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EUS Constitution

120 bytes removed, 08:31, 26 January 2021
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<div class="noautonum">__TOC__</div>
The EUS Constitution is the presiding document for the student society. It outlines many fundamental roles, definitions, mandates, and goals of the EUS overall. A constitution is an agreement between the engineering undergraduate students and the Society. It was originally written in 1874 and continues to be amended as needed.<br>Original Version 1974<br>As amended to February 1990, March 1992, November 1993, March 1994, March1995, November 1995, March 1996, February 2001, March 2002, March 2004,November 2004, November 2007, [[EUS Constitution 2013{{Button|1=|March 2013]], [[EUS Constitution 20172=Default button appearance|March 2017]], [[EUS Constitution Winter 20183=fas fa-folder|April 2018]], '''November 2018'''.4=#C3423F}}
=TITLE I: The Engineering Undergraduate Society=
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