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Publications Director

269 bytes added, 17:30, 5 May 2020
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'''''The Plumber’s Faucet''''' is a satirical publication that publishes different kinds of creative works such as short stories, comic strips, and illustrations, covering topics about on-campus events and the everyday life of an engineering student. The Plumber's Faucet also started the Plumber's Tap, a comedy show that showcases student and Montreal comedy performances in the basement of the McConnell Engineering Building. The publications director provides insight on the monthly issues before being published and guides the EIC on future outreach plans. For more information on how to get involved and to see their latest issue, follow their [ Facebook page] and check out their [ website].
 ==History of the Position== <tabs container="width:500px"> <tab name="2020-2021">{| class="wikitablesortable"!|+ 2019-2020|-!2018Name:|-|Imane Chafi|-|}</tab><tab name="2019-2020">{| class="wikitable sortable"|+ 2019-2020 |-! Name:
|Kenji Marshall
<tab name="2018-2019">
{| class="wikitable sortable"
|+ 2018-2019
! Name:
|Jude Habib

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