webmaster position
{{Job Board Post
|dateCreated=March 12th28th, 2020
|position=IT DirectorWebmaster|group=IT Committee|logo=File:eusit_logo.png|category=Committee chairmember|jobAppClose=2020-0304-2905|appLink=https://forms.gle/zHEjMv3pmHrMTSok9d9GegeqYvt2L5MNe9|duration=May 2020 - May 2021|pay=$0/hr|skills=<b>The most important trait is a desire to learn.</b> Prior knowledge of anything related to web development is ideal, but not a requirement!|jobAppOpen=2020-03-28|numSpots=3|contactEmail=it.director@mcgilleus.ca|Interesting in managing appMethod=Selection Committee|description=Interested developing new websites for the McGill EUS's IT Services? Passionate about IT and project management? Interested in learning about web developmentskills such as website hosting, React.js, Bootstrap, cloud server managementHTML and more? Enjoy team projects, hardware management and cybersecuritylearning new things? <b>Apply to be the 2020-2021 EUS IT Director!</b>