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Blues Pub Merch

10 bytes removed, 21:53, 24 March 2021
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{{Blues Pub Header}}
<div style="font-family: MonospaceVerdana; font-size:20px15px; color:#121BAD; margin-top: 0%; margin-bottom: 2%; margin-left: 5%; text-align: left"> ==Dice==
[[File: blues dice.png|200px|right]]
<div style="font-family: MonospaceVerdana; font-size:12px; color:#6266AF16194a; margin-left: 7%l text-align: left">
As [[Beer die|Beer Die]] is a common Friday sport, we have decided to make available some new Blues Pub custom dice! Contact the facebook page, instagram, or a Blues Pub manager to get yours! Each dice is sold for $3. ** sales have been put on hold during the pandemic **
<div style="font-family: MonospaceVerdana; font-size:20px15px; color:#121BAD; margin-top: 0%; margin-bottom: 2%; margin-left: 5%; text-align: left"> ==Stickers==<div style="font-family: MonospaceVerdana; font-size:12px; color:#6266AF16194a; margin-left: 7%l text-align: left">
You can get your own Blues Pub sticker to decorate your laptop or water bottle or forehead by asking a volunteer during blues, or contacting the Blues pages or managers! A new design will be available shortly.
<div style="font-family: MonospaceVerdana; font-size:16px20px; color:#121BAD; margin-top: 05%; margin-bottom: 20%" class="center">
Check back in the fall for more potential merch items!
{{Blues Pub Contact}}

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