→Stripe Fees
These fees are '''substracted''' from each transaction. Thus, for a canadian issued credit card, you need to multiply the ticket price by (1-0.022) and then subtract 0.30 from it to compute the amount of money you're going to get. For instance, if the ticket price is 20$, you will get 20*(1-0.022) - 0.30 = 19.26$ after Stripe fees. Thus, the following calculation will give the price to put your event at to put Stripe fees on your customer: (TICKET_PRICE + 0.30)/(1 - 0.022). This assumes that most of your participants will pay with a canadian-issued credit card, which is almost always the case.
==Overall Example==
Overall, there are three things you need to take into account when budgeting for a Yapsody event:
# Yapsody Fees
# Stripe Fees
# Taxes
Let's say you have all of the expenses for an event budgeted and you've figured out it will cost you $35+tax per person to host the event. You expect (conservatively) that 30 people will attend the event. This brings the total cost of the event to $1050+tax. For simplicity purposes, the only revenue you have for this event is Yapsody ticket sales and you need to figure out what the price of your ticket needs to be in order to cover the pre-tax cost of the event that your group will be charged, i.e. $1050.
====Yapsody Fees====
First, we factor in Yapsody fees. We're going to assume that the Yapsody Fees are being charged to our group and not being passed on to the customer.
====Stripe Fees====
Now, we're going to factor in Stripe Fees. We're going to project for a Canadian issued credit card, which it will be about 15% of the time, but for simplicity let's assume fully Canadian.
Finally, we factor in taxes
That is going to be the net amount deposited into our internal accounts for every ticket sold. We are projecting to sell at LEAST 30 tickets, so to cover the cost of the event, the following equation should hold true:
The ticket price can now be calculated and it looks to be like ~$43.19 in order to get $1050 in revenues. Now, I would round that up to $45 to give us some contingency on our budget.
Overall, in order to throw this event that costed $35 per person, we need to charge $45 per person on Yapsody. If you want to save some calculation for covering Yapsody Fees, you can hit the checkmark to pass that charge onto customers, and then your base fee should just take into account taxes and Stripe fees.