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Job:20200311IT Director

14 bytes added, 19:04, 22 March 2020
|dateCreated=March 12th, 2020
|position=IT Director|group=IT Committee|logo=File:eusit_logo.png|category=Committee chair|jobAppClose=2020-03-2229|appLink=|Interesting in managing the EUS's IT Services? Passionate about IT and project management? Interested in learning about web development, cloud server management, hardware management and cybersecurity? <b>Apply to be the 2020-2021 EUS IT Director!</b>
As IT Director, you will manage the IT Committee, the TeN screens, the EUS Wiki and all websites! You will be working with a team of 9+ dedicated committee members, you will have exclusive (almost) access to the EUS IT Server Room, and you will learn a ton of new skills! Apply before March 22nd29nd!
|duration=May 2020 - May 2021|pay=$0/hr|skills=<b>The most important trait is a desire to learn.</b> Prior knowledge of anything related to web development or server management is ideal, but not a requirement!|jobAppOpen=2020-03-12|numSpots=1||appMethod=Selection Committee|description=Interested in managing the EUS's IT Services? Passionate about IT and project management? Interested in learning about web development, cloud server management, hardware management and cybersecurity? <b>Apply to be the 2020-2021 EUS IT Director!</b>
As IT Director, you will manage the IT Committee, the TeN screens, the EUS Wiki and all websites! You will be working with a team of 9+ dedicated committee members, you will have exclusive (almost) access to the EUS IT Server Room, and you will learn a ton of new skills! Apply before Applications extended till March 22nd29th!|workload=}}

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