Updated the Funding Allocation section to reflect the changes made to the DTF equation by the Finance Committee in Winter 2021.
*''Budgets from this year & last''
==Funding Allocation==
DTF allocation is based on diversity, sizethe number of EUS members on, and performance of , each design team. A bonus stipend is also available to newly formed Design Teams. This is outlined in the next section, however, if . If you would like to make changes to this system, make sure to contact the [[Design Team Director]] and [[VP Student Life]] before the DTFC meeting date.
===The Equation===
The total amount available in the fund for a semester is split into 3 4 categories:*New Team Stipend (Varies Year to Year)*Base (3545%)*Diversity and Size Number of EUS Members (2535%)*Performance (4020%) :'''New Team Stipend'''::For the first 3 years of their existence, design teams are entitled to the New Team Stipend. The value allocated starts at $750 for a first year team, and decreases by $250 each year until the fourth year of operation, when it reaches $0. For example, if McGill Formula Concrete was founded in Fall 2016 it would receive a $750 stipend at Fall 2016 and Winter 2017 DTFC, a $500 stipend at Fall 2017 and Winter 2018 DTFC, and a $250 stipend at Fall 2018 and Winter 2019 DTFC. The amount of money allocated to the New Team Stipend is determined prior to the regular allocation, and the regular allocation is done with the amount left after the new team stipend is distributed. i.e. if $20,000 is available for allocation, and $1000 of New Team Stipends are allocated, then the regular allocation would continue with $20,000 - $1000 = $19,000.
::The base, 3545% of the total fund, is evenly split among all design teams.:'''Diversity and SizeNumber of EUS Members'''::A quarter 35% of the fund is allocated based on the number of EUS members on their team size and diversity. A The funding allocated for each design team's score for by this section is calculated determined by multiplying the diversity multiplier ratio of a department by the number of EUS members on their team members in that department. The department multiplier varies from 0.25 to 4 and is calculated by dividing that department's portion of undergraduate students by its portion the total number of EUS members on design teams. This means that For example, if MFE has 20 bioengineers on their 500 EUS students are design team members, and bioengineers make up 20% $10,000 is allocated towards the Number of the EUS but only 10% of design Members category while Baja has 100 EUS members on their team members, MFE's bioengineering score would be 20 then Baja will get a total of $10000* 20% 100/ 10% 500 = 40$2000 from this section. This calculation is done for each department and summed for each design team. These relative scores determine a team's funding (a higher score More EUS members means more money!).
::A design team's performance dictates the split of the remaining 4020% of the fund. A team's score on performance is the sum of the total number of competitions the team attended in the 2 previous years and the team's top 3 competition scores. Competition scores are calculated by dividing the total number of competitors at a competition to the power of 0.67 by the team's rank to the power of 1.5 (for a max per comp score of 4). Again a A higher score means more money!
[[Category:VP Student Life Groups]]