nation name as listed in Wikipedia only if the region is a subdivision of a sovereign state (default=region)
  • nationality= the national adjective only if the region is a subdivision of a sovereign state (default=adjective)
  • project= the type of regional WikiProject (required for option 61):
    • project=WikiProject – a devoted regional WikiProject (default)
    • project=task force – a WikiProject regional task force
    • project=work group – a WikiProject regional work group
  • member= the type of regional project membership (required for option 61):
    • member=member (default)
    • member=participant
    • member=volunteer
  • main= the responsible regional WikiProject root name (default=region – required for option 61)
  • sub= the WikiProject regional task force or work group root name (default=region – required for option 61 if project=task force or project=work group)
  • align= an optional horizontal alignment of the userbox text:
    • align=left
    • align=center (default)
    • align=right
  • color= an optional userbox background color (default=white)
  • image= an optional userbox image (default=Flag of {{#if:{{{the|}}}|the }}{{{region|}}}.svg)
  • width= an optional maximum width of the userbox image in pixels (default=null, i.e., limited only by image height of 45 pixels)
  • info= an optional userbox text. The default userbox text is shown in the table below for each option number:
option default info
0 no userbox
1 This user lives in Region
2 This user resides in Region
3 This user is a resident of Region
4 This user is a part-time resident of Region
5 This user is a student in Region
6 This user currently studies in Region
7 This user currently works in Region
8 This user currently lives in Region
11 This user is proud to be a native citizen of Region
12 This user is a proud native citizen of Region
13 This user is a native citizen of Region
14 This user is a lifelong citizen of Region
15 This user was born and lives in Region
16 This user is proud to be a naturalized citizen of Region
This user is proud to be a naturalized National citizen living in Region
17 This user is a proud naturalized citizen of Region
This user is a proud naturalized National citizen living in Region
18 This user is a naturalized citizen of Region
This user is a naturalized National citizen living in Region
19 This user is a resident citizen of Region
21 This user is a nonresident citizen of Region
22 This user is a nonresident native citizen of Region
23 This user is a nonresident native of Region
31 This user is a proud native of Region
32 This user is a native of Region
33 This user was born in Region
34 This user is proud to be Regional
This user is proud to be a Demonym
35 This user is Regional
This user is a Demonym
41 This user is of Regional ancestry
42 This user is of Regional descent
43 This user is of Regional heritage
44 An ancestor of this user was born in Region
51 This user is an interested native citizen of Region
52 This user is an interested resident citizen of Region
53 This user is an interested resident of Region
54 This user is an interested citizen of Region
55 This user is an interested native of Region
56 This user is an interested descendant of Region
57 This user is interested in Region
61 This user is a member of WikiProject Region
This user participates in WikiProject Region
This user is a member of the Region task force
This user participates in the Region task force
This user is a member of the Region work group
This user participates in the Region work group
71 This user is from Region
72 This user is a former resident of Region
73 This user has lived in Region
74 This user has visited Region
75 This user frequently visits Region
81 This user loves Region
82 This user longs for Region
83 This user wishes to be in Region
91 This user has family in Region
92 This user has friends in Region
93 This user has associates in Region
94 This user does business in Region
99 This user is associated with Region

Override parameters

The following additional parameters may be used to override the normal userbox settings:

  • border-c= an optional userbox border color (default=black)
  • id= an alternate text or image to the default flag image
  • id-a= an optional horizontal alignment of the id (dafault=left)
  • id-c= an optional id background color (default=color if width is specified, otherwise border-c)
  • id-w= an optional width of the id in pixels (default=1)
  • info-c= an optional info background color (default=color)
  • info-fc= an optional info font color (default=black)
  • info-lh= an optional info line height (default={{#expr:0.85+{{{wp-s|10}}}/20}}em for option 61, otherwise 1.25em)
  • info-s= an optional info font size in pixels (default=8)
  • wp-s= an optional info emphasis font size in pixels (default=10, used for option 61 only)

See Template:Userbox for other default userbox settings.


Placing the following Wikitext on your user page:


produces the following userbox:

x45pxThis user is proud to be a native citizen of Wales

The following userboxes demonstrate each of this template's options:

x45pxThis user lives in Afghanistan
x45pxThis user resides in Algeria
x45pxThis user is a resident of Argentina
x45pxThis user is a part-time resident of Australia
x45pxThis user is a student in Bangladesh
x45pxThis user currently studies in Brazil
x45pxThis user currently works in Myanmar
x45pxThis user currently lives in Canada
x45pxThis user is proud to be a native citizen of China
x45pxThis user is a proud native citizen of Colombia
x45pxThis user is a native citizen of Democratic Republic of the Congo
x45pxThis user is a lifelong citizen of Côte d'Ivoire
x45pxThis user was born and lives in Egypt
x45pxThis user is proud to be a naturalized citizen of Ethiopia
x45pxThis user is proud to be a naturalized American citizen living in Florida
x45pxThis user is a proud naturalized citizen of Germany
x45pxThis user is a proud naturalized Mexican citizen living in Guanajuato
x45pxThis user is a naturalized citizen of Ghana
x45pxThis user is a naturalized British citizen living in Scotland
x45pxThis user is a resident citizen of India
x45pxThis user is a nonresident citizen of Indonesia
x45pxThis user is a nonresident native citizen of Iran
x45pxThis user is a nonresident native of Iraq
x45pxThis user is a proud native of Italy
x45pxThis user is a native of Japan
x45pxThis user was born in Kenya
x45pxThis user is proud to be North Korean
x45pxThis user is proud to be a South Korean
x45pxThis user is Malaysian
x45pxThis user is a Mexican
x45pxThis user is of Moroccan ancestry
x45pxThis user is of Mozambican descent
x45pxThis user is of Nigerian heritage
x45pxAn ancestor of this user was born in Pakistan
x45pxThis user is an interested native citizen of Peru
x45pxThis user is an interested resident citizen of Philippines
x45pxThis user is an interested resident of Poland
x45pxThis user is an interested citizen of Romania
x45pxThis user is associated with Saudi Arabia
x45pxThis user is an interested descendant of South Africa
x45pxThis user is interested in Sudan
x45pxThis user is a member of
WikiProject Russia
x45pxThis user participates in
WikiProject Spain
x45pxThis user is a member of the
Galápagos Islands task force
x45pxThis user participates in the
Southern California task force
x45pxThis user is a member of the
Guam work group
x45pxThis user participates in the
French Polynesia work group
x45pxThis user is from Syria
x45pxThis user is a former resident of Taiwan
x45pxThis user has lived in Tanzania
x45pxThis user has visited Thailand
x45pxThis user frequently visits Turkey
x45pxThis user loves Uganda
x45pxThis user longs for Ukraine
x45pxThis user wishes to be in United Kingdom
x45pxThis user has family in United States of America
x45pxThis user has friends in Uzbekistan
x45pxThis user has associates in Venezuela
x45pxThis user does business in Vietnam
x45pxThis user is associated with Yemen

See also