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Canadian Society for Civil Engineering

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| labelstyle = background-color:#ddd;
| header1 = Executive Team
| label2 = President | data2 = Philippe AllardElisabeth Simard | label3 = Sponsorship External Director | data3 = Dante NesparoliRomy Sayegh | label4 = Administrative External Director | data4 = Nicholas SalvoWen Hao Wei | label5 = Communications Director| data5 = Emily AndersonStephen Chang
The '''Canadian Society for Civil Engineering''' (CSCE) is a national professional society whose membership is comprised of practicing civil engineers, corporations, professors, and students like you. The society promotes professional development, exchange of knowledge, public awareness, and networking in the field of Civil Engineering. CSCE McGill Chapter connects students to the professional engineering world through construction site tours, guest speakers, industry tours and seminars. Membership is free!
== Structure ==
The McGill Chapter of the CSCE is integrated within the [ CEUS] but operates completely independently. The VP External of CEUS will serve as the CSCE President. The CEUS VP Finance will have jurisdiction over financial inquiries.

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