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The Long Term (capital) account is available at any point in the year. It is approved through any regular meeting of the [[Board of Governors]]. Applications for this fund are in the form of a motion that you must submit 5 days before a board meeting - for additional information on how to do this you can email the [mailto:board.chair@mcgilleus.ca board chair]. Similarly to the short term application, a capital request motion should contain descriptions/quotes/budgets for each item. For these larger requests it’s especially important for multiple quotes to be shown and the budget be thorough. Feel free to layout multiple budget options if there is leeway in the request.
====Application Example====
For an example application to SSF, a package can be found [https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1ZQakgz_1g03IcSr03O7lULRCMABNk6oK?usp=share_link|here].