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McGill Association of Mechanical Engineers

12 bytes removed, 14:26, 23 February 2022
Updated name of council
The '''''Sponsorship Committee's''''' responsibilities include helping organize and run professional events, seeking sponsorship for events, and finding innovative ways of integrating companies in MAME activities. The Committee is led by the VP External.
==Executive Committee==
The Executive Committee for 20192021-2020 2022 consists of:
{| class="wikitable sortable alternating"
|Pierre-Luc LeboeufWalker Singleton
|VP Finance
|Saman GholamiKostas Mavroeidis
|VP Internal
|Walker SingletonThomas Tuchenhagen
|VP External
|VP Academic
|Sepehr MoalemiYahya Haider
|VP Administration
| Thomas TuchenhagenMaxwell Au
|VP Communications
|Sophie Jones-GlickLuis Sanchez
|VP Events
|Philippe VoyerSophie Jones-Glick
|U0 Representative
| Jessica LauNicholas de Chazal
|U1 Representative
| Antoine VoyerJessica Lau
|U2 Representative
|Blondeline DupervalAntoine Voyer
|U3 Representative
|Kostas MavroeidisPierre-Luc Leboeuf
|U4 Representative
|Momo GhasemiLianne Campbell
|Equity & Mental Health Coordinator
|Isabel WleugelNaomi Fung

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